Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 278 I've always liked you!

Chapter 278 I Like You All The Time! (3000 words)
After Gu Siling and Qiao Ran finished their meal, it was only after eight o'clock in the evening. The heat had subsided, and the breeze was refreshing and refreshing.

The two were hanging out in the park near the hospital. There were many people inside and it was very lively.

They sat down in a place with few people in the square, and the two quietly watched the aunts dancing in the square, the boys playing basketball, and some children, being pulled by their parents, walking on the aisle.

Qiao Ran looked at it with envy, her eyes were slightly bent, like a crescent moon.

In an inconspicuous corner, she looked at others with envy in her eyes; he looked at her with her in his eyes!
Time passed in the blink of an eye, and the people in the square dispersed one after another, leaving few traces.

A cool night is always charming. The two of them sat on the steps, neither intending to leave.

Qiao Ran stared at the front, suddenly, but her hand was held by Gu Siling's. Qiao Ran withdrew her gaze and looked up at Gu Siling.

However, Gu Siling looked away, and Qiao Ran thought it was Gu Siling pulling her hand in embarrassment, with a smile on her lips, and was about to look away when she heard Gu Siling speak again.

"Grandpa said, I want to see you!"

"Okay, when?"

"When do you want?"

"... I can do it, you arrange it!"

"it is good!"

"Then I took you to meet grandpa, shouldn't you also take me to meet your family?"

After Gu Siling finished speaking, Qiao Ran couldn't help but freeze, and looked at Gu Siling with scrutiny.

Qiao Ran's reaction was within Gu Siling's expectation.

He put his arms around Qiao Ran's shoulders, "Shouldn't you take me to inject incense for my father-in-law?"

Qiao Ran realized what Gu Siling meant after she realized it later, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"it is good!"

A few days after Gu Siling was discharged from the hospital, the two left Hanhan to be taken care of by Han Jing, and then went to City Z.

After offering joss sticks to Qiao Zhennan and returning, the two of them walked down the mountain, but on the way, the weather suddenly changed and dark clouds covered them, so they had to find a nearby place to hide from the rain.

However, Qiao Ran did not expect to meet her, Jiang Shangyun.

Since she went to see her in the hospital three years ago, the two of them have never seen each other again.

Perhaps, in her subconscious mind, she felt that Fu Yunshen would still help her take good care of Jiang Shangyun as before.

Although, he doesn't have that obligation!
Jiang Shangyun was standing under the eaves, looking around, while she was being pulled by Gu Siling, and was running.

The moment their eyes met, the excitement and excitement on her face suddenly froze.

Almost subconsciously, she turned her head to look at Gu Siling.Intuition told her that everything will not be just right, it's just such a coincidence,
Gu Siling received Qiao Ran's gaze, and hugged her tightly. After giving her a sneaky look, he took the lead and greeted Jiang Shangyun not far away. His tone was rare and kind, bringing With respect.

"Aunt Jiang!"

Jiang Shangyun withdrew his gaze from Qiao Ran's face, heyed, and walked towards them, a little at a loss.

It wasn't until Jiang Shangyun walked in front of the two of them that at this moment, Qiao Ran could fully see her face clearly.

Compared with five years ago, it has changed a lot. His face is no longer that unhealthy pale, with a little rosy.The whole body exudes a gentle temperament and an indifferent indifference to the world.

It is undeniable that in terms of her fate, her life has been too rough, but in terms of appearance, God has shown great love to her.

A woman in her 50s looks like a woman in her 30s, or even worse.

"Sling, you're here!" She said slowly and glanced at Qiao Ran as if inadvertently.

"Well, Ran Ran and I came to see you!"

Hearing this, Jiang Shangyun looked happily at Qiao Ran, who pursed her lips and remained silent.

The disappointment that flashed across Jiang Shangyun's face, Gu Siling saw it, he kept his expression and moved her hand.

"Aunt Jiang, it's going to rain, let's go into the house first!"

"Hey!" Jiang Shangyun responded, and quickly moved to the side to get out of the way.

Before Qiao Ran could express his opinion, Gu Siling had already made up his own mind. He walked in front and held Qiao Ran's hand without letting go.

Qiao Ran followed behind her step by step, looking at the hands they held together, feeling inexplicable.

He understands her, understands her very well!
With this undeniable dominance, give her a step, a reasonable excuse to enter the house.

This is a stone tile house, the house is simple and empty, but very tidy.

Qiao Ran sat down with Gu Siling, and Jiang Shangyun poured water for the two of them, and sat down beside her.

Qiao Ran remained silent from the beginning to the end, and it was Gu Siling who was chatting with Jiang Shangyun.

What surprised Qiao Ran was that the content of the chat was all she wanted to know but didn't want to ask.He did it all for her.

Qiao Ran was also very surprised by Gu Siling's eloquent talk.

In her impression, Gu Siling had always been a man of few words, but she never expected that he would talk so much to Jiang Shangyun.

Is it because of...

Qiao Ran pursed her lips!

