Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 226 Whose Daughter Am I?

Chapter 226 Whose Daughter Am I?

"Second brother, are you free now? Arrange a dozen or so good bodyguards for me. I'm going to visit the abandoned factory in the north of the city... Yes! The sooner the better! Okay, I'll go there first, and you'll call me when you arrive." !"

Gu Siling hung up the phone, without his coat on, and asked Mrs. Fang to take care of Gu Han, took the car keys and walked outside quickly.

Qiao Ran was pressed to the ground by three men, her hair was disheveled, her clothes had faded to her shoulders, revealing her fair and delicate skin.

The whole person was lying on the ground, struggling feebly, his hair sticking to his face with sweat, in an indescribable embarrassment.

Jiang Shangyun looked at Qiao Ran with tears all over his face, his mouth was gagged, and his emotions collapsed to the extreme. Because of the heartache, his face became paler and paler.

He Yu'an sat on the big wooden chair in the house, watching everything with cold eyes, his eyes filled with unresolved pleasure.

And He Qingge, smiling happily, was holding a mobile phone, and was taking pictures of Qiao Ran's embarrassment and desperation under the siege of three men.

Qiao Ran's body was exposed more and more, her clothes were messed up, and she lay on the ground to protect herself. The despair in her eyes was so obvious, and the fear in her heart had never been so intense.

She clenched her teeth tightly and forced herself not to make any sound of showing weakness. The bound hands were numb from the pain, and she was unconscious.

The sound of cloth being torn across the silent space, the coolness on his body deepened, and the hairs on his back seemed to stand on end. At this moment, Qiao Ran couldn't help crying again.

Crystal tears flowed down the corners of her eyes and fell to the ground, forming a circle of wet traces on the ground.

In the ear was Jiang Shangyun's louder and louder whimpering, mixed with the hearty laughter of the He family's father and daughter. Finally, Qiao Ran closed her eyes resignedly and stopped struggling.

But at this moment, the door of the room was kicked open from the outside, and everyone in the room, except Qiao Ran, all looked at the door in unison.

Xiao Yan walked in front in black clothes and trousers, followed by his shiny black leather shoes into the room, and a dozen bodyguards rushed in behind him, quickly surrounding the people in the room.

The three middle-aged men lost their fists, and were quickly kicked to the ground, begging for mercy.The gun that He Qingge put on the table just now was also taken away.

He Yu'an got up from the wooden chair slowly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked old and cunning. Based on his experience, this situation and this scene seemed to be like a mountain collapsed before him, but his face remained unchanged.

With his hands behind his back, his voice sounded like a wolf's, "Mr. Xiao, you are a rare visitor!"

Xiao Yan's eyes were deep, and for a moment, he chuckled, but walked towards Qiao Ran without saying a word.

When passing by He Qingge, he stopped walking, with a half-smile, looking at the things He Qingge was holding.

The movement was quick, and before the latter was surprised, the mobile phone had already fallen into his hands.

He glanced at the screen lightly with his eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, flipped his fingers, and put them into his pocket.

Seeing Xiao Yan's expression, He Qingge couldn't help shivering, and took two steps back slightly.

The eyelashes trembled, and when he blinked again, Xiao Yan had already walked up to Qiao Ran, took off his clothes, and covered Qiao Ran.

Just as Xiao Yan was about to help Qiao Ran up, he saw a black shadow falling towards him, shining on the dim yellow light, stretching infinitely on the ground.

Immediately after that, there was a scream, and He Qingge wanted to pounce on Xiao Yan to get the phone back, but unexpectedly, the bodyguard who was standing beside her calmly grabbed her suddenly.

Her hands were so strong that she couldn't help screaming, she turned her head and shouted at He Yuan, "Dad, help me!"

The cloth stuffed in Jiang Shangyun's mouth had just been removed. Seeing this, he unconsciously said, "No!"

When He Yu'an walked from Xiao Yan to Qiao Ran, his eyes showed a murderous look, which became more and more intense. Seeing He Qingge's arm being grabbed, his face turned pale from the pain, and his eyes were cold.

He was very close to Jiang Shangyun, and the bodyguard was still untying Jiang Shangyun's rope. If he didn't pay attention, he was attacked by He Yu'an and kicked back several steps.

He Yu'an had already arrived in front of Jiang Shangyun, grabbed Jiang Shangyun's neck with one hand, held a gun in the other hand, and threatened Xiao Yan who was hugging Qiao Ran.

"Mr. Xiao, if you don't want her to die, let me and my daughter go today!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yan narrowed his long and narrow Danfeng eyes slightly, looking at Qiao Ran who was trembling in his arms, his eyes were full of murderous aura, and his voice was chilling to the bone.

"He Yu'an, one life is exchanged for two lives, you think highly of yourself."

He Yu'an laughed loudly, "Whether this woman is worth two lives, Mr. Xiao knows better than anyone else!"

When Xiao Yan heard this, his face was cold and cold. After a while, he said coldly, "I promise you!"

"Well, you arrange a car for us right away and let us leave."

Xiao Yan glanced at Jiang Shangyun sternly, "Let her go first!"

When He Yuan heard this, the strength in his hand tightened again, and Jiang Shangyun cried out in pain, but could not make any more sound.

"Mr. Xiao, is he treating me like a three-year-old child? Without further ado, arrange a car for me immediately."

Xiao Yan helped Qiao Ran up. Qiao Ran was still trembling with lingering fear at the moment. Xiao Yan patted her lightly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

He signaled to the bodyguard beside him, who understood and walked out.

He Yuan raised his chin towards He Qingge, "Qingge, stand beside me!"

Xiao Yan pursed his thin lips, and looked at He Yu'an with a half-smile, "It's a couple of days, a hundred days of kindness, Mr. He, I don't do you feel when you treat the person who shared your bed with you like this?"

He Qingge was walking towards He Yu'an, when he heard Xiao Yan's casual words, he couldn't help but stop, and looked at Xiao Yan in horror.

Qiao Ran raised her head suddenly when she heard the words, as if she thought she had heard wrong just now, so He Qingge spoke first.

"Ayan, what did you say?"

Xiao Yan lowered his head, looked at Qiao Ran and smiled lightly, and said indifferently, "Ran Ran, Mr. He is Aunt Jiang's ex-husband!"

"Then whose daughter am I?" He Qingge's mood fluctuated, with tears in his eyes, looking at Xiao Yan.

The corners of Xiao Yan's mouth raised a few smiles, and he stood tall and lean, "Miss He, if you have any questions, you can ask her yourself!"

He Qingge looked along Xiao Yan's hand, and saw Jiang Shangyun looking at her with a painful face.

Because the neck was pinched, his complexion was very bad, pale, as if he would faint in the next second.

He Qingge looked at it, his heart seemed to be pulled by something suddenly, and there was a labor pain.Without any hesitation, he ran over and tried to push He Yuan away.

He Yu'an didn't mind, so he was pushed back two steps, his hands relaxed slightly, but he didn't let go.

However, what Xiao Yan wanted was this opportunity to distract He Yu'an. The bodyguards on the side were ready when they received Xiao Yan's intention.

When He Yuan was retreating, He Yuan made a sudden attack. He Yuan was too busy to take care of himself. After several times of dodging, he finally had to let go of Jiang Shangyun.

 It may be a bit abused recently, the climax of the article is relatively normal, but it will be sweet soon! !
(End of this chapter)

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