Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 237 If you don't work hard, Mommy will be abducted!

Chapter 237 If you don't work hard, Mommy will be abducted!

Just as Qiao Ran was thinking about it, she felt her hand warm up. She looked down and saw that it was the little guy's soft hand holding her.

Looking up, the little guy was looking at her with his chin up, and shook her hand with a soft voice.

"Mommy, take me there!"

Seeing the expectant look on the little guy's face, Qiao Ran had no choice but to hold the little guy's hand and walk towards Cayenne not far away.

For some reason, as she got closer to Cayenne, her heartbeat gradually became abnormal.

Obviously at the airport yesterday, she met her openly and aboveboard, but she didn't see much disturbance in her heart.

Now, through the car window, I don't know if there is that person inside, but I am so uneasy.

Seeing that the Cayenne was close at hand, the driver's door was suddenly pushed open, and a person stepped down. In the flickering light and darkness, Qiao Ran saw clearly that it was Gu Siling's driver.

He didn't move his feet anymore, and when the driver approached, he greeted him with a polite smile, and then he spoke to the little guy.

"Hanhan, Mommy won't see you off when the driver uncle comes to pick you up. When you are free, Mommy will take you out to play again, okay?"

The little guy pursed his mouth, nodded his head, and hooked his fingers at Qiao Ran weirdly.

"Mummy, lower your head, I have something to tell you."

Qiao Ran didn't doubt that he was there, and leaned against the little guy, with her head lowered to a distance almost as high as the little guy.

Unexpectedly, the little guy hugged her neck, and kissed her on the face with his soft mouth.

Qiao Ran was taken aback suddenly, and looked at Gu Han, who seemed quite embarrassed, with a small face on one side, and spoke arrogantly.

"Mommy, you haven't been by my side for three years. You're back this time, and you'll spend all your free time with your lovely son. Don't you have any objections?"

Qiao Ran froze again, then smiled suddenly, pinching the little guy's fleshy face.

"Okay, Mommy has no problem. Mommy's free time is reserved for the baby."

Hearing this, the little guy seemed to be completely bought off by the word "baby", blushing, and bouncing towards Cayenne.

After getting into the car, she lay down by the window, her small body showing a lot outside, "Goodbye, Mommy." After speaking, he even blew a kiss.

Qiao Ran's whole heart was melted by the little guy, and she smiled and waved to the little guy.It wasn't until the car was out of sight that he turned around and walked towards Building No. [-].

However, there was an unspeakable emotion in his heart. Was that person in the car just now?
Gu Han got in the car, lay on the back seat and kept looking at the smaller and smaller mommy in sight, until she couldn't see her at all, then retracted her gaze and sat down properly.

There was no trace of a smile on the small face, sleepy, with his head down, his eyes blinked and blinked, and he sighed softly, then looked at the man beside him who had never made a sound, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

"Father, when will you marry my mommy home??"

"My mommy has a handsome uncle again, if you don't work hard, mommy will be kidnapped!!"

"Dad, are you listening to your son?"

Gu Siling opened his eyes, and glanced at the worried little boy who looked like a little old man, "I'm not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?"

Hearing this, the little guy snorted and looked forward, "Don't be in a hurry. When you become an old man, see if my mommy will want you? Huh~"

As he said that, it seemed that it was not enough to relieve his anger, so he added, "The old man who is getting more and more useless!"

Gu Siling: "..."

When Qiao Ran arrived home, the light in the living room was on, but Han Jing was nowhere to be seen. She put down her bag, changed her shoes, and walked towards the bedroom.

Pushing open the door, Han Jing was sitting at the table playing games, with a look of high alert, thin back straight, wearing a headset, speaking plausibly.

In the pitch-black room, only the light from the computer screen not far away reflected the woman's delicate face.Qiao Ran watched and smiled silently.

Han Jing was so focused on playing that she didn't notice Qiao Ran standing at the door, watching her every move.

At the end of the round, probably lost, Han Jing took off her earphones, slapped them on the table, and swears.

"Fuck! I'm really not afraid of god-like opponents, but pig-like teammates. I've never seen such a stupid person!!"

I got up angrily, only to realize that I saw Qiao Ran at the door, smiling like a flower, "Ran Ran, how long have you been back?"

Qiao Ran pressed the switch at the door, and the room was suddenly as bright as daylight. She shrugged at Han Jing and teased her.

"It's been a while since I came back. I saw that you were too focused on playing the game, so I'm sorry to disturb you!"

Han Jing stroked the hair next to her ears, and smiled, "Did I look like a lunatic when I played games?"

"Well...not bad!"

"By the way, are you free tomorrow night?"

"Evening? About when?"

"Just after eight o'clock!"

Qiao Ran nodded, "Yes!"

Han Jing blinked her eyes wide, "I discussed it with Shen Qingjue, and I want to cleanse you up, but I don't know if you want to go?"

As Han Jing said, she quietly glanced at Qiao Ran's expression.This little move was naturally noticed by Qiao Ran.

Qiao Ran smiled slightly, "It's okay, I haven't seen many people for a long time, and I really miss them!"

Han Jing didn't seem to expect Qiao Ran to agree so readily, her excitement filled with disbelief.

"Then I'll tell Shen Qingjue and let him arrange it."

"Well, good! Help me thank him!"

Han Jing dialed the number, flattened her mouth, and muttered, "Thank him for the shit! Hmph~"

Just as she was talking, the phone on the other end was connected, and Han Jing made a booing gesture to Qiao Ran.

Sitting on the stool with one buttocks, crossing Erlang's legs, shaking and shaking, "Shen Xiaowu, Ranran is free tomorrow night, you can arrange it!"

"No, I'll drive by myself!"

"Don't underestimate me, okay?!"

"Say it again!...Shen Qingjue, wait for my old lady! You are dead!"


Shen Qingjue didn't know what to say, Han Jing's face suddenly turned red like a tomato, her lips were pursed tightly, and she hung up the phone with a snap.

The crossed legs were put down, the hand hooked the hair around the ear again, and looked at Qiao Ran unnaturally.

"I told Shen Xiaowu that I will drive you there tomorrow night."

"Well, okay!" Qiao Ran curled her mouth and stared at Han Jing, who touched her forehead and asked tentatively, "Ran Ran, did you hear... what Shen Xiaowu said just now?"

Qiao Ran's smile deepened, but she shook her head, "No, I'm standing far away, so I didn't hear anything."

Han Jing let out a sigh, feeling suddenly relieved.His eyes flickered, but suddenly he saw the game interface, and a person was online.

The eyes flashed with joy and surprise, "Hey, Ran Ran, you should rest early. The Great God is here, I have to go and hook him up!"

As he said that, he put on the headset and stared intently at the computer, transforming himself into an internet-addicted girl in minutes.

Qiao Ran: "..."

 Quietly hooks up with the master in the game, does Xiao Wu know? -Q_Q
(End of this chapter)

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