Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 228 Suspected of Kidnapping?

Chapter 228 Suspected of Kidnapping?

Just as Qiao Ran and Xiao Yan climbed up to the fourth floor, they happened to see He Qingge waving, and Jiang Shangyun fell down the stairs.

But it was too late, the stairs were high and steep, Jiang Shangyun fell down, hit his head on the ground, fainted, blood flowed down her forehead.

Seeing this, He Qingge's eyes widened in horror, he completely forgot to react, and just stared blankly at Jiang Shangyun who was lying on the ground.

Qiao Ran was terrified, but before she could even move her foot, she felt a sharp pain.Qiao Ran clutched her heart and fell to the ground, her face pale with pain.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan quickly supported Qiao Ran's body and laid it flat on the ground.Qiao Ran's trembling hands held onto Xiao Yan tightly.

With Qiao Ran breathing more steadily, Xiao Yan quickly took out his mobile phone to make a call, and ordered, "Bring a few people to the fourth floor immediately."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yan didn't stop, and walked downstairs with Qiao Ran on his back.

The people below came up, a few of them went upstairs, and the two stayed to help Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan didn't make a sound from the beginning to the end, his face was cold, and his whole body exuded an aura that strangers should not get close to. With Qiao Ran on his back, he walked straight to the main entrance without any help from others.

Put Qiao Ran into the car, and while fastening Qiao Ran's seat belt, he told the people standing outside the car.

"Everything here is entrusted to you, and my whereabouts are not allowed to be revealed to anyone!"


Xiao Yan said to the driver, "Drive! Go to the residence in the east of the city!"

Gu Siling was driving the car to the bend in the middle of the mountain, when he saw a Rolls Royce coming down, the car was driving so fast that it almost passed by in a flash.

For some reason, even though he passed sideways for a few seconds, his eyes couldn't help but look into the car.

But the car window was covered with a dark film, and everything inside could not be seen clearly from the outside. Gu Siling cared about Qiao Ran in his heart, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, Qiao Ran's location was displayed on his mobile phone, which was still at the abandoned factory.

The road was very bad, but Gu Siling's car was still driving very fast. Before reaching the destination, he saw several cars approaching, and the first three were all police cars.

A bad premonition welled up in his heart, Gu Siling stopped the car, walked towards the police car, and knocked on the window.

The policeman in the car lowered the window, saw that it was Gu Siling, and hurriedly greeted him, "Hello, Mr. Gu!"

Gu Siling nodded, but saw He Qingge in the back seat of the car, sitting there blankly, and didn't even respond to his voice.

Gu Siling couldn't help but frowned, pointed at He Qingge, and asked, "What's going on?"

"Mr. Gu, this woman is suspected of kidnapping and pushed another woman down the stairs. We will take her to the bureau for interrogation."

When Gu Siling heard this, her heart seemed to miss a beat suddenly, "Suspected of kidnapping?... What does the woman she pushed look like?"

"The woman is in the police car behind, still unconscious in front of her, and we are about to send her to..."

Before the police finished speaking, Gu Siling walked towards the police car behind, opened the door, and saw that it wasn't Qiao Ran, and suddenly felt relieved.

But within a few seconds, when he saw Jiang Shangyun's face clearly, he finally realized that it was unusual.

He hurriedly took out his mobile phone to check the location. After a while, his eyebrows frowned and he asked, "There is a girl in her 20s with black hair and a relatively small stature. Her mobile phone location is displayed on the car in front of me, but I didn't look at it just now." to her!"

A policeman sitting outside said, "There is such a girl, but Mr. Yan has already taken her away."

Hearing this, Gu Siling suddenly remembered that he met a Rolls-Royce on the way here, and when he looked at the Rolls-Royce behind him, he suddenly realized.

He told the leading policeman, "Send the wounded patients directly to Deren Hospital, and I'll let them make arrangements there! Others, send them to the bureau. Don't be in a hurry to interrogate them. I'll tell your chief."

"Okay! Mr. Gu!"

"That's it first, I'll go first!"

"Mr. Gu, go slowly!"

Gu Siling hummed, got into the car, slammed on the brakes and sped away, while still on the phone, "Check out the first Rolls-Royce that left the abandoned factory in the east of the city just now, I want to know the exact location .”

Gu Siling hung up the phone, and called Ji Yuhuan again, "Fourth brother, you can make arrangements over there, a comatose patient will be sent over in about an hour, it's Ran Ran's mother, well, check it yourself... ..."

Just as Gu Siling was talking, he saw a large truck rushing towards him at the corner of the intersection, and it was too late to make an emergency brake.Before the darkness enveloped, there was a loud noise in the ear.

Ji Yuhuan was stunned for a few seconds when he heard the loud noise coming from the other end of the phone, and then shouted to the other end of the phone, "Third brother!!"

Gu Siling was in a car accident. Although the airbag deployed in time, the other party was a truck full of goods after all. The collision caused serious injuries. He was in a coma for many days and hadn't woken up yet.

Jiang Shangyun was lying in the hospital and had been in a coma. Qiao Ran never showed up from the beginning to the end.

Shen Qingjue was afraid that Hanhan would know about his parents, so he took him to City Z. He found out that Han Jing most likely went there.

Moreover, Han Jing's boyfriend Jiang Xin also went to City Z, which further affirmed his judgment.

In the police station, because Gu Siling did not show up for several days, the police never interrogated He Qingge and He Yuan.

Since He Qingge arrived at the police station that day, he never spoke a word, except for drinking water, he didn't eat a drop of rice.

A few days later, He Qingge took the initiative to ask for an interrogation, and took everything, including what He Yuan committed, on himself.

She was sitting in the interrogation room, facing two policemen with cold and stern expressions, but she was unprecedentedly calm, which seemed to be beyond everyone's expectations.

With a calm attitude, he slowly revealed the matter, without fear, scheming, or any other expressions in his eyes.

It's like talking about an innocuous matter, which has nothing to do with my present, let alone my future.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that the woman in front of her is indifferent to life and death.

Evil is rewarded with evil, it has been so since ancient times.However, this young woman's light tone is inexplicably distressing.

In particular, the person who is still a household name, who is only one title away from the actress, is now down to this point, and can no longer wash away the dirt.

After He Qingge finished speaking, he pressed his name on the statement, and suddenly smiled, his plain face was still shockingly beautiful.

She said slowly, "Can I see my father?"

The two policemen sitting across from each other looked at each other and nodded.

"We'll arrange it for you!"

He Qingge heard the words, said thank you softly, got up and walked out.

When he walked to the door, because he was looking at the ground, a pair of black leather shoes suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. He Qingge smiled when he looked up and saw the person coming.

"You came to see me." She said slowly.

 The hole buried at the beginning of the article needs to be filled, and I have to follow the original outline. If you have any opinions, I will accept them~~
  Also, this stage of the plot will come to an end on Friday~~ Everyone will not be worried for too long! !
(End of this chapter)

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