Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 238 Mr. Gu, long time no see

Chapter 238 Mr. Gu, long time no see
Facts have proved that Shen Qingjue is still very foresight.

The next night, when Han Jing was driving Qiao Ran to the bar, something happened.

I wanted to drive through an alley and take a shortcut, but I didn't want to because I was surrounded by several cars viciously because of my poor driving skills.

No matter how good Qiao Ran's driving skills were, she was powerless.The two were helpless, but there were still many troublemakers around, standing there watching the fun, pointing at their car.

Han Jing was so angry that she was about to open the car door to drive them away, but Qiao Ran stopped them in time.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that these people are specifically to bully these two girls.

No matter how you look at it, they are outnumbered, and if they go out, they will only be made worse jokes.

Qiao Ran persuaded Han Jing to sit in the car, thinking that these people would leave if they felt bored, but this was not the case, and more and more people were watching the excitement.

Han Jing had no choice but to call Shen Qingjue, her nose was red, and she sniffed her nose from time to time while speaking.

Seeing this, Qiao Ran took the phone in Han Jing's hand and explained the matter roughly.

Shen Qingjue moved very quickly, and several cars came.Shen Qingjue got out of the car, walked up to their car, and opened the door.

As soon as Han Jing got out of the car, she punched Shen Qingjue's fist, and the eye sockets were red. Without saying a word, Shen Qingjue hugged Han Jing in her arms, and comforted him softly, "I'm here, right?"

Han Jing lowered her head and said nothing, but her hands were hooked on Shen Qingjue's clothes, poking them with her fingers from time to time.

Shen Qingjue shook her head helplessly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, stretched out her hand to cover the troublesome little hand, and raised her head to talk to Qiao Ran.

"I'll take you to the car first!"


Qiao Ran complied, followed Shen Qingjue, and got into a car at the intersection.Qiao Ran took the initiative to sit in the front seat, leaving the back seat for Han Jing and Shen Qingjue.

Qiao Ran noticed Han Jing's little move just now.Among them is not only Han Jing's dependence on Shen Qingjue, but also Shen Qingjue's care and indulgence to Han Jing.

There is no doubt that Shen Qingjue and Han Jing are actually a very suitable couple.

The onlookers on the side of the road gradually dispersed with interest, and the owners of several cars got out of the cars and walked towards this side with unfriendly expressions. It seemed that they should be a group of people.

However, within a few steps, I saw a car at the entrance of the alley rushing towards several cars in the alley at an extremely fast speed.

Like a chain reaction, the front of one car hit the rear of another car, and the bodies of several cars trembled involuntarily.

Qiao Ran looked at it, startled. At this moment, Shen Qingjue's cell phone rang, and she hung up after saying a few words.

Qiao Ran didn't hear clearly, but just when she felt that the voice was faintly familiar, she saw Shen Qingjue turned around and said to her, "There is someone here who will take care of it, I will take you away first!"

Before Qiao Ran could respond, Shen Qingjue had already started the car. Qiao Ran couldn't help but wondered, and looked behind her through the car window.

Just in time, I saw the car at the entrance of the alley retreated several meters, and rushed forward again.Two cars in front of them broke off the ground due to force and fell to the side with a loud noise, like a picture in a movie.

Qiao Ran opened her mouth wide in surprise, and turned to look at Shen Qingjue, "Xiao Wu, Jing Jing and I have come out, forget it, don't make a big deal!"

At some point, Shen Qingjue held a cigarette in his hand, and took a puff in a ruffian way, "This matter can't be counted like this."

Shen Qingjue's tone was full of intolerance, so Qiao Ran had no choice but to say no more.Shen Qingjue and the others have outstanding identities. It's normal for their girlfriends to be angry after being bullied.

However, what Qiao Ran didn't know was that the car at the entrance of the alley was not the subordinate sent by Shen Qingjue, but his brother.

The car drove to the bar, and the three got out of the car. They were about to go to the private room together, but when they reached the door, Qiao Ran's cell phone rang.

Qiao Ran swiped open the interface, saw that it was from Xiao Yan, paused for a moment, then hung up, but it rang again, and Qiao Ran's face flashed with embarrassment.

Seeing this, Han Jing took Qiao Ran's arm and said to Shen Qingjue who was beside her, "Shen Xiaowu, you go up first, and I will come as soon as I answer the phone with Ran Ran!"

Qiao Ran frowned when she saw Shen Qingjue not depressed, and said quickly, "Quiet, you go up first, I will go by myself."

After speaking, he put Han Jing's hand on Shen Qingjue's and pushed the two of them, "Go in, I know the place, don't worry!"

Seeing that the two of them had entered, Qiao Ran walked to the side of the road and called Xiao Yan.

It's actually nothing wrong for Xiao Yan to call, he just calls Qiao Ran habitually.Xiao Yan was humorous, and Qiao Ran was always amused. The two exchanged pleasantries for a while before hanging up the phone.

Qiao Ran stuffed her phone into her bag, turned around, and before she could take back the smile on her face, she saw a man standing by the car not far away, with a stern expression, looking at him.

Qiao Ran looked back, the outline of the face became more and more clear in Qiao Ran's eyes, images appeared in her mind, and the smile on the corner of her mouth gradually froze.

It's Gu Siling! !
Although he had already made preparations to face Gu Siling face to face, when his eyes met, he realized that everything was in vain.

The heart doesn't listen to her orders, it still beats wildly.In the palm of his hand, he was faintly sweating.

But the man didn't seem to notice her emotional fluctuations at all, with his hands in his pockets, he walked slowly towards her.

Qiao Ran clenched her hands involuntarily, bit her lips, and breathed calmly. When Gu Siling came to her, she greeted her generously with a smile on her lips.

"Mr. Gu, long time no see!"

Gu Siling looked at Qiao Ran's gesture of greeting anyone in the same way, and frowned slightly, but it quickly returned to normal.

The tone was calm and pleasant, "Long time no see!" As he spoke, he raised his finger to the door of the bar.


Qiao Ran wanted to refuse, but she was afraid that it would appear too deliberate, so she nodded.

The two walked in one after the other. Qiao Ran walked in front, and she took the initiative to press the elevator button, but she didn't want to stretch out her hand when the other hand stretched out, just touching hers.

Qiao Ran's hand seemed to have touched the soldering iron suddenly, and she quickly retracted it like a conditioned reflex.

Embarrassment flashed across his face, but luckily the elevator door just opened, and Qiao Ran hurried in.

Gu Siling came in after her, but stood behind her.In the narrow space, the two of them were silent, and the atmosphere couldn't be described as weird.

Qiao Ran stood beside the elevator buttons, and the two figures were faintly reflected on the wall in front of her. Qiao Ran looked at her with a dazed gaze.

With a beep, the elevator door opened again, pulling back Qiao Ran's erratic thoughts.

However, in his line of sight, he happened to meet Gu Siling's gaze on her, and Qiao Ran was slightly taken aback.

That gaze was calm, and being noticed, he didn't intend to move away at all. Instead, he raised his eyes and looked at each other.

 Six thousand words updated!Mr. Gu has made preparations this time, and he is bound to win! !The following articles are all about Mr. Gu chasing Qiao Ran!
(End of this chapter)

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