A heavy rain stopped within half an hour, and the sun shone in through the window, covering the ground with light.

The two set off, and Jiang Shangyun sent them outside the house with an unconcealable expression on his face.

At the last moment when Qiao Ran turned to leave, she nervously grabbed Qiao Ran's sleeve, and hurriedly withdrew her hand when she saw Qiao Ran stop.

Like a child who has done something wrong, he lowered his head and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Ran Ran, if you have time in the future, can you come and see Auntie. I..."

Qiao Ran looked at Jiang Shangyun with his eyes downcast, his hands nervously folded on his waist, looking cautious, and his heart was inexplicably twisted.

She seemed to be like this forever in front of her, as humble as dust, to please her and look at her face.

Qiao Ran's eyes suddenly became hot. She looked up at the distant skyline, pursed her lips, and uttered two words.

"Will do!"

When Jiang Shangyun heard the words, he looked up at Qiao Ran with an expression of disbelief.

Qiao Ran couldn't help saying it again, "I'll come to see you, take care of yourself!"

"Hey, good!" Jiang Shangyun wept with joy, and raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Qiao Ran was afraid that if she stayed longer, she would lose control of her emotions, so she said, "Go back to the house, we're leaving... goodbye!"

"Alright... Si Ling, please take good care of Ran Ran!"

"I will, Aunt Jiang, let's go!"


The two walked a long way, but Jiang Shangyun stood still, watching the direction they left.

Qiao Ran looked back for a few seconds, then withdrew her gaze, and spoke to Gu Siling beside her.

"Does she live here alone?"

"He Qingge lives with her!"


"He Qingge is a volunteer teacher in a nearby elementary school!"


"Ran Ran, He Qingge can accept Jiang Shangyun, I hope you can too! After all, she is your mother!"

"I just didn't..."

"What I mean by acceptance is closeness! Ranran, if the relationship between Hanhan and you is like this, what would you do if you put yourself in another place?"

"...Well, I see!"

"There is always a process in everything. If you have time, come and accompany her."

"it is good!"

"there's one more thing!"


"We went back to City S, shouldn't we get the certificate?"

Qiao Ran: "..."

This is not a proposal, is it?This is too... random!No one has ever pursued her properly! !
Qiao Ran pursed her lips, "I don't want to get married yet!"

"You can get the certificate first and get married later!"

"No way!"

"It's what grandpa meant!"

"..." means that it was Grandpa who wanted him to get the certificate, not him himself?
Qiao Ran doesn't want to talk anymore!
Gu Siling saw Qiao Ran puffed up and didn't look at him, so she couldn't help but chuckled, "Actually, I meant to turn you into the Gu family's door earlier!"

Well, someone listened, was happy, hummed falsely, and joked with him.

"Mr. Gu, you married me because of Hanhan, right? I remember, whether it was three years ago or now, I don't have much dealings with you!"

"Well, not many!" Gu Siling smiled.


Can't you answer her previous sentence?
"Probably, when your name is Mr. Gu, listen, there is always a different charm."

The corners of Gu Siling's mouth slightly raised, looking at Qiao Ran's small face, "Do you know, Mr. Gu, from a legal point of view, it's still what a wife calls a husband?"

Qiao Ran bows down!
"Also, Qiao Ran, you are a little fool!"


"You suspect that you look like He Qingge, and He Qingge looks like Li Xiner, why don't you suspect that they look like you?"

Qiao Ran thought about Gu Siling's words for a while, before throwing herself into his arms and hugging him, she spoke softly.

"I thought you did not like me?"

Gu Siling laughed softly, "The one I like has always been you!"


Qiao Ran and Gu Siling received the certificate when Qiao Ran was 27 years old, and the wedding was held on her 32nd birthday.

At the wedding, there were no dignitaries or celebrities in the business world, only relatives and friends of both parties. It took five years and a huge investment to hold in a small town.

On the day of the wedding, the whole town became a sea of ​​flowers, and roses of various colors were beautiful and beautiful, setting off this festive and unforgettable day.

People passing by were amazed and envious. People heard that the reason the groom spent time and money to transform this little-known town into a fairyland was because she was the hometown of the bride and the place where they met.

But no one knows, it is also because the bride came back five years ago and sang a song in the bar: "Millions of Roses".

At that time, the wedding was held in a European-style building in the center of the town.

On one side of the wall, there is a picture of Mr. Gu once painted by the bride; on the other side, there is only a pair of clear eyes on the picture, which belongs to Mrs. Gu!
Hanhan and her four-year-old sister, holding the long wedding dress skirt, accompanied Qiao Ran on the aisle, handed Mommy to Dad, and listened to their promise for a lifetime.

Those who don't know only know that this couple is married late, but they don't know that it is Mrs. Gu's wish to let her son and daughter be flower girls!
As for Mr. Gu, he indulged again and again, no matter how long, he was willing to wait!
In this life, the rare thing is not that you like me, and I happen to like you, are always the one I like!
To be continued!

(End of this chapter)

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