Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 243 Is Clearly Luring Wolves Into The House

Chapter 243 Is Clearly Luring Wolves Into The House
Gu Siling looked at the stunned Qiao Ran, and walked up to Qiao Ran with a smile. Perhaps it was because of the rain that her voice was a little hoarse, but listening to it, it was undoubtedly extremely sexy.

Gu Siling picked up the umbrella that fell on the ground, held it over Qiao Ran's head, and asked with a smile, "What? I haven't seen you for a few days, so you don't know me?"

Qiao Ran shook her head subconsciously, because of the height difference, her face was slightly raised, and water droplets rolled down her cheeks, like a lotus flower.

"How will you be here?"

Looking at Qiao Ran like this, Gu Siling's eyes were dark, and his Adam's apple rolled involuntarily.For a moment, when he spoke, there was a smile in his eyes, "Why am I not here?"

Qiao Ran pursed her lips, lowered her head, took a step back, and distanced herself from Gu Siling.

"I mean, aren't you in City S? Why did you come here suddenly?"

Gu Siling chuckled, "The most important thing right now is, isn't it so difficult that we should change our clothes quickly?"

Qiao Ran raised her eyes and saw that Gu Siling's clothes were soaked, she couldn't help asking, "How long have you been in the rain? Why don't you find a place to hide?"

Gu Siling patted his trouser pockets and spread his hands, "I didn't bring my ID, nor my bank card or money!!"

Qiao Ran: "..." Is it clear that you came here to eat and live with her?

Qiao Ran glanced behind Gu Siling, but she didn't see the black Cayenne either.Looking back, seeing Gu Siling was all wet, and afraid that he would catch a cold, he had no choice but to compromise.

"Then come with me."

Gu Siling was waiting for this sentence, so after Qiao Ran finished speaking, she followed behind Qiao Ran ostentatiously.

Qiao Ran walked to the front desk and greeted the boss, "Hi, boss, can I use my ID card to open another room?"

The boss glanced at Gu Siling behind him, and said firmly, "An ID card won't do!"

"Boss, can you accommodate me? My friend got wet and needs to change into clean clothes."

"No, the investigation has been strict recently, and there is nothing I can do to help. Besides, it's raining heavily today, and the hotel is already full!"

"Is... full of occupancy?" Qiao Ran almost bit her tongue.

If she remembered correctly, when she came, the boss asked her if she wanted a single room or a double room, and if she wanted to live on the first or second floor!Filled up so quickly?

The boss nodded solemnly, "Yes, it's raining!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

This is a small town, and it's not a famous tourist attraction. Even if there are tourists, there are several hotels in the town, but this one is full?
Just as Qiao Ran was thinking, Gu Siling who was behind her suddenly sneezed several times in a row, killing all of Qiao Ran's thoughts and doubts.

After all, Gu Siling's body is important, so he bit his lip, "Okay then, thank you boss!"

"Well, you're welcome!"

Qiao Ran turned around and said to Gu Siling, "I'll take you to my room first!"

A certain person put on a fake face, frowning tightly, looking very depressed, "Is this okay?"

However, Gu Siling's embarrassing tone was regarded by Qiao Ran as being critical. After all, he was a proud person who was used to a good life, so if she was squeezed together with her, he would definitely be dissatisfied.

Thinking about it, Qiao Ran got angry, and her tone seemed to be admonishing Han Han occasionally, "It's good to live in some places, and you can still pick and choose?!"

"Woo~ okay!"

A certain person responded in a reluctant tone, and walked behind Qiao Ran, looking at Qiao Ran's back, smiling like a taboo.

And the boss sitting by the white porcelain table: "..." His eyes blinked, what's going on?
However, when Qiao Ran returned to the room, she immediately wanted to hit the wall again. At that time, she chose a single room on the far side, which only had one bedroom and one bathroom.

At that time, I wanted to be quiet, but now it has become a hole I dug for myself, so crazy.

Fortunately, she has a good habit of putting a new bath towel in the suitcase when she travels, which is completely useful now, otherwise she would have to go out in the rain to buy clothes for Gu Siling.

Qiao Ran handed the bath towel to Gu Siling, as well as her own toiletries, "Go to the bathroom to wash up first, and change your clothes."

Gu Siling didn't answer, and raised her eyes to cover Qiao Ran's whole body. Qiao Ran was seen blushing, and raised her hand to cover the important part.

Provoking Gu Siling to chuckle, he only took the bath towel from Qiao Ran's hand, raised his chin, and said in a tone that was not open to comment.

"You go and wash first, and I'll wash after I'm done!" Gu Siling just finished speaking, and sneezed again.

Qiao Ran pursed her lips and asked with puzzled eyes, "Can you do it?"

After finishing speaking, Qiao Ran caught a dangerous look, and realized later that she had said the wrong thing again.

Some people just dirty themselves, and they always mention her, do you want to do this?
Qiao Ran pursed her lips, ran into the bathroom resentfully, washed up roughly, wrapped her hair in a towel, and came out, talking to Gu Siling while walking.

"Mr. Gu, I'm done washing, you go... ah!" Before finishing speaking, Qiao Ran saw Gu Siling standing there topless, and quickly turned her back to Gu Siling.

"Mr. Gu, although you, Qu Zun, are here, at least you should pay attention to other people's feelings! People can see you like this..."

"What's wrong with people seeing it?" Gu Siling interrupted Qiao Ran, elusive, and had already arrived in front of Qiao Ran, so close to her.

There was another low laugh next to her ear, and the wet breath floated beside her ear. Qiao Ran only felt danger, closed her eyes tightly, and moved weakly to one side.

Suddenly, she felt that she was not a beauty saving a hero, she was clearly leading a wolf into the house!

Fortunately, Gu Siling didn't tease her anymore, walked past her, and went to the bathroom.

Qiao Ran had just dried her hair with a hair dryer when she heard Gu Siling's voice coming from the bathroom. She was so dazed that she couldn't hear clearly, so she walked over and pressed her face against the door.

"Mr. Gu, were you calling me just now?"

The inside responded, "Help me pass the bath towel in, I forgot to take it!"

Qiao Ran: "..." Walking to the bed in a few steps, she saw the towel she handed to Gu Siling just now on the bed.

Pick it up, walk to the bathroom door, knock on the door a few times, "Mr. Gu, I brought it, please open the door!"

Suddenly, the door was pulled away, and Gu Siling's naked upper body appeared in Qiao Ran's field of vision with nothing to hide.

If that moment passed by in a flash, then at this moment, it is true online.

Qiao Ran saw Gu Siling's eight-pack abdominal muscles at a glance, and even the drops of water dripping down the abdominal muscles.

Qiao Ran swallowed involuntarily, and then heard a joking voice from above her head, asking her, "Pretty good?"

Qiao Ran raised her eyes, met Gu Siling's playful eyes, gritted her teeth, and threw the towel over Gu Siling's head.

(End of this chapter)

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