Chapter 277
On the way back to her ward, Qiao Ran was still thinking about what Gu Siling said just now, her heart was happy, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.

She walked with her head down, but it was not difficult for people to feel her joy.

After nodding to the bodyguard at the door, he casually pushed open the door of the ward.However, just looking up, the smile on the corner of his mouth froze.

Holding the doorknob with his hand, he fixedly looked at the person sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed.

That person is...Xiao Yan!
From the day he told her those things to now, although he entered the ward many times, but this time, it was the two who really met each other.

Naturally, the moment Qiao Ran opened the door and came in, Xiao Yan had already seen her and exchanged eyes.

She didn't move, and neither did he!

She was caught off guard, and he was scrutinizing with dark eyes!
After looking at each other for a few seconds, she turned and closed the door, and he got up and walked towards her.

Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, she didn't turn around, feeling very restless.

After a few seconds, she heard the person behind her say, "Ran Ran, are you planning to keep avoiding me like this?"

When Qiao Ran heard this, she couldn't help but twitch her hands by her side.What Xiao Yan said was right, she was escaping, and she hadn't figured out how to face him yet.

The few times Xiao Yan came in, she could pretend to be in a daze, but now, what should she do?
A person you once trusted, who can be called family, appears in front of you when you need help and comfort.

After he already had a deep-rooted position in your heart, he told you that, in fact, he centered on you and created a big deception.

Can't love, can't wait!

She can't pretend that nothing happened, and she can't completely deny everything he gave her without hesitation just because he did one wrong thing.

Qiao Ran stood silently at the door, and after a while, she spoke slowly.

"sit down!"

As Qiao Ran spoke, she took the lead and walked towards the sofa. Xiao Yan followed behind her, and the two sat down one after the other.

Qiao Ran pursed her lips, and said bluntly, "Are you here today, what do you want?"

Although Qiao Ran at this moment has never faced Fu Yunshen's arrogance and domineering, Xiao Yan's heart sank under that calm face.

He knew that she was in good health, so he made all preparations to come to her.

She understands her character, if she is allowed to vent, the relationship between them will not enter a frost period based on the previous relationship.

But he didn't expect that she would deal with her coldly, and her lukewarm attitude made him feel very uncertain.

Xiao Yan looked at Qiao Ran, and finally shook his head lonely, "I just came to see you!"

"Thanks, I'm fine now!"

"that's OK!"

As soon as Xiao Yan finished speaking, the two fell into silence again.

Qiao Ran held the phone and slid her fingers on the screen, seemingly casually and lazily, but she didn't read a single word on the screen.

She was just pretending to be herself, restraining herself, and not letting herself do things that she regretted because of impulsiveness.

If she knew that the result was like this, she would rather never know.In this way, there will always be a person who treats her very well in her heart.

However, how could Xiao Yan not see Qiao Ran's deceitful behavior?

Not to mention their love for so many years, even the love for her in his heart, he will know it by a little.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Xiao Yan's mouth, Qiao Ran's lack of attitude was already obvious!

Will he be the same as Fu Yunshen in the future?Pulled into the "blacklist" by her?
No, at least, she still has contact with Fu Yunshen now!
Xiao Yan felt bitter in his heart, but at this moment, even though she was silent to each other, he still couldn't bear to leave!

Sitting like this for a long time, Qiao Ran didn't urge Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan didn't intend to leave either!
Xiao Yan didn't get up until a call came in from Xiao Yan's mobile phone, which was about the company's affairs.

Qiao Ran sent Xiao Yan to the door as usual.But, usually, she would say from the bottom of her heart: Be careful on the road!

Today, there are no words of concern anymore, perhaps, she got up to see him off because she was completely concerned about her former affection, Xiao Yan thought so.

But the moment he stepped out of the door, he still couldn't help turning around, staring at Qiao Ran's face, and pretending to speak calmly.

"Ran Ran, will you still eat beef ramen in the future?"

"Yes!" Qiao Ran replied seriously.

Xiao Yan hummed, his eyes suddenly became hot and itchy, he quickly turned around and walked towards the end of the corridor.

Qiao Ran looked at the tall figure going away, her eyes were sore, and she spoke to the two bodyguards at the door.

"Go back too! Just tell your boss, I said it!"

Qiao Ran said, and while the two bodyguards looked at each other, they closed the door of the ward.

She was the only one left in the room, and her mood when she came back was completely replaced by sadness.When no one is around, all the strong camouflage is also torn.

She was lying on the bed, her face buried in the quilt, silent and silent.

The slightly trembling shoulders exposed the fragility of the girl!

Qiao Ran lay on the bed and fell asleep without knowing it. When she woke up, it was already dusk and the sun was about to set. The air conditioner in the room was on and the temperature was very comfortable.

Qiao Ran opened her eyes in a daze, got out of the quilt, sat on the edge of the bed, rubbed her eyes, and looked for slippers.

This appearance really looks like a child, and a child who has just woken up!

Qiao Ran yawned. A nap is not only easy to make people sleepy, but also more likely to make people sleepy.

However, Qiao Ran's mouth was still open, but she found something unusual in the room, so she opened her eyes wide to see it!
Gu Siling was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at her ugly face with a smile that wasn't a smile, what the hell is this!

Qiao Ran quickly shut her mouth and greeted Gu Siling, "Mr. Gu, how are you!" Just as she was speaking, a tear fell on her eyelashes.

Qiao Ran: "..." She had completely forgotten that yawning would cause tears, embarrassing!
Qiao Ran turned around and turned her back to Gu Siling, pretending to be making the quilt while talking to Gu Siling.

"Mr. Gu, how long have you been here?" Is this the focus of her attention?

"Well, it's been a while?"

Qiao Ran: "..." The ambiguity, are you fooling her?
Qiao Ran quietly glanced at the clock on the wall, well, it's almost seven o'clock!

Qiao Ran pursed her lips, "Mr. Gu, have you eaten yet?"

"not yet!"

"Oh! Mr. Gu, what do you want to eat?"

"What do you eat and what do I eat?"

Well, this person can't speak at all, but a word like that once in a while is quite pleasing to girls.

Qiao Ran pursed her lips and smiled, walked towards the bathroom, and spoke to Gu Siling behind her.

"Mr. Gu, wait for me, I'll wash my face, and it will be fine soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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