Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 241 Mr. Gu, shouldn't you give me an explanation?

Chapter 241 Mr. Gu, shouldn't you give me an explanation?

When Hanhan heard what Qiao Ran said, she wiped her tears with her little hands, opened her eyes gruntingly, raised her face, and smiled at Qiao Ran.

"Thank you Mommy, I knew that Mommy is the best!"

Qiao Ran: "..." Why did I suddenly have the illusion of being on a pirate ship again.

The little guy went in bouncing around, and there was no trace of sadness just now.

Qiao Ran held her forehead, pursed her lips, and had no choice but to follow.

Because Gu Siling and the others sat on the innermost side on the right, Qiao Ran and Han Han sat in a corner.

This location is not easy to be found, but if you look outside, you can see most of the coffee shop.Naturally, it also includes Gu Siling's location.

Both Qiao Ran and Han Han were sitting sideways, and they could see every move in that corner just by turning their heads slightly.

Hanhan twisted her small body, although she was pouted, she looked very calm, with a dignified manner, and didn't say a word.

Qiao Ran didn't want to look in that direction at first, but for some reason, she couldn't help looking over at the little guy from time to time.

She didn't even notice it herself, every time she looked over, when her gaze settled, there were never two people, but one person.

Specifically, it was a back view, a back view that she could never forget once she saw it.

With a blurred vision, the smile of the woman opposite her dazzled her eyes.

In her perception, Gu Siling has never been a person who can tell jokes, so what did he say, that woman smiled so happily?
Qiao Ran was dazed until a third person appeared in her line of sight, and she came to her senses belatedly.

At some point, the little guy had already run to Gu Siling's side, and was climbing up the stool while the woman looked astonished.

Qiao Ran was in a bad mood, the little guy was weird, she had a deep understanding, if he passed by, he might cause damage.

Qiao Ran hurriedly got up and walked over there, but it was too late, the little guy didn't know what to do, and knocked over the coffee cup in front of the woman.

The woman couldn't dodge in time, the coffee flowed down the table and directly onto the woman's plain skirt.

Qiao Ran: "..." He walked over quickly and hugged the little guy away, all actions were completely instinctive.

It wasn't until he realized the silence of the atmosphere that Qiao Ran looked over from the corner of his eye and met Gu Siling's deep eyes.

Qiao Ran bit her lip slightly, averted her gaze, and turned around to apologize to the woman.

The woman's complexion was soft, probably because of Gu Siling's presence, her emotions were well controlled and her behavior was very decent.

The woman was cleaning the stains on the clothes with the towel handed over by the waiter. When she heard Qiao Ran's apology, she stopped her movements and smiled at Qiao Ran.

"It's okay. I'll send someone to buy a set of clothes later. Is this your child? It's so cute!"

Qiao Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded towards the woman. If she can calm things down, she naturally wants to calm things down.

But Qiao Ran thought this way, a brat who loves to make trouble for her obviously didn't think so, his eyes wandered between Qiao Ran, Gu Siling and that woman, extremely innocent.

The soft and waxy voice was speaking to Gu Siling, "Dad, who is this auntie, won't you introduce me and Mommy?"

Qiao Ran hurriedly covered Hanhan's mouth when Hanhan called out that daddy, but Gu Siling's gaze made her loosen her hand involuntarily.

The little guy pulled her hand away, and her mummy was brought out in his words.

Sure enough, when the woman heard the words, she looked at Gu Siling with surprise and aggrieved expression.And Gu Siling sat there with a relaxed and comfortable attitude, from the beginning to the end, nothing happened.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Qiao Ran hurriedly said, "Miss, I'm sorry, children like to play tricks, please don't get me wrong, I'll take him away right away! I hope it won't affect your date with this gentleman."

As Qiao Ran spoke, she felt two eyes falling on her face, which immediately became hot.

Suppressing the discomfort in his heart, under the dubious scrutiny of the woman, he pulled Hanhan and prepared to leave.

However, the little guy refused to cooperate, looking at her little face, full of grievances.Qiao Ran gritted her teeth secretly, her face became serious and calm.

Gu Han pursed his lips, and in the end, he had no choice but to leave with Qiao Ran.

After walking out of the coffee shop and facing the sunshine outside, Qiao Ran felt that most of the sullenness in her heart disappeared.

The little guy was still angry, and it looked like he didn't want to talk to her anymore, Qiao Ran smiled wryly in his heart, but didn't explain much.

She and Gu Siling will not have a future, the sooner this kind of thinking is instilled in the little guy, the little guy can gradually accept this kind of relationship.

After all, she came back to S city for many reasons, the most important reason was for Hanhan, but not to renew her relationship with Gu Siling.

She has always had Gu Siling's place in her heart. For so many years, from being ignorant when she was young to now that Qian Fan has passed away, it is impossible to erase it.

She doesn't force herself, after all, no matter what aspect that man is, there is no doubt that he is a very attractive man.

She likes him, loves him, and she never regrets it!
It wasn't until Qiao Ran and Gu Han completely disappeared from sight that Gu Siling withdrew his gaze.

His gaze fell on the table empty, the coffee had been cleaned by the waiter, and there was no trace on the table.

Everything, as if nothing had ever happened.The corner of Gu Siling's mouth suddenly pulled into a smile, making it impossible to guess the emotion contained in it.

The woman standing next to her thought that once Qiao Ran and Gu Han left, Gu Siling would give her an explanation, and she didn't want to be completely left out.

Regardless of the coffee stains on his body, he sat back on his seat, looked at Gu Siling with a secret expression, and said:

"Mr. Gu, don't you think I should give me a reasonable explanation? Why didn't I know you had such an old child before the blind date? And that woman..."

Before the woman finished speaking, she was interrupted by Gu Siling's sudden sharp gaze.Gu Siling crossed his legs, leaned back, narrowed his eyes slightly, and spoke in a chilly tone.

"Miss Li, if you want to get to know someone, if you spend a little more effort, what else can't be found out? Could it be that Miss Li is indifferent to Gu's affairs, and now she wants to beat him up?"

Li Xin'er's expression flickered for a moment, but she raised her head confidently for a moment, "I'm not indifferent. The child I didn't have in your information was investigated by someone."

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Gu Siling's lips, with an air of nothing to do with him, "I can't blame Gu."

Then, he got up and told the waiter beside him, "Please buy a set of clothes for Miss Li, and charge all the bills to my account."

"Okay, Mr. Gu!" The waiter bowed and replied politely.

(End of this chapter)

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