Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 232 Have You Read Those Letters?

Chapter 232 Have You Read Those Letters?

"Your psychology hasn't matured, but it's full of hatred. Your relationship with Gu Siling has an impure purpose."

Hearing this, Qiao Ran's face was calm, she fixedly stared at every trace of Fu Yunshen's expression, and then slowly opened her mouth after a while.

"I'm here today for the Hongmen Banquet?"

"You think so?"

"What are you talking about just now, if you're not condemning me? That's right, my heart is indeed filled with hatred, and approaching Gu Siling also has an impure purpose."

"He Qingge spent five years destroying me. Five years later, she cut her wrist. Why should I pity her? I'm not a saint, I'm just an ordinary person who can no longer be ordinary."

Fu Yunshen looked at Qiao Ran for a long time, and finally sighed.

"Ran Ran, that's why I say, you're not mature enough! Since you've made up your mind, I won't force you. But it's a life, and if you say it's gone, it's gone!"

"At that time, even if you regret it, you can't get it back. She is in the Central Hospital. I'm here, no matter what, I hope you think about it!"

After Fu Yunshen finished speaking, he got up and left. After a while, Qiao Ran turned to look out of the window. At the same time, a tear fell on the table.

After Qiao Ran returned to the villa in the east of the city, she locked herself in the room.Holding the phone, he was in a daze.

There is nothing else in it except the wechat sent by the little guy.Regarding Jiang Shangyun and Gu Siling, there is really no news at all.

Jiang Shangyun fell from upstairs that time, and she didn't know what was going on. She wanted to see her, but she was very repulsed to see her.

As for Gu Siling, when something like this happened to He Qingge, he must have been in the saddle for a long time. It is obviously very normal to forget her as a character.

But, why is she so depressed and sad in her heart?

Qiao Ran was in a daze when she heard someone pushing the door open.You don't need to look up to know who it is.

Besides Xiao Yan, who in this villa would enter her room without knocking on the door?
Xiao Yan walked by, sat down by the bed, and took the phone from Qiao Ran's hand, who looked up at him.

Xiao Yan scratched Qiao Ran's nose, "You are depressed, what are you thinking?"

Qiao Ran smiled lightly, "You said that, why don't you just ask me what Fu Yunshen told me today?"

Xiao Yan shrugged, "Then I want to ask you this, are you willing to tell me?"

"Of course! Is it possible that I still have something to hide from you?"

Qiao Ran was speaking frankly, but when she saw Xiao Yan's eyes, she didn't dare to look at each other for no reason, and then lowered her head and pursed her lips.

Qiao Ran's reaction seemed to be completely within Xiao Yan's expectations. He smiled, with a faint bitterness in the corner of his mouth, and brushed Qiao Ran's hair scattered on his face behind his ears.

"I want to see He Qingge and Aunt Jiang, right?"

Qiao Ran lowered her head, looked at her intertwined fingers, and said weakly, "I..."

Xiao Yan patted Qiao Ran on the head, "I'll accompany you tomorrow morning!"

Qiao Ran raised her eyes in doubt when she heard this, "Are you with me?"

"Well! Judging from your hesitant performance now, you might run away if you go alone, so I want to supervise you!"

Qiao Ran suddenly laughed, "Duplicity!"

Xiao Yan took Qiao Ran's hand and printed a kiss on the back of it, "Thank you for your high praise, Your Majesty the Queen, I am flattered!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

Xiao Ye put Qiao Ran's hand back, got up and said, "Go to bed early, get up early tomorrow, huh?"

"OK, good night!"

Early the next morning, Qiao Ran and Xiao Yan went to the Central Hospital, just in time to meet Fu Yunshen who was oncoming.The three of them took the elevator together and walked towards the inpatient department.

Fu Yunshen had nothing but surprise when he first saw Qiao Ran and Xiao Yan.There were no pleasantries, no politeness, but the expression on his face, it was easy to see, softened a lot.

Fu Yunshen and Xiao Yan stayed in the corridor waiting for Qiao Ran. Since Qiao Ran entered the ward, they both looked at each other with uneasy expressions.The air is silent, and in the confrontation, silent words trump everything.

When Qiao Ran entered the ward, He Qingge was sleeping. When he heard the sound, he slowly opened his eyes, frowned slightly, and looked towards the door.

Seeing Qiao Ran, her pale lips were tightly pursed. After a few seconds, she looked away and spoke slowly, with a very bad tone.

"What are you doing here?"

Qiao Ran found a stool and sat down, a little away from the hospital bed, her words were somewhat insincere.

"If it wasn't for someone's entrustment, you thought I would come? However, He Qingge, you must have saved the Milky Way in your previous life, and you will meet Fu Yunshen and Gu Siling in this life. I will always be by your side , for your sake, you should be content!"

He Qingge froze for a moment when he heard the words, but forced himself to do nothing, "Heh~Qiao Ran, if I understand correctly, are you jealous of me?"

"Jealous? It used to be jealousy, but now, these are not so important to me!"

Qiao Ran's expression was very calm. He Qingge watched, although there was still a grudge in his heart, but after Qian Fan had passed, some emotions in his heart had quietly changed.

Qiao Ran's tone gave her a bad premonition, and she tentatively asked, "Gu Siling is...not important to you?"

"Hmm! A man who never stands by me is not worthy of my heart!"

After Qiao Ran finished speaking, the ward fell silent. It was so quiet that she could even hear her own gentle heartbeat.

After a while, He Qingge opened his mouth and looked at Qiao Ran, "You liked Gu Siling a long time ago!!"

Listening to He Qingge's firm tone, Qiao Ran raised her eyes, "How did you know about this?"

He Qingge smiled lightly, "Not only do I know about this, I also know that you wrote many letters to Gu Siling, in a cabinet in your room in Qiao's villa!"

Upon hearing this, Qiao Ran stood up, her emotions began to fluctuate, and her tone was sharp, "Have you read those letters?"

"No! As soon as I asked someone to open the cabinet, Yun Shen came in, and I was not allowed to enter that room afterwards. But I know that there is a sketch book in the cabinet, which shows the same person!"

"What else do you know?"

"I also know that Gu Siling has a woman in his heart. And that woman's eyes are very similar to mine!!"

"You mean, Gu Siling used you as a stand-in because of his eyes?"

"Qiao Ran, you are deliberately changing the subject! Aren't you curious about who this woman is in Gu Siling's heart?"

What He Qingge said was right, no doubt, it just hit Qiao Ran's sore spot.

Just because He Qingge looks like that girl, Gu Siling can protect He Qingge in this way. If that girl really shows up, I'm afraid there won't be any place for her, Qiao Ran.

Qiao Ran had a wry smile in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, she just said, "I'm going to see Jiang Shangyun later, take care of yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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