Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 283 The Little Theater in the Author's Chapter

Chapter 283 The Little Theater in the Author's Words
In other words, Xiao Hanhan's baby's fat round face has not lost weight even in the sixth grade of elementary school, and the little guy is extremely distressed by this.

What made him even more distressed was that Xiaofu always pinched his fleshy face to make him lose weight.

So, baby Gu Han, who loves to stay in bed, wakes up very early every day, and runs with his father...

After persisting for more than a month, the flesh on the little guy's body has lost weight, but the flesh on his face... can't be described in words...

The point is, the little guy has been tossed enough, I don’t want to stick to it anymore, lose weight, sincerely... hey... so tired!
Little Happiness put his back on his waist and said, "Little Fatty's face is even thinner than yours!"

Little friend Gu Han, who was quite shocked, looked at the chubby little fat man, so frightening...I want to cry!
After being depressed for a long time, when I got home, I went online to Baidu: Is there a way to lose weight without running?

Netizen [-]: You really have a big face!! You want to lose weight but don’t want to run!
Xiao Hanhan has black lines on his face: I want to lose weight, big brother!!
Netizen [-]: Slimming injections!!
Xiao Hanhan watched it and almost spat blood on the computer screen!
Netizen [-]: Smile less, pinch your face when you laugh, it won’t make your face look big!
Xiao Hanhan: Finally, there is a reliable one!
So, everyone discovered a secret, the little girl Gu Han has become aloof!!
And Xiaofu discovered a secret that no one else has discovered: every time Xiaohanhan laughs...will... pinch her face!
For this reason, Xiao Xingfu... is very distressed!
For this reason, little friend Gu even more distressed!
Because it's always fun to be together with Xiaofu, and I can't help but want to laugh.

One day, Xiaofufu said to Xiaohanhan helplessly, "Your face is so fleshy, it's much easier to touch than that of a little fat man!"

Xiao Hanhan is so happy... But, what does it mean to be much easier to touch than the little fat man's face?
It's rare...has Little Happiness ever touched the little fat man's face?
Xiao Hanhan is depressed!
In order not to give Xiao Xingfu the chance to touch the little fat man, Gu Han took Mommy's hand when he got home, went to the children's product store, and bought children... Cream...

Since then, the little face is so tender that it can squeeze out water!
However, when Xiao Hanhan was in junior high school, the chubby face that Xiao Hanhan was so proud of actually... lost weight!!
Little happiness, so happy...

Little Hanhan, I'm so sad...

Small Theater 2: Mr. Gu with a black belly~
One day, Mrs. Gu had a conflict with Mr. Gu and was angry for several days.

Mr. Gu can't coax him no matter what, but Mrs. Gu just won't talk to him!
I can't sing a one-man show!
So, Xiao Wu came up with an idea to call everyone out to get together.

Well, let’s get together, as soon as Han Jing told Qiao Ran, she agreed, mainly because she wanted to drink!
Sure enough, I was drunk!
Fortunately, Mr. Gu didn't bother with her. After returning home, he helped his wife to lie down on the bed, took off her shoes, and covered her with a quilt.

When going to the bathroom to fetch water for Mrs. Gu to wipe her face, she took off her shirt that smelled of alcohol.

I fetched a basin of water, twisted a wet towel, and wiped Mrs. Gu's face to cool down.

Qiao Ran opened her eyes in a daze. Under the light, she looked at Mr. Gu's naked upper body, strong muscles, and swallowed for nothing.

Of course, Mr. Gu realized that something was wrong with Mrs. Gu, he paused the hand holding the towel, and pursed his lips slightly.

Slowly leaning over, kissing Mrs. Gu's forehead, eyes, nose, and then, Hongchun...

Qiao Ran couldn't stand being teased by tiao/, she couldn't stand Gu Siling's tiao/tiao, and she was drunk again, and her thinking was not clear, so naturally she felt very uncomfortable...

Eyes open with bewilderment, like a kitten, pitiful...

The corner of Gu Siling's mouth smiled, leaned into Qiao Ran's ear, and asked softly, "Thought it?"

Qiao Ran opened her watery eyes, reacted for a few seconds, completely forgot about her shyness, and nodded.

Gu Siling was absent for several days, so he naturally thought about it too, but resisted it, kissed Qiao Ran's neck, and said solemnly, "But, you are fighting with me. I touched you now, When you wake up tomorrow, you will definitely blame me again..."

In the voice, there is still aggrieved...

Qiao Ran was kissed by Gu Siling until she turned into a puddle of water, how could she care so much, she wrapped her arms around Gu Siling's firm arm, begging softly.

"I won't fight with you anymore!"

"Then do you blame me?"

"Do not……"

"Then you are not allowed to fight coldly with me in the future!"

"it is good……"

Then... I don't know if Mr. Gu threw Mrs. Gu or Mrs. Gu threw Mr. Gu...

From then on, Qiao Ran never dared to drink again!
Small theater 3: Hanhan buys snacks for her sister

Several years after Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu got married, they finally had a little bun again, and it was still a pink bun.

As long as Mr. Gu came home, he would basically be holding Xiaofen Baozi, and became a proper daughter slave.

Although Xiao Hanhan occasionally eats a little vinegar, she still likes her little sister.

After my sister got older, every time I bought snacks with the pocket money I got from being cute at Mummy, I would buy one for my little sister.

Recently, he found a super delicious Doudou called Mai Lisu in the school canteen.

It's really delicious and cheap, and it has almost become a daily must-have for little ones.

One day, the little guy went to buy a pack of Melissa during class, planning to secretly give it to his sister when he got home.

However, the teacher asked for leave in class, and there was no one, so some children secretly took out their own snacks to eat.

Xiao Hanhan also really wanted to eat, so she looked at the table countless times, and finally, she opened the package and ate up.

Xiao Hanhan had no choice but to rush to the supermarket after class and bought another pack, but when she came back around, there were children eating snacks next to her, and it was still...Mai Lisu...

Xiao Hanhan couldn't bear it, and ate again...

After class, I went to buy another pack, didn't eat it, and held back, but, for self-study at noon, well, it's hard to say.

How can a foodie resist the temptation of delicious food?
The self-study in the afternoon is over, and school is over after another class, Xiao Hanhan hurried to the canteen, but it was sold out!!!
After a few days, the commissary finally had Mai Lisu again.

After Xiao Hanhan heard the news, she was overjoyed and took all the pocket money she had saved for a long time to school, but lost it...

After returning home, taking advantage of his father's absence, he pretended to be pitiful with Mommy, and Mommy made up for him all the money he lost.

The next day, with all the money, I was worried about losing it, so I bought all of Mai Lisu as soon as I went to school.

After school, at the door of the house, I ran into a father who left work early to accompany his wife and children.

Dad saw that his schoolbag was bulging, so he helped him carry it. He was very happy. The schoolbag was so heavy that he really wanted to go to school without carrying it every day.

However, the schoolbag had just arrived in Dad's hands, the little guy realized it later, and then stayed...

He wanted to pretend nothing happened and cover up the past lightly, however, out of the corner of his eye, Dad... opened his schoolbag...

Xiao's over...

(End of this chapter)

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