Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 234 Ran Ran, welcome to Zhang Lai

Chapter 234 Ranran, welcome back

"Three years later"

At 11:30 in the morning, the plane from the United States to S City landed on time.

Qiao Ran was wearing a beige windbreaker and gray jeans. Her once straight hair had turned into a large maroon curl, hanging down her waist.

The whole body exudes intellectual beauty, shuttles through the crowd, even with a suitcase in hand, it does not affect the slightest sense of beauty, and frequently attracts attention.

After passing through the security check, and within a few steps, the phone rang. Qiao Ran pulled the suitcase and walked towards a place where there were few people, and then picked it up.

The voice on the other end was full of joy, with a consistent style, in front of close people, he did not hide his emotions, as if he was afraid that his emotions would not be enough to express, not contagious enough.

"Ran Ran, I've arrived at the airport, where are you? I'm here to find you!"

The corners of Qiao Ran's mouth were raised slightly, and her smiling expression was a little less depressed than before, and a little more joyful from the bottom of her heart.

"Just wait for me at the door, I'll come out to find you!"

"Well~ that's fine! Although I really want to see you sooner, you should walk slowly. If you are tired, I will feel sorry for you!"

"Okay, I got it!"

Qiao Ran shook her head and looked at the phone that had been hung up in her hand, and smiled.

As soon as I put the phone in the bag, I heard commotion from around, mixed with whispers.Qiao Ran raised her head inadvertently, and bumped into a figure in her sight.

Dark blue suit trousers, white shirt, neckline slightly open, hands in pockets, walking, as if shrouded in a layer of brilliance, eclipsing everything around.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was walking down the runway if it weren't for the men in suits and leather shoes who were also following him.

The man's brows showed faint fatigue and undisguised impatience, his face was stern, and he was still unparalleled in handsomeness, and his steps were graceful.

Within a few seconds, Qiao Ran's gaze was drawn back, and the expression on her face remained unchanged from beginning to end.

But out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that there were two oppressive eyes looking at her.

Qiao Ran didn't care, bent slightly, and was about to pull the suitcase with her hands, but a shadow fell in front of her, and the suitcase she just touched was picked up.

Qiao Ran raised her eyes, and saw a handsome and elegant man standing in front of her.Seeing her looking up at him, the corners of the man's lips curled up with a bit of evil.

While talking, he embraced her, "Ran Ran, welcome back!"

Because of Qiao Ran's small stature, her head was pushed into Xiao Yan's arms, and her vision was completely blocked.

Qiao Ran smiled lightly, pushed Xiao Yan away, and said, "A Yan, there is Jing Jing to pick me up, there is no need to come if you are busy."

Xiao Yan held the suitcase with one hand and put his arm around Qiao Ran's shoulder, hugging her and walking towards the exit.

"No matter how busy you are, you still have time to pick up your girlfriend! I won't leave any evidence of incompetence for you!"

Qiao Ran couldn't help laughing, "Okay, okay, you are competent, very competent! Then why don't I give you the title of the most competent boyfriend in history!"

Xiao Yan shook his head in a dignified manner, "nonono! Let's keep it for now! If you want it, I want the best one! Ranran, I'm waiting to advance. When will you let me upgrade?"

"Upgrade! Bring me a pair of cards, and I'll let you upgrade right away!"


The two walked in front talking and laughing, but the rhythmic footsteps behind them seemed to be getting closer.

Qiao Ran and Xiao Yan didn't look back, but they gave way in the middle with a tacit understanding.

When the two came out of the airport exit, they saw Han Jing standing not far away, and Shen Qingjue beside her.

Today's Han Jing has also undergone great changes in appearance. She is much slimmer and her skin is fairer and softer, exuding the charm of a little woman.

Shen Qingjue hasn't changed much, but there seems to be some kind of change.It feels different from before, but people can't tell why.

Han Jing's image of a little woman, the moment she saw Qiao Ran, she immediately broke down, like a bird with wings, and rushed towards Qiao Ran.

Qiao Ran quickly caught it. For a person who has been flying for more than ten hours, it is still a bit difficult to react quickly with a dizzy mind.

Fortunately, Han Jing finally grasped her sense of proportion and didn't hurt her.Qiao Ran hugged Han Jing back, the corner of her mouth couldn't hide her smile.

In sight, Han Jing hugged her for a few seconds before Shen Qingjue strode over.

Glancing at Xiao Yan next to Qiao Ran, he showed no expression. When he looked back, he raised his jaw slightly as a greeting to Qiao Ran.

Qiao Ran had a clear heart and replied politely.Xiao Yan beside him said, "Mr. Lao Jiang is here to pick up Ran Ran!"

Shen Qingjue hummed, with no emotion in his voice, and responded lightly, "It should be!"

Qiao Ran didn't say much.If it wasn't for Han Jing's relationship, she and Shen Qingjue wouldn't have had any intersections.

After all, now, she and him are in an awkward position!

Han Jing came out of Qiao Ran's arms, smiling innocently like a child.

"Ran Ran, there are so many people here, it's not suitable for reminiscing about the past, or else, let's go back first!"

Qiao Ran nodded, "Alright!"

After Qiao Ran finished speaking, the four of them walked towards the parking space.Xiao Yan and Shen Qingjue both drove here today, no doubt they both came to pick up Qiao Ran.

Standing between the two cars, Han Jing rolled her big, eccentric eyes, then looked at Xiao Yan, and spoke unhurriedly.

"Mr. Xiao, I heard from Ranran that you've been very busy recently, why don't you go and take care of your business first, and Ranran will leave it to me!"

"Ran Ran follows me, even if I lose myself, I won't lose her! Don't worry!"

When Xiao Yan heard this, he looked at Qiao Ran, no doubt asking for Qiao Ran's opinion.

Qiao Ran pursed her lips and said, "Ayan, you go back! I'll go find the hotel myself!"

As soon as Qiao Ran finished speaking, Han Jing yelled, "Ran Ran, you've seen someone else! No matter how comfortable the hotel outside is, how about a beautiful boudoir?"

After hearing this, Qiao Ran subconsciously looked at Shen Qingjue, but she had no other intentions.

It just seems that Han Jing told her on the phone not long ago, is she and Shen Qingjue living together?

It's embarrassing for her to go...
Shen Qingjue received Qiao Ran's gaze, glanced at Han Jing, and the corners of her mouth slightly curved slightly.

Obviously aware of the message in Qiao Ran's eyes, she slowly said, "Jing Jing has her own property, but she rarely lives in it! Someone cleans it frequently, so there will be no uncomfortable living conditions."

Seeing that Shen Qingjue was so rare, Qiao Ran explained a lot to her, and saw that Han Jing's eyes were full of anticipation. If she refused, she could no longer say anything, so she nodded.

Said to Xiao Yan beside him, "Ayan, then you go to work first. I'm a little tired, so I'll go back with Jingjing first."

Seeing the tiredness in Qiao Ran's eyes, Xiao Yan felt pity in his heart, and raised his hand to rub Qiao Ran's hair.

"Then go back and have a good sleep, and call me when you wake up!"

"Well, okay!" Qiao Ran nodded in response.

Xiao Yan clasped the back of Qiao Ran's head with his hands, lowered his head and kissed Qiao Ran's forehead, and then left.

 Do the kids want to complain?Cover your face~ there is one more! !

  Mr. Gu is bubbling today, but he will show up tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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