Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 242 Why is he here?

Chapter 242 Why is he here?
"Gu is busy with work, so I won't accompany you. If you are neglecting, I will return Miss Li to invite Haihan. Today's blind date, Gu will explain clearly to your father on his own."

After Gu Siling finished speaking, he lifted his foot and left.

Li Xin'er stood there watching Gu Siling walk away step by step, and finally couldn't bear it, ran over and grabbed Gu Siling's arm.

In the voice, there was actually a hint of begging and compromise, a little choked up, "Mr. Gu, I don't care that you have a child! I like you, I have always liked you."

In City S, Gu Siling is not only a legend in the business world, but also the dream lover of countless women.A talented man with no gossip, such a man, for a woman, the resistance is a negative value.

Li Xiner is no exception.Growing up in a big family, food, clothing and housing, which one is not the best?

Girls who grew up in this environment undoubtedly pursue the most perfect everything and like the most beautiful things.

She has been in love with Gu Siling for many years. Two days ago, she heard that the blind date arranged by her family was Gu Siling, so she has been preparing for today.

Doing hair, buying clothes... crafted with care, all for today.She wasn't offended at being ruined by a kid with coffee.Knowing that Gu Siling had a child suddenly, she was also very tolerant.

Zhang Ailing said that falling in love with someone will make people feel ashamed and blossom.

Now, the dignified young lady of the Li family, why isn't she like this, she has fallen into the dust?
Li Xiner held Gu Siling's arm tightly, waiting for his answer, feeling guilty, but it didn't affect her confidence in herself.

My heart is full of expectations!She even waited for Gu Siling to speak out the answer in her heart.

However, Gu Siling took her hand, and without turning around, she just said, "Miss Li, I'm sorry!"

Li Xiner was disappointed, but she smiled, her voice was a little hoarse, but she was very confident, "Mr. Gu, do you dare to make a deal with me?"

Hearing this, Gu Siling saw deep eyes, turned to look at Li Xin'er, opened and closed his lips, and said two words lightly, "Say it!"

Li Xiner suddenly smiled.

Since then, Qiao Ran has been immersed in study and work every day.But even so, there will always be distractions from time to time.

The little guy has been in a low mood recently, and she can only divert his attention as much as she can, but it seems to be of little effect.

A big reason for this was because of Gu Siling.Gu Siling, who has always been low-key, has been involved in scandals recently, and has been photographed by reporters many times attending events with his girlfriend.

People who are at the top of the food chain are always the object of public attention.What's more, it is impossible for a person who is low-key and has no scandals to suddenly make a high-profile appearance without attracting attention.

And that girlfriend was familiar to Han Han and Qiao Ran. She only met once, but she was inexplicably impressed.

What's more, whether it's Tencent News or Weibo headlines every day, as long as there is gossip, it will always be seen inadvertently.

No matter how calm Qiao Ran's heart was, it couldn't be calm anymore.Fortunately, Xiao Yan gave her a project in City Z and asked her to take charge.

Han Jing also said to help her take care of the little guy, so she asked for leave from the school and went to City Z with Xiao Yan, accompanied by a secretary and assistant of Xiao Yan.

Naturally, the meaning of her going is not great, but she wants to change the environment. She is not a saint, and she can't do it in the endless interference from the outside world without any disturbances in her heart.

The distance between city s and city z is not far, and the plane in the morning has already settled down in city z in the morning.

In the afternoon, Xiao Yan took her to her father's cemetery.After being released from prison, she has actually only been here three times.His father's will at the time stated that he was going to be buried on this land.

At first, Qiao Ran thought that the fallen leaves would return to their roots, but now that she thinks about it, that's not always the case. What's more, her father must have met her love here!

The vicissitudes of the world, the events behind, and the judgment of future generations, it is difficult to tell whether it is right or wrong.Right and wrong are relative terms.

On the second and third days, Xiao Yan had to take his team to negotiate the contract. Qiao Ran was useless, so he had to go out alone.

After leaving City Z for many years, everything here has changed so quickly.

Nowadays, many tall buildings have sprung up in the city, and many distinctive places have been transformed beyond recognition. Qiao Ran couldn't help feeling very regretful.

Fortunately, the small town she used to live in basically retained its local characteristics because it was far from the city center.

Qiao Ran returned there on the third day, because it was already summer, the trees were verdant, and colorful flowers bloomed by the roadside.

It was a rare visit, so Qiao Ran made an agreement with Xiao Yan in advance that she would stay here for a few days.

Xiao Yan originally arranged for someone to accompany Qiao Ran, but Qiao Ran felt uncomfortable, so she flatly refused.

Xiao Yan was afraid that Qiao Ran would not be comfortable playing, so he didn't insist any longer.He just told her to take care of herself and be safe.

When Qiao Ran went by car, it was already noon, the weather in the north, the sun was scorching hot, and the air was dry and hot.

Qiao Ran sat in the car for several hours, and the weather was hot, so she had no choice but to find a random hotel to stay in, ate some snacks, and took a nap in time for her lunch break.

When I woke up, the sky had already darkened, the sun was hiding in the not so thick clouds, and the wind carried a little coolness.

Qiao Ran took the umbrella and went out, found a nice-looking farm restaurant nearby, and ordered some of her favorite side dishes from the past.

In the middle of eating, there was already a strong wind outside, and after a while, it began to rain heavily.

Qiao Ran was trapped in the restaurant and didn't dare to go back. Fortunately, the proprietress was nice and didn't urge her.

There were not many customers in the store, and the proprietress sat beside her and chatted with her.

I heard that Qiao Ran lived here when she was a child, and now that she's back home to visit, she told Qiao Ran many things about these years, and Qiao Ran listened with great interest.

The rain has been raining for a while without any sign of decreasing, and the ground outside has converged into a river.Qiao Ran looked at it, and couldn't help worrying, if it went on like this, it would be dark.

After sitting for a while, the rain gradually subsided, and there was no wind blowing outside. Qiao Ran took the umbrella and said goodbye to the proprietress.

On the way back, I walked very fast, because I was wearing canvas shoes, and the shoes were completely wet.Qiao Ran walked all the way in a hurry.

However, at the door of the hotel, his steps suddenly stopped, and there was a person standing not far from the door of the hotel.

The man was completely soaked, fine raindrops continued to fall on his body, wet his hair, and also wet his clothes, and the thin white shirt stuck to his body.

Qiao Ran's eyes suddenly froze, she stared blankly at the front, and the umbrella slipped from her hand quietly, and raindrops fell continuously on her body.

But at this moment, her mind is not here at all, she wants to ask, why is he here?
(End of this chapter)

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