Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 284 Mo 2 Ruan Ruanzhang: I grow up with you, you accompany me to grow old

Chapter 284 Mo Er Ruan Ruan: I will grow up with you, and you will grow old with me ([-])
In desperation, out of inertia, he grabbed the hem of Mo Yiting's clothes, but he was holding a fruit plate in his hand, so he was bound to fall.

Ruan Ruan closed her eyes resignedly, and at the same time made a very explosive dolphin sound.

However, after a few seconds, the expected pain did not come as expected, instead, there was a clear smell in his nose, which smelled very good.

Even though she was already very familiar with this breath, she still couldn't help wrinkling her nose and sniffing it.

Mo Yiting looked at the girl in his arms who looked like a puppy, and couldn't help laughing out loud. The voice seemed to be coming from his chest, deep and deep.

"How long are you going to lie on me and sniff?"

"Hmm, what a horse?" Ruan Ruan opened his eyes when he heard the words, and met Mo Yiting's smiling eyes.

Blinking his eyes, when he saw Mo Yiting's bare shoulders, his face blushed, and he quickly got up from Mo Yiting's body!

However, after getting up, he saw several spots of red on Mo Yiting's clothes.

Damn, what did she just do?
After Mo Yiting came back, because he was cooking, he only wore a loose white T-shirt, and when she pulled it, half of his shoulders were exposed.

That's all, the strawberries on the clothes were all crushed, and there were clumps of traces.

Knowing that he was in trouble, Ruan Ruan hurriedly pulled Mo Yiting up, seeing that the back of his trousers was dirty, without thinking about it, he reached out and patted him a few times.

After a few seconds, both of them were stunned!
Looking at each other, a certain girl suddenly laughed and pointed at the dark mark, "Momo, you peed your pants! Hahaha~"

Mo Yiting's face was pale, his lips were pursed, it's okay to be a prick, and it's okay if his butt is touched by a girl, but the point is, what the hell, is he ashamed to say he peed his pants?
Mo Yiting's eyes were gloomy, and suddenly, he slowly raised his hand and pointed at the girl's plain white clothes, keeping his secrets secret.

Ruan Ruan clutched her throbbing stomach and followed the hand to look down. Suddenly, there was another dolphin sound.

"Mo Yiting, are such a rascal!"

Ruan Ruan clutched her chest and ran out of the kitchen. When she passed by the fruit plate that fell on the ground, she didn't forget to kick her.

Ruan Ruan ran upstairs in a few steps, closed the door as soon as she entered the bedroom, was stuck against the door, and took a big breath!

What the hell, there's something wrong with Strawberry dyeing her clothes, one on the left and one on the right, so symmetrical, and even more so... so shy!

In the future, I will never eat strawberries again! !
It wasn't until Ruan Ruan went upstairs that Mo Yiting looked away, staring at the battlefield where the people were on their backs, and laughed softly.

Ruan Ruan stripped off her clothes, threw them on the ground, and went to the bathroom angrily.

Although the clothes were not very dirty, she was obsessed with cleanliness and felt uncomfortable, so she had to take a bath.

However, as he washed and washed, he couldn't help but think of Mo Yiting again.That person is also a freak of cleanliness, he should be in the bathroom right now!

Fortunately, he was making soup just now, otherwise, the kitchen would definitely be ablaze after that toss.

Applying the shower gel on her body, it smelled exactly the same as his body, Ruan Ruan smiled happily, and hummed a song while washing.

However, for some reason, when wiping her body, she inadvertently touched her little butt, her face turned red, her palms became hot, and she felt a strange feeling.

Also, he clearly saw her chasing a boy at the school gate, got in the car until now, and didn't ask any questions, what do you mean?
His beautiful and charming eyes flashed for a moment, and he stared at himself in the bathroom mirror for a while, then went out thoughtfully, sat on the edge of the bed, and wiped his hair time after time!

The door of the room was knocked from the outside, Ruan Ruan threw the wet towel on the ground, walked over and opened the door.

Puffing out his cheeks, he gave Mo Yiting a mournful look. Amid the latter's bewildered expression, he turned around, lay down on the bed in large characters, and pulled the quilt over his head.

Mo Yiting touched his nose, obviously not surprised by the sudden temper of the young master.

He walked into the bathroom and came out with a hair dryer in his hand.

He lifted the quilt, turned on the mute, and patiently blow-dried Ruan Ruan's hair.I didn't get up until my hair was completely dry.

When she came out, she saw that Ruan Ruan was still lying there in the original posture, with the corners of her mouth slightly bent, turning the girl's small body over like turning an egg.

I couldn't help laughing, "Does your posture look like a little turtle drying its belly on the beach?"

Ruan Ruan: "..."

I can imagine a scene in my mind: a little tortoise whose belly is being turned over to bask in the sun, landed on the back of its shell, with its limbs fluttering, but it can't get up no matter how hard it struggles!

Hey, that's the only impression she has of turtles.How can it be a bad analogy, why should it be compared to a tortoise!

Ruan Ruan couldn't help rubbing her belly, sat up, pouted and looked at Mo Yiting, "You are the turtle! You are an old turtle!"

Mo Yiting: "..." He pursed his lips, thinking that a good man would not fight a woman, who made him a handsome and graceful adult man?

Luoluo stood up, "The meal is ready, hurry up and change your clothes and come down to eat!" After saying that, she walked out and closed the bedroom door.

Ruan Ruan looked at the closed door, so he went out like this?
At the dining table, after being peeped at by the other party countless times, Mo Yiting raised his head and touched his face, "Will you be able to fill your stomach just by staring at me?"

Ruan Ruan flattened her mouth, hummed, took a spoonful of soup, and casually took a sip, and then she opened her mouth.

"Stop being stinky!"

Mo Yiting smiled noncommittally, and didn't care at all, but Ruan Ruan, who was opposite him, felt uneasy again seeing him like this.

"Hey~ Momo, did you see the boy who went out of school with me today?"

"Going out of school together? Isn't he going in front and you in the back?"

"..." Do you want to be so poisonous? "Well, that's it! What do you think of him?"


Ruan Ruan: "...I've been chasing him recently, it's really hard to chase him!"

Mo Yiting raised his eyes lightly, and looked at the girl opposite for a few seconds, "Uncle Ruan and Aunt Ruan should know that their precious daughter is chasing after a boy all day, so they might book a ticket and fly back immediately!"

"So, Momo, you have to keep this matter a secret for me. I've already thought about it. I still have a year to graduate. My goal now is to try my best to catch him and talk about marriage after graduation. Everything is just right, Momo, don’t you think so?”

"Are you... hate marriage?"

"It's not impossible to understand this way! The main reason is that the senior is three years older than me. I can wait, but he may not be able to wait!"

"Three years older?"

"Hmm!" The girl blinked her big innocent eyes, "This age is just right for me!"

"Oh, that's alright!"

"That's right! By the wait!" Ruan Ruan said, and ran upstairs slowly, and when she came down again, she was holding a delicate box in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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