Chapter 235

Standing beside Shen Qingjue and Han Jing, Qiao Ran felt embarrassed when Xiao Yan suddenly kissed her on the forehead.

Fortunately, Shen Qingjue's expression was flat, and it was rare for Han Jing not to tease her.

Shen Qingjue opened the car door, Qiao Ran let Han Jing sit in first, walked to the other side, put her hand on the car door, and saw several cars of the same color slowly driving away from the corner of her eye.

Qiao Ran's movements only paused slightly, then she bent slightly and got into the car.

Shen Qingjue sat in the driver's seat, saw that Qiao Ran and Han Jing were already seated, and drove the car.

The car was driving slowly on the crowded lane. Everything outside the window had changed a lot in the past three years.

But Qiao Ran rarely looked out of the window.Most of the time, she looked at the eloquent Han Jing, and occasionally Shen Qingjue interrupted, and she would look over politely.

Along the way, she didn't speak much, and Han Jing was almost always talking, joking with Shen Qingjue.Naturally, Han Jing always had the upper hand, and Shen Qingjue was mostly deflated.

Han Jing is still a cheerful and lively Han Jing, with a little childishness. This feeling is as if it used to be.

Very kind, very familiar!It was as if nothing had ever happened and she had never left.

Shen Qingjue sent them to the community, and was about to drive away, but the car was stopped by Han Jing with a few words.

The reason was both ironic and ironic. After getting the driver's license, he wanted Qiao Ran to show her driving skills.

As for the driving skills, Shen Qingjue has complete reservations.However, not to mention that Han Jing wants to drive or fly, he can immediately get his private jet to come over.

Shen Qingjue smiled helplessly, so she had to call and ask someone to pick him up.As soon as Shen Qingjue left, Han Jing took Qiao Ran back to her residence.

This area is a residential area, the greening of the community is very good, clean and tidy, the breath from the pavement is refreshing, it is very suitable for living.

Han Jing lived on the second floor of Building No. [-], and arrived within a short walk.Han Jing opened the door with the key, followed by Qiao Ran, and the two entered the house.

Qiao Ran couldn't help teasing, "Long time no see, I didn't expect you to become a rich woman!"

Han Jing pursed her lips when she heard Qiao Ran's words, "Fuck the rich woman, I borrowed the money to buy the house!"

When Qiao Ran heard this, she pouted, "Xiao Wu wouldn't be so stingy, would you? You need to borrow money to buy a house? Well... the housing prices here should not be low, right, but it's not like he doesn't have the money, right? "

When Qiao Ran said this, the expression on Han Jing's face became even more exciting, and the words were full of indignation.

"Don't mention it! Our previous house was sold! I had no choice but to find a house by myself!"

"Sold? What happened?"

Han Jing shrugged, "Shen Qingjue likes to make troubles, and there's nothing I can do about it!"

Qiao Ran: "...Then this house?"

"Hey! He didn't agree with the house I lived in before, and he didn't agree with me renting the house... Sima Zhao's heart~ Later, he was soft and hard, and then he allowed me to live here!"

"What the hell, the money for buying a house is still an IOU issued by my mother, squeezing my precious time every day, and mentioning my mother will make me angry!"

Qiao Ran saw that Han Jing had failed again, so she shut up wisely.She is not very good at expressing opinions on these two people.

But judging from the interaction between the two along the way just now, they are undoubtedly a pair of happy friends, which is very good.

Seeing that Qiao Ran was not in good spirits, Han Jing also knew that she was tired from the journey, so if she wanted to say something, she would leave it for later, as there would be plenty of opportunities to say it.

He helped Qiao Ran prepare the toiletries, adjusted the hot water, and went downstairs to help Qiao Ran pack the meals before sitting down to rest.

After Qiao Ran washed up, she didn't have any appetite, so she ate a little and went to sleep in her room.

Qiao Ran has been abroad for the past three years. Apart from medical treatment, she is also attending school.Xiao Yan helped her arrange for her to enter a high school in the United States as a transfer student.She studied economics and completed a four-year course in three years.

After getting a bachelor's degree from abroad, she almost recovered from her illness, so she wanted to come back, and more importantly, she missed the little guy.

Usually, the little guy would quietly contact her on WeChat, but in the past three years, he hadn't seen her at all.

Through the screen of the mobile phone, she saw that the little guy had grown taller and thinner, but his face was still cute, he was good at talking, and he became more and more lovable.If it wasn't for her studies, she would have died long ago.

The next day, Qiao Ran went to S University to report. She wanted to study for a PhD in China while working in Xiao Yan's company.

Undoubtedly, Xiao Yan has already helped her take care of both her studies and work, and she only needs to go through the procedures by herself.

On this day, everything went well.After finishing it, it was just after four o'clock in the afternoon, and I made an appointment with the little guy.

Gu Han is now in the second grade. In a noble school, the management is not so strict, and at this time, school has already been dismissed.

Gu Han asked the driver to take him here, Qiao Ran felt relieved, and sent the location to the little guy.Qiao Ran chose a KFC restaurant.

The little guy has been thinking about it, and told her several times on the phone that he wants to eat fried chicken legs, chicken wings, and crispy French fries.

Naturally, when we met for the first time back in China, we wanted to realize the wish of the little guy.After all, the little guy is thinking about it, and his stomach is not as fragile as before.

This requirement is not difficult to meet!
Qiao Ran ordered a cup of Coke and sat by the window.This place can just see the door.

Not long after, a small figure appeared outside the window, tall and thin, wearing a sweater, light blue jeans, and white casual shoes. He walked in from the door and looked inside.

The moment Qiao Ran saw the little guy, she was agitated. When she got up, she almost knocked over the drink on the table, and waved to Gu Han, her eyes were hot.

When Gu Han saw Qiao Ran, he was obviously taken aback for a moment, but he rushed towards Qiao Ran very quickly, hugging Qiao Ran tightly.

The little guy has grown a lot taller, and now his head is above her waist, obviously taller than the average height of children of the same age.

Gu Han's head was arched in Qiao Ran's arms for a long time before he reluctantly withdrew, sitting so close to Qiao Ran that his arms were touching hers.

It's obviously a seat facing each other, yet they have to be squeezed together with her.It's like asking her to hug him and wash his hands at the sink in order to let her hug him more.

Still so clingy! !

Qiao Ran couldn't help but have mixed feelings in her heart. She owed the little guy too much.

The little guy's missing mother's love, she must redouble his efforts to make up for him in the future.

The little guy is quite a gentleman. When ordering, he always asks Qiao Ran. He looks decent, and he is undoubtedly a warm boy.

Both of them were very happy, and Xiao Yan called in the middle of the trip.

The phone was placed right in the middle of the table. The little guy glanced at the screen of the phone, then looked away calmly.

Qiao Ran wanted to pick it up elsewhere, but seeing the little guy like this, he had no choice but to pick it up at the same place.

The voice on the other end of the phone was deep and jubilant, Luoluo naturally asked about her itinerary.

"Ran Ran, is everything done? Where are you now?"

I don't know if the phone's external voice is a bit loud, but Gu Han suddenly looked over.

 Two days ago, a treasure who voted for me monthly said that my update was too slow. In fact, I wrote [-] words a day.

  This Friday, add a new chapter~
(End of this chapter)

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