Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 233 It's been a year since the beginning of the chapter

Chapter 233 Looking Back It Has Been Years
As Qiao Ran spoke, she got up and walked out. When she reached the door, she turned her head inadvertently. Seeing that He Qingge was silent and thinking about something, Qiao Ran kept a secretive look and closed the door of the ward.

When Qiao Ran walked into Jiang Shangyun's ward, Jiang Shangyun was still in a coma, with no blood on his face, and his skin was so pale that blood vessels could be seen.

Before coming here, she made a special trip to Ji Yuhuan's office to find out the details.

In the past few years, Jiang Shangyun suffered successive mental blows, and his nerves were like a stretched string, which was already fragile and would break at any time.

Now, with another setback to the nerves and a severe blow to the brain, waking up has become an irregular event.

What Ji Yuhuan said was very cryptic, but its seriousness can be imagined, and Qiao Ran was even more aware of it.

Standing by the bed, speechless for a long time, looking at the pale and weak Jiang Shangyun, I don't know how to describe the turmoil in my heart.

Complicated emotions, now have nothing to do with love and hate, but entanglement in the heart, blood connection, but there is no sense of intimacy that a daughter has for her mother.

Qiao Ran stood upright for a long time, and her figure became more and more rigid. Finally, she sighed softly and walked out of the ward.Following Xiao Yan, he drove away from the hospital.

Ji Yuhuan sent the two of them to the gate of the hospital, the car had already gone, but he was still looking at the direction the car was leaving.

Just now, there were so many tangled words in my heart that I wanted to say to Qiao Ran, but I didn't say it in the end.

There is one thing that no one knows except Ji Yuhuan, Lin Yang, and Mo Yiting among those who are close to her.

Their other brother, Gu Siling, had been in a car accident that day and had multiple fractures in his body. In the past five days, his life was hanging by a thread several times, and he was rescued from the gate of hell several times.

When their consciousness was confused, they still did not forget to tell them not to tell grandpa, nor Han Han and Qiao Ran.

A young and promising young talent, calling the wind and rain in S city, now that a disaster has fallen to this point, he has a lot of worries in his heart, and he can't let go of it.

Ji Yuhuan also struggled a lot. As a brother, he naturally hoped that Qiao Ran would be by his side during Gu Siling's most difficult time.

But as a bystander, many things are hard to say.At least when Qiao Ran needed Gu Siling the most, he was absent.

And his brother Gu Siling must have had the same thoughts since the accident happened.Unknown to the future life and death, can't easily make any promises.

Not long after the car drove, Xiao Yan saw Qiao Ran leaving the hospital by himself, his eyes were fixed on the window, his face was extremely pale, his lips were pursed, and he reached out to cover Qiao Ran's hand on his knee.

"Ran Ran, Dr. Lin told me two days ago that your heart is getting worse. I want to take you abroad in two days. What do you think?"

Upon hearing this, Qiao Ran raised her hand to place her heart, lowered her head, and said in a low voice.

"My father had a heart attack at the beginning. He didn't save him, so he left as soon as he said he would. Ayan, I wonder if I will do the same in the future?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Heart disease is not an incurable disease. As long as you cooperate with the treatment, there will be no problems. Ran Ran, you have to have confidence in me, and you must also have confidence in yourself."

"Okay! In fact, if you don't propose to go abroad, I also want to leave here. I have lived here for more than ten years. Now that I think about it, there is nothing but pain."

"No, you have Hanhan...and me! Wherever you are, I will be there!"

Qiao Ran bit her lip, and after a long time, she slowly uttered a few words, "Ayan, I can't give you the love you want here!"

"Life is long, Ran Ran, don't reject me. No matter how long it takes, I'm willing to wait!"

Qiao Ran sighed softly, "A Yan, you are a fool!"

Xiao Yan was noncommittal, and said with a smile, "I heard that a fool is the happiest melon in the world, and there are countless people talking about it every day!"

Qiao Ran didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she shook her head and said, "It's nonsense, it's clearly a joke!"

Xiao Yan corrected him solemnly, "It's not about taking pleasure in bitterness, Ran Ran, I'm just willing to die!"

The smile on the corner of Qiao Ran's mouth slowly faded away, she looked away from the window, her eyes were gloomy.

---Dividing line---

The day Qiao Ran left S City, the sky was clear and the air in late autumn seemed to be filled with gentleness, blowing on people's faces, soft and comfortable.

The airport has always been crowded with people, and pedestrians are in a hurry, or tired after a long journey, come in from the entrance and go out from the exit.

Qiao Ran sat there, staring at the bustling crowd in a daze, while Xiao Yan sat beside her, raising her eyes to Qiao Ran from time to time, with deep affection in her eyes without any concealment.

It's just that when I touched the latter's empty eyes, I felt inexplicably sad, and the thoughts in my heart were beyond words.

When going through the security check, Xiao Yan used his arms to protect Qiao Ran from being accidentally bumped into by others.

Qiao Ran remained expressionless from beginning to end. In the last few seconds of passing through the security check, for some reason, she suddenly looked behind her.

In the midst of people coming and going, at the guardrail on the second floor stood a handsome man in a white suit and trousers. Beside him lay a little girl with short hair, blinking at her.

Qiao Ran smiled brightly in that direction, stepped on her feet, and waved to Ji Yuhuan and Lin Xiang, her eyes were hot and humid, and her heart was filled with mixed emotions.

Fourth Brother, Xiao Mian, thank you for giving me a ride, the mountains are high and the waters are long, if there is a fate, see you in the future!

Qiao Ran's figure quickly disappeared, Ji Yuhuan pushed Gu Siling to the airport lounge, Lin Xiang followed behind, turning her head frequently, looking in the direction Qiao Ran left.

With the question in my heart, when I walked to the door of the special lounge, I finally couldn't help but speak.

"Mr. Gu, since you came to see Ran Ran off, why didn't you show up?"

The corners of Gu Siling's mouth curled up slightly, but he didn't say a word.

He and Qiao Ran hadn't seen each other for many days, and Qiao Ran never knew that he was in a car accident.

If he let her see his situation before she left, she might stay if her heart softened.Not to mention watching her leave with other men.

However, at this time, whether it was due to a man's self-esteem or something else, he would not let himself use this method of sympathy to let a woman stay for him.

What's more, if you love someone but can't make her feel safe, it's better to be exiled temporarily than to stay by your side.

Leave a period of rest for her soul, forget what should be forgotten, relieve what should be relieved... what belongs to you will always come back.

The ever-changing city is changing quietly every day. Things are moving forward step by step. Time will not stop for a moment for anyone. Hurrying footsteps is the passing time.

In just a few months, many things have happened in this modern metropolis.

He Yu'an chose to surrender when he lost his way, He Qingge was successfully released on bail and regained his freedom, Jiang Shangyun woke up from a coma for several days, Gu Siling was out of danger once his life was over, Qiao Ran resolutely left...

Time flies, and looking back, it has been years! !

(End of this chapter)

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