Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 227 Illegitimate daughter?

Chapter 227 Illegitimate daughter?
Seeing this, Xiao Yan quickly pulled Qiao Ran away.

Seeing that He Yu'an had let go of Jiang Shangyun, He Qingge subconsciously supported her and sat her down by the chair.

The emotions in his eyes were secretive, staring at the latter who was out of breath, without saying a word, but his hand was stroking Jiang Shangyun's back, giving her comfort.

The sound of fighting in her ears seemed to have completely disappeared, not attracting the slightest interest and attention from her.

After a while, the surroundings became completely silent. He Yu'an was restrained by the bodyguards, but He Qingge didn't take a look.

She just spoke in a low voice, and the tremor in her voice revealed her emotions, her worry about getting an answer soon.

"Is it true what Xiao Yan said? Am I your daughter and your father's daughter?"

Hearing the words, Jiang Shangyun raised his eyes to look at He Qingge, before he could say anything, the pain in his eyes had already stabbed He Qingge, He Qingge stepped back a few steps, muttering in his mouth.

"Then why don't you want me? For so many years, you have never seen me! I always thought I was an orphan, but it turned out that no one wanted me!"

"My father, who is clearly alive, has never come to see me! My mother, who is also alive, has denied me! Then why did you give birth to me in the first place?"

Jiang Shangyun's lips moved, as if something was stuck in his throat, when he saw He Qingge's collapsed expression, he couldn't say anything in the end.

Seeing this, He Yuan laughed wildly, "Do you know why? Because you are not my daughter at all, you were born to Qiao Zhengnan and his ex-wife!"

Qiao Ran and He Qingge couldn't help but tremble when they heard the words. Everyone in S City knew that Qiao Ran's mother had only given birth to one child.

Qiao Ran couldn't help thinking, if He Qingge is her parents' child, then whose child is she?

But what He Qingge couldn't accept was that if Qiao Zhengnan was her father, then all these years, her hatred would undoubtedly be a joke.

Moreover, she not only personally destroyed his company, but also indirectly killed him.

Seeing this, He Yu'an didn't give up, staring at He Qingge closely, talking unhurriedly.It seemed that a father was comforting his child, but he was actually piercing his heart.

"Qing Ge, don't be sad. After all, these things have passed. In order to let his illegitimate daughter recognize his ancestors and return to his family, Qiao Zhengnan did not hesitate to hide it from his wife and replaced the illegitimate daughter with his wife's daughter! Such a situation Father, it's not worth your sorrow!"

It took less than a minute to finish a few short sentences, but it took the listener a long time to fully digest them.

In order for the illegitimate daughter to recognize her ancestors and return to the clan, replace the illegitimate daughter with the daughter of the regular wife?

Is the wife's daughter He Qingge?
Is the illegitimate daughter Qiao Ran again?
Qiao Ran clasped her hands tightly by her side, and looked at Jiang Shangyun who was covering his face and weeping, the words were indeed addressed to Xiao Yan.

"Ayan, you already knew about this, right?"

Xiao Yan nodded calmly, "I did know about it not long ago. I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would be sad, but I didn't expect what happened today."

Hearing this, Qiao Ran didn't speak for a long time, her heart suddenly seemed blocked.

He Qingge suddenly laughed, but laughed, but cried again, "Now that I think about it, you've been laughing at me, haven't you? It turns out that I'm the most pathetic!!"

Saying that, she raised her finger to Qiao Ran, "Qiao Ran, it's all you, it's all you! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been abandoned, I wouldn't have been humiliated for so many years, and I wouldn't have lived such a miserable life!"

Seeing He Qingge's emotional collapse, Jiang Shangyun stood up tremblingly, trying to hold He Qingge, but was swung away by the latter.

Jiang Shangyun was weak and almost fell to the ground. When he looked up at He Qingge, there was no trace of the expression in the latter's eyes that he had just helped her to sit down.

He Qingge opened the door behind him and ran out. As soon as he reached the main entrance, he sensed that something was wrong. Through the crack of the door, there seemed to be several police cars parked outside.

It turned out that Xiao Yan not only brought bodyguards, but also the police when he came here this time.

He Qingge reacted quickly, turned around and wanted to run towards the side door, but saw Jiang Shangyun following behind him at some point.

Not far away is a row of stairs, stretching to the upper floor, and I stepped up without thinking too much.

At this moment, she felt abandoned by the whole world, she didn't want to see anyone, she just wanted to find a corner and stay quietly.

But Jiang Shangyun thought it was He Qingge who would be overwhelmed.In her heart, ever since she found out about this, she has always felt guilty towards He Qingge.

What's more, what He Yu'an said was not entirely correct. She wanted to explain to He Qingge that He Qingge and Qiao Ran should get along in harmony.

He Qingge turned a blind eye to her, she had no choice but to pay attention to her silently.Knowing that she is doing well, she has been very comforted in her heart.

She was very happy when He Qingge came to see her yesterday, but she didn't know that He Qingge brought her here to attract Qiao Ran.

Jiang Shangyun climbed up the stairs, followed closely behind He Qingge, feeling dizzy.Seeing that He Qingge was still climbing up, he had no choice but to keep up.

But there were several floors of stairs, and after climbing several floors, balls of white light appeared in front of her eyes, and she whispered, "Qing Ge!"

However, He Qingge couldn't hear her voice, the entrance to the fifth floor had already reached the rooftop, and seeing Jiang Shangyun still following behind, he stopped angrily and turned around.

"Are you finished? Your daughter is downstairs, what are you doing with me?"

He Qingge's tone was very bad, almost hysterical, and he yelled at Jiang Shangyun.

In fact, it's not because the emotions accumulated in the heart have nowhere to erupt, and once they have an outlet, they can no longer be controlled.

Jiang Shangyun pulled He Qingge's sleeve, still out of breath, his voice trembling, "Qingge, can you listen to me? Your father didn't intend to abandon you at that time, he..."

Jiang Shangyun was eager to explain, worried that He Qingge would not listen to what she had to say, so he only grasped the key points, but he didn't know that from He Qingge's ears, this mention directly hit her pain point.

He Qingge interrupted directly, sternly, "Stop talking, the more you explain, the more I will hate you all! Let go!!"

Jiang Shangyun didn't speak again, but his hands were still tightly wrapped around He Qingge's sleeves, and he shook his head firmly.

Seeing this, He Qingge heard footsteps getting closer and closer from the stairwell. He ignored it and waved Jiang Shangyun away.

Jiang Shangyun originally grabbed He Qingge's sleeve, on the one hand, to hold He Qingge, and on the other hand, to stabilize his body.

She hadn't touched a drop of water since yesterday, and she had no strength at all. Just now, she was terrified when she saw Qiao Ran being bullied, but now she has climbed a few more floors, and her body has reached its limit.

She grasped it tightly, so He Qingge's strength was naturally great.With this wave, Jiang Shangyun let go of his hand, but at the same time his body fell backwards.

(End of this chapter)

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