Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 244 You Have a Nosebleed

Chapter 244 You Have a Nosebleed

The bath towel was caught by Gu Siling, and the laughter seemed to be coming from the chest, it was low-mellow and sweet.

Qiao Ran was so annoyed that she glared at Gu Siling. Unexpectedly, the latter groaned, pointed at her nose and said, "You have a nosebleed!"

Qiao Ran: "..." Holding her nose, she was about to run away when she was grabbed by her collar.

Qiao Ran was wearing pajamas with a big neckline, and she didn't have time to put on her underwear inside. She was afraid that she would be seen by Gu Siling if she was naked.

I had no choice but to protect the front collar and move forward in the direction of Gu Siling's pulling force.

Gu Siling took Qiao Ran's arm, took her to the sink, turned on the water in the faucet, turned it to cold water, put one hand on Qiao Ran's neck, and kept holding the water in the other hand, Qiao Ran patted on the forehead.

Seeing that she still couldn't stop, Gu Siling had no choice but to take the toilet paper that was on the side, twist it into strips, and stuff it in Qiao Ran's nose.

After a lot of tossing, the bleeding stopped, but when Qiao Ran looked up at herself in the mirror with two white paper balls stuffed in her nostrils, she wanted to hit the wall so badly.

He stared fiercely at himself, really wanting to have a fight with the person in the mirror.

Qiao Ran was in the midst of a battle between heaven and man, when she saw Gu Siling beside her standing in front of her with his hands on his hips, his brows and eyes were full of smiles.

"If you don't go out again, I'm worried that you're going to have a nosebleed again." Gu Siling said, stretching his hands to his waist, as if to untie the belt.

Seeing this, Qiao Ran covered her nose, walked out quickly, and closed the door with a bang.

He fell headfirst on the bed, covered his head with a quilt, and flicked his limbs on the bed, baring his teeth and claws.

Why, don't be too ashamed! ! !

When Gu Siling came out, Qiao Ran was sitting cross-legged on the bed watching TV, her nose was no longer stuffed with paper, but it was red, like a carrot, very cute.

Gu Siling looked at it and wanted to laugh, but because Qiao Ran was thin-skinned and worried that she would be kicked out from embarrassment, she could only suppress her smile and sit down beside Qiao Ran.

Although the TV was on, Qiao Ran was actually in a daze. Suddenly there was movement around her, which made her startled.

Turning to the side and seeing that it was Gu Siling, he breathed a sigh of relief, and patted his little heart that was so frightened that he missed a beat.

Seeing Qiao Ran's small movements, Gu Siling raised his eyebrows slightly, "What were you thinking just now, so scared?"

Qiao Ran held her forehead, covered half of her face with her hands, and handed Gu Siling a large pajamas she had placed beside her, "This pajamas are very loose, you can make do with them."

Gu Siling took it, picked it up with his index finger, looked at it for a few seconds, pursed his lips and said, "I've heard of women wearing men's pajamas, but I've never heard of men wearing women's pajamas."

Qiao Ran was extremely depressed when she heard that, if she hadn't taken him in, he would have been living on the street, okay?I'm still picking three and four here.

A big man in his 30s, he didn’t know how to bring luggage when he went out, and he didn’t bring a wallet or ID card. It’s flattery to say that he has a negative ability to take care of himself.

Qiao Ran was annoyed, she pursed her lips, "Are you wearing it or not?"

Gu Siling's upper body was bare, and only a bath towel was wrapped around her lower body. She lay back with her hands on the back of her head, stared at the ceiling above her head, and said firmly, "No!"

Qiao Ran: "..." Countless black lines emerged from the back of her head.Really, Hanhan is not as arrogant as this person. In her territory, I still want to say the same, heh? !
Qiao Ran put her hands on her hips, "If you don't wear pajamas, don't sleep on this bed tonight!"

It was originally a single bed, and he didn't wear pajamas, what if she accidentally rolled into his arms at night?
If you don't cooperate, then there is only one way, to sleep on the floor alone!Gu Siling is a boy, if he wants to sleep on the floor, it must be him!

Who knew that Gu Siling covered his forehead with one hand and muttered, "I'm going to sleep here!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

In the end, a certain hard-to-serve master still put on Qiao Ran's pajamas, which were made of small floral flowers. She was inexplicably happy, but because of her fair skin, she looked good in it.

The two stopped fighting and sat side by side on the bedside watching TV.Because I don’t watch TV dramas very often, I tuned directly to the movie channel.

It happened to be playing "Pride and Prejudice", a very literary love movie, the two sat there, neither of them spoke.

Qiao Ran sat for a while, and her neck was a little sore. She was on the outside, so she lay down, covered with a quilt, leaving only one head exposed.

The movie was meant to be watched halfway through, so it didn't take long for it to finish.

Qiao Ran felt a lot of emotion in her heart, but she didn't want to talk, so she pretended to be sleepy, changed places with Gu Siling, and closed her eyes facing the inside.

Gu Siling turned off the TV and lights, and lay down beside Qiao Ran, facing Qiao Ran.

Although Qiao Ran's eyes were closed, she could feel Gu Siling's gaze on her.

In her memory, there were not many times when they lay awake with each other like this.

Now, after three years of absence, even though she promised to let Gu Siling come into her room, she didn't think much about it at the time.

Now, the two of them were squeezed together on a single bed, almost body to body. Qiao Ran was undoubtedly flustered and nervous, so she had no choice but to pretend to be asleep and pretend to be herself.

No, after lying down for a while, I heard Gu Siling's voice coming from behind, so clear in the silent night.

She heard Gu Siling whispering in her ear, "I promised to watch a movie with you again before."

Seeing that she was discovered, Qiao Ran simply opened her eyes, but her body remained motionless, "Didn't you watch it with me tonight?"

"No, it doesn't count. I want to accompany you to watch a movie with just the two of us, from the beginning to the end, without skipping a single scene!"

Qiao Ran didn't say anything for a long time, and finally sighed softly, "Sling, there shouldn't be another chance like this!"

"Is it because of Xiao Yan? You like him?" When Gu Siling said this, his voice was uncontrollably tinged with chill.

Qiao Ran thought for a while, and said honestly, "It's partly because of him!"

After Gu Siling heard the words, it took a while before he opened his mouth softly, "...Ran Ran, are you still blaming me about Qing Ge?"

Hearing this, Qiao Ran's body stiffened suddenly, her eyelashes trembled, and she hummed inaudibly.

There was another long silence in the air. Suddenly, Gu Siling's hand slid along Qiao Ran's waist, hugged Qiao Ran, and put her face on Qiao Ran's back.

The voice was low and weak, but it also seemed submissive, "Ran Ran, would you like to listen to my explanation?"

Qiao Ran almost didn't think about it, she shook her head, "I don't want to, Si Ling, these things are over, why mention it again?"

Gu Siling's hand on Qiao Ran's waist tightened involuntarily, "Ran Ran, no matter what, you should at least give me a chance to explain! I'm not defending myself, but I don't want any misunderstanding between us."

(End of this chapter)

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