Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 239 Only Gu Siling and Qiao Ran Are Left

Chapter 239 Only Gu Siling and Qiao Ran Are Left

Qiao Ran's eyes flickered for a moment, and when the elevator door was about to close, she stepped out.

Gu Siling followed behind, keeping a close distance from her.

The door of the box was ajar, Qiao Ran pushed it open, and took a step inside. There were not many people inside, but they were all familiar faces.

Ji Yuhuan was sitting on the outside, and Lin Xiang was sitting next to him.He was about to drink a glass of wine, but was stopped by Ji Yuhuan, and Lin Yang immediately looked at the latter with dissatisfaction.

Shen Qingjue sat in the middle of the sofa, and Han Jingrou leaned against him bonelessly, holding his arm and saying something, the two smiled softly.

Mo Yiting and Ruan Ruan sat in the innermost seat.Ruan Ruan sat a little far away from Mo Yiting, with her mouth pouted and her face turned to one side, as if she was having a little awkward moment.

Mo Yiting crossed Erlang's legs, held a cigarette in his hand, and covered his eyes. Through the hazy smoke, his soft eyes fell on Ruan Ruan.

Qiao Ran pushed the door lightly, and the people inside had their own concerns, so naturally no one noticed that someone came in.

Qiao Ran stood at the door, scanned the people in the private room, and then knocked lightly on the door.

This time, the people inside were all aware of it, and they all looked at the door in unison.

Qiao Ran walked over with a smile and greeted everyone. Ruan Ruan and Lin Xiang were obviously very excited, they got up and took Qiao Ran's hand to ask questions.

Gu Siling, who was completely ignored by the women behind him, coughed and sat down at the nearest seat.

There were exactly eight people in the private room, four men and four women.The four men were talking outside, and the girls were having fun inside.

Compared with the other three girls, Qiao Ran's temperament is much gentler.

The experience of growing up dictates.Even though she was originally a lively character, after years of polishing, she has become deep and introverted, but it does not affect her atmosphere.

The other three girls were rough and fine, and they were very considerate of other people's feelings. Qiao Ran became the focus of care. She was a little embarrassed, but then she gradually played around.

The four of them chatted about karaoke while eating fruit plate and snacks.

Singing is Han Jing's strong point. She volunteered to take the lead and sang a recently popular song "We", which won applause from the audience.

Lin Yang then sang a Cantonese song, with a twisted voice, low and sweet, with a unique rhyme, which is very substituting.

After Lin Yang finished singing, Ruan Ruan took over the microphone and ordered a song by Zhang Jie. Just as she was about to sing, the door was suddenly opened, and people from outside came in one after another.

Mo Yiting happened to be walking in the front, Ruan Ruan looked at it, rolled her eyes, and cut the song again, like a prank, changed to "Hello, Dad".

"Hi Papa, Papa, Papa,

Dad is so strong
do more talk less
He does all the dirty work

good daddy good daddy good daddy

Dad's stomach is really big
earn more spend less
He pays for the leftovers..."

Ruan Ruan sang cheerfully, staring at the screen intently, but didn't realize that someone's face had turned black.

In the private room, laughter lingered.The other three brothers all looked like they were enjoying the show.

Everyone knows that Ruan Ruan is only 23 years old now, and Mo Yiting is 35 years old, just a full round older than Ruan Ruan.

Ruan Ruan is mischievous, and she often dislikes Mo Yiting's age.This is someone's fault -_-||.

Mo Yiting pursed his lips, staring at the funny and joyful Ruan Ruan, his eyes were as deep as the deep sea.

At the end of a song, Ruan Ruan quietly glanced at Mo Yiting, then quickly looked away.

She was so familiar with that look, even thinking about it made her blush.

He touched his nose guiltily, and was about to hand the microphone to Qiao Ran, but before he stretched out his hand, he saw "Two Tigers" that was automatically searched based on the previous song because there was no song on the screen.

Ruan Ruan: "..."

It's not good to sing for a while, and it's not good to not sing.After hesitating, he gritted his teeth and sang along, and laughter came from the private room again.

Especially Shen Qingjue, who laughed the most exaggeratedly.Seeing that the second brother was rarely deflated, he began to get carried away and couldn't help teasing.

"Second brother, how does it feel to raise a 23-year-old daughter?"

Mo Yiting had a rare smile, staring at Ruan Ruan's eyes, never leaving for a second from the beginning to the end, Luo Luo said, "Well, it's not bad!"

Ruan Ruan felt... her ears, face and neck were so hot that they didn't look like her anymore.He flattened his mouth at Mo Yiting angrily.

After laughing, everyone looked at Qiao Ran in unison. Qiao Ran's scalp was numb. Of the four of them, she was the only one who didn't sing.

It's good that Gu Siling isn't here, I'm here, I always feel awkward.She was uncomfortable, but she couldn't help it.

Picking up the microphone, ordered a foreign language song "One Million Roses".

It is a classic by Russian singer Pugacheva.The lyrics are translated into Chinese, although there are no gorgeous words, they are deeply moving.

Qiao Ran fell in love with this song because she liked the story in this song.Later, I listened to it a lot. I didn't expect that she, who can't speak Russian, could actually sing along.

Qiao Ran's emotions are well controlled, making people addicted to it.After singing a song, she is not the only one who is touched.

Fortunately, although the atmosphere was quiet, it did not affect everyone's emotions.

Shen Qingjue and Han Jing sang a love song duet, and threw a handful of dog food.

Gu Siling's English song "u belong with me" almost caused a family civil war between Mo Yiting and Ji Yuhuan.

Both of them were masters who would not open their mouths to hum, let alone ask them to sing an emotional English song.In their hearts, the two girls couldn't help shutting someone from their own family into a dark room.

Qiao Ran was also quite surprised. She used to think that Gu Siling was cold and indifferent. When she came to the bar a few times, her impression was mostly dull, but she never expected that an English song would be sung by him with such artistic conception.

Thinking about it in my heart, but I didn't go to see Gu Siling.Because she knew that ever since Gu Siling put down the microphone, she never took her eyes off her face.

Or maybe it was because of the location, but anyway, it made her feel a little uncomfortable, pretending to be confused.

The singing thing came to an end when everyone enjoyed themselves. Eight people were just right, four big men over there played mahjong, and four girls played cards here.

The four of them played stare blankly, Han Jing and Lin Xiang played one hand after another, while Ruan Ruan and Qiao Ran had never been very lucky, and they lost miserably.

Qiao Ran didn't care, but it was Ruan Ruan, who seemed to be getting more and more courageous as he lost all his money, so he ran to Mo Yiting to get it, and later brought Mo Yiting's wallet directly.

At the end of the loss, how could he still remember the time when he got angry with Mo Yiting, not to mention that a certain woman used the song "Hello Dad" to provoke someone.

The three girls here met their eyes and laughed at the same time.As for Ruan Ruan, her face was swollen into a bun, so cute.

Time is always fleeting in a moment of relaxation and comfort.Everyone left in twos, Qiao Ran went to the bathroom and came out, leaving only Gu Siling.

 I really like Ruan Ruan and Mo Er.

(End of this chapter)

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