Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 225 Jiang Shangyun, don't come here unharmed

Chapter 225 Jiang Shangyun, don't come here unharmed
"What are you in a hurry for?" The man picked up a rope from the ground and handed it to He Qingge, "Qingge, tie her up too!"

While talking, seeing Jiang Shangyun struggling, he said coldly, "If you dare to move again, I will make your life worse than death."

"Two", no doubt, Qiao Ran and Jiang Shangyun stopped moving.Nowadays, what's the use of struggling for the knife and the fish for me?

Seeing that both Qiao Ran and Jiang Shangyun were bound, the man's expression became joyful.

Walking towards Jiang Shangyun slowly, he pulled off the cloth covering his eyes and stuffing his mouth one by one, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Shang Yun, don't come here unharmed!"

Jiang Shangyun's eyes were still adapting to the light, but when he heard the words, he didn't care, and looked up in surprise. After the white light in front of his eyes disappeared, a familiar face appeared in front of him.

"Yu'an? You're not dead? Your voice..."

He Yu'an sneered, "Yeah, I didn't die, did I disappoint you?"

Jiang Shangyun shook his head in disbelief, "I never thought of you dying!"

"Heh~ You haven't thought about it, but it doesn't mean that Qiao Zhengnan hasn't thought about it! These years, my life is worse than death, and it's thanks to him!!"

He Yu'an pinched Jiang Shangyun's chin with great force with his fingertips, wishing he could smash it to pieces.

As deep as love is, so is hate!There was a hint of blood in the eyes, but the hand didn't let go.

Jiang Shangyun's mood was already unstable, his eyes were filled with tears, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

"Yu An, let Ran Ran go, it has nothing to do with her, it's my fault, it's my fault, I beg you, okay?"

He Yu'an whispered, "Let her go? Shang Yun, do you think it's possible?" As he spoke, he looked at Qiao Ran with cold eyes.

There was no trace of kindness in those eyes, and Qiao Ran couldn't help but take a few steps back, clasping her hands tightly behind her.

Although she had prepared for the worst when she came, she was a young girl after all.Faced with fear, will be afraid, will want to hide.

Nervous to the extreme, seeing the man approaching gradually, Qiao Ran was so frightened that she couldn't move at all, let alone dared to move, for fear of angering the man.

Qiao Ran's nervousness and fear obviously pleased the man, who slowly stopped a few steps in front of her, looked at Qiao Ran for a few seconds, and then spoke calmly.

"Qing Ge, I was arrested for you, you can deal with it as you like, if something goes wrong, Dad will take care of it for you."

Qiao Ran was undoubtedly shocked by what He Yu'an said, and her eyes widened in disbelief.

And Jiang Shangyun looked at the three people here, shook his head repeatedly, and begged, "Yu An, can you let Ran Ran go? Please!"

He Qingge chuckled, glanced at Jiang Shangyun, stepped forward and hugged He Yuan, putting his head in his arms, "Thank you, Dad."

He Yu'an didn't say anything, but just raised his hand and patted He Qingge's shoulder, smiling, with a look of 'kindness' on his face.

He Qingge stood up straight, pointed at the three men standing behind Jiang Shangyun, "You have worked hard today, I will give this woman to you!"

As he said that, he looked at He Yuan with a smile on his face, "Father, is it okay for me to do this?"

He Yu'an stroked He Qingge's head, "Of course, as long as Qingge is happy."

The three people standing behind Jiang Shangyun were stunned, as if they didn't expect to encounter such a good thing, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

But when he heard the following words, there was no doubt, Nuonuo kept walking towards Qiao Ran.

When Qiao Ran heard He Qingge's father and daughter singing together, the siren had already sounded in his heart.

Seeing the three of them coming towards her, they smiled wretchedly.Where can I take care of so much, I ran towards the door.

However, her hands were tied behind her back, and she couldn't open the door. Seeing the strong smell of sweat, she burst into tears.

Shouting loudly, in the empty and dead space, apart from the constantly amplified voice, so fearful and lonely, there is nothing else.

The three of them were getting closer and closer, Qiao Ran was unable to retreat, and her whole body was trembling.At this moment, I was so helpless.

"He Qingge, if you want me to die, it's better to simply shoot me!"

He Qingge heard the words, and whispered, "Isn't it too cheap to let you die directly? After serving these three men, I will fulfill you and give you a good shot."

As He Qingge said, Qiao Ran was held down by three big men and thrown to the cold ground.

When Gu Han returned home, he was depressed all the time, with a pouty face, sitting on the sofa and playing games, his voice was loud, as if he was venting his unhappiness.

Gu Siling didn't go to the company today. After finishing his work in the study, he heard loud game music coming from the living room.

He stopped walking, stood in the corridor, looked towards the first floor, and saw the little guy pointing at the screen of the iPad angrily, his brows furrowed involuntarily, after watching for a while, he finally walked downstairs.

Sitting down not far from the little guy, the little guy seemed to have not noticed him at all, and he never raised his eyes.

Gu Siling frowned, reached out and took the iPad from the little guy's hand, threw it on the sofa, and spoke heavily.

"It's like this just after you came back from your mommy. Why, your mommy doesn't want you anymore?"

When Gu Han heard this, he put his little hands on his hips, and pushed back gloomily, "Hmph~ Dad, why doesn't Mommy want you anymore?"

Don't think that he doesn't know when he was young. Dad and Mummy have been very abnormal recently.Mommy seldom smiles and doesn't go to the company; Dad doesn't go to find Mommy, but he always talks to him!
Could it be that he is so stupid in father's heart?If he wasn't his father, wouldn't he be a little undercover agent?

Thinking about it, Gu Han crossed Erlang's legs, short legs, clasped his calves with his hands coldly, and looked at Gu Siling extremely depressed.

"Dad, I always feel that Mummy is acting weird today. She called Grandma Fang after answering a phone call, asking to pick me up."

"Before Grandma Fang left, she kept telling me stories and hugged me tightly. Her voice was a little hoarse. I always felt that something happened to my mother!"

"Dad, can you get someone to check what's going on? I'm not with Mommy now, so I'm really worried about Mommy."

At that time, he told Mummy that he didn't want to come back, but Mummy refused. Normally, whatever request he made, Mummy would try her best to satisfy him.

Gu Siling pursed her thin lips tightly when she heard this, and after a while, she stroked the little guy's head and comforted her, "Don't worry, with daddy here, daddy won't let your mommy have trouble!"

The little guy nodded, his expression was finally not so serious and gloomy.

Gu Siling went back to the study, turned on the computer, and soon a mesh image was displayed on the screen.One of the red dots is very eye-catching, which is the location he installed on Qiao Ran's mobile phone.

Gu Siling clicked the mouse lightly, and the screen was enlarged. When he saw the position displayed by the red dot, Gu Siling's eyes suddenly widened.

Almost at the same time, Gu Siling grabbed the cell phone on the table, found a number, and dialed it.

 Recently, the old Kawen originally wanted to add more updates, but I’m afraid it won’t be possible at this stage. When the sweetness comes later, if you have time, you will add more updates! !

(End of this chapter)

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