Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 336 Han Jing Xiao Chapter 5

Chapter 336

At a loss, before Han Jing could get up, she put her hand on Shen Qingjue's arm again, slipped, and fell into Shen Qingjue's arms again!
And her lips kissed Shen Qingjue's face, so close to his close!
For a moment, there seemed to be a burst of electricity running through her brain, and she suddenly forgot to think!
She didn't dare to move, she got up cautiously, put her body on top of Shen Qingjue, and looked down at him.

Breathing seems to be suddenly stuck in the throat!

She was so afraid that he would suddenly wake up!

However, I was really afraid of something.

Shen Qingjue's eyelashes trembled, and when she was about to open her eyes, Han Jing quickly stood up from the sofa!

Sure enough, I can't do things with a bad conscience.

Obviously she was the one who suffered, but she stood there like a child who did something wrong, at a loss! She almost stood in a military posture and waited for him to wake up!

Han Jing was worried, but she didn't expect that Shen Qingjue moved her eyes, turned over and fell asleep!
Is this person playing heartbeat with her?

Han Jing couldn't believe it. While depressed, she felt her lips were on fire, very hot!

Just now, she actually kissed Shen Qingjue!
Although she was careless, although... she kissed him on the face... But, Shen Qingjue was also the second man she kissed besides Jiang Xinzhi!
This feeling, why...

Han Jing couldn't say anything, and in her anger, she threw the towel in Shen Qingjue's face, turned around and walked towards the kitchen!
However, just after she took a few steps, the little cat on the sofa that had fled to one side in fright squatted back on the sofa at some point and meowed at Han Jing twice!

Han Jing turned around helplessly, picked up the wet towel that was still on Shen Qingjue's face but now fell on him, and put it on Shen Qingjue's forehead!
Only then did he talk to the "third party" beside him. Of course, there was a lot of jealousy in the words!
"That's okay, right? You little eccentric!"

The kitten meowed again! It seemed to be responding to her.

Han Jing was walking towards the kitchen when she heard a cat meowing and almost staggered.

When Han Jing made the hangover soup and came out, Shen Qingjue was no longer on the sofa!

Well, it's her fault, I was a little tired after tossing with Shen Qingjue after work, I just had a stew in the kitchen for a while!When I woke up, I found that the hangover soup I made was dry, so I had to make it again!
It took a long time to fiddle with this!
Han Jing took the hangover soup and walked upstairs to Shen Qingjue's bedroom!The door was ajar, Han Jing gently opened it with her foot, and squeezed in!
The bedroom was brightly lit, but there was no shadow of Shen Qingjue, but the sound of rushing water came from the bathroom!

Han Jing couldn't help looking in that direction, but saw the door of the bathroom, clothes and pants were thrown all over the floor!
Han Jing: "..."

She doesn't know how the young masters of other aristocratic families are, but Shen Qingjue has some habits, and she really can't stand it!
Han Jing put the bowl on the table next to the bed, and threw the clothes on the floor into the clothes!
But for some reason, hearing the sound of water in the bathroom, her ears turned red. This feeling is weird!

Han Jing quickly cleaned up and was about to go out, but was hesitating whether to tell Shen Qingjue that the hangover soup was on the bedside table for him to drink. When he was sleeping, the bathroom door suddenly opened!
The four eyes met, and it took several seconds before there was a scream!
Han Jing swears, she didn't speak out on purpose!
It's just that Shen Qingjue, he...he came out of the bathroom, unexpectedly...has nothing on!
Han Jing covered her eyes and almost fled in despair!When he walked to the door, he heard Shen Qingjue laughing!

That laughter was hearty, and she was very familiar with it!

In the past, every time Shen Qingjue teased her, she would always smile like this, it's very embarrassing!

Han Jing ran back to her bedroom, her face was still red!
is there any method?For both sexes, she has always been the kind of lip service, in fact, she is not even as good as a rookie!

The only time she had sex with the opposite sex was when she didn't know anything about it!
Just now after she regained consciousness, she escaped extremely fast, completely out of a girl's normal reaction!
However, she didn't expect that when Shen Qingjue came out, before she screamed, she looked at Shen Qingjue from top to bottom!
Sure enough, is the nature of a woman flowing in her body?

Kissed him first, and then saw him naked... Don't be too ashamed!

At this moment, Han Jing really wanted to dig a hole and bury herself in it!

I hope Shen Qingjue forgets about it, and don't tease her!

Han Jing wanted to go down and tidy up the kitchen, but when she heard footsteps coming from the corridor, she had to give up!

At this time, it's better for her not to see Shen Qingjue!

Han Jing thought, washed up, and fell asleep by herself!

Shen Qingjue was able to go to the bedroom to take a bath by himself, he must have almost sobered up!
Han Jing set the alarm clock, and when she woke up, it was exactly ten o'clock in the morning!

I'm going out with Jiang Xin at noon, if Shen Qingjue is having dinner at home today, she has to prepare the meal for him in advance!
Around 11:30, Han Jing finished all the housework and put on makeup in the bedroom!
Shen Qingjue kicked the door open and came in!
The voice is a bit loud, Han Jing is putting on lipstick, it's okay, it's crooked, it's pink, but Han Jing's skin is fair, it looks quite obvious!

Shen Qingjue came in, looked through the mirror, just in time to see Han Jing smearing her lipstick, and burst out laughing!

It seemed that he had forgotten that when he just woke up, he was looking for this woman upstairs and downstairs with the spirit of getting up!

Han Jing was speechless, she didn't know who the culprit was like this?

Depressedly, he put the lipstick on the table, turned around, and didn't wipe his face, "You've done such a good thing, you still have the nerve to laugh at me here!"

When Shen Qingjue heard this, the corners of her lips were restrained, but even so, she still couldn't hide that flat smile!
Lazily walked up to Han Jing, picked up the tissue beside her, pinched her chin with one hand, "Okay, okay, I don't laugh, just wipe it for you, huh?"

Han Jing was sitting, and Shen Qingjue was standing behind her, but he was still holding her chin with his hand. This posture was a bit ambiguous no matter how you looked at it!

Especially when he looked down at him, although his eyes were calm, it always felt weird!

It's not like she never had close contact with him before. When she was fighting with him, she would even sit on him!But she didn't know if it was because of the two incidents that happened yesterday, she suddenly felt a little overwhelmed!

The hand pinching her chin seemed to be burning hot, while his other hand was wiping her lips with a tissue.

I don't know if it's her illusion, but she always feels that Shen Qingjue's face is getting closer to her!

She pushed him away unprepared, and she didn't seem to recover until she saw Shen Qingjue being backed up a few steps by her!

Annoyance flashed through my mind!It's her psychology!
It is impossible for Shen Qingjue to have those thoughts towards her.Otherwise, based on what she knew about him, if he fell in love with a woman, he would definitely be very high-profile, not like them!

What are she and him, at most they are buddies!

Han Jing didn't dare to look up at Shen Qingjue, she turned her face sideways, "You go out first, I have something to do when I go out later, so I can't delay! I put the food in the kitchen, it should still be hot!"

However, Shen Qingjue did not follow his words, but casually walked up to Han Jing with his hands behind his back, and when he spoke, he was very close.

"What are you nervous about? Isn't it just to help you put on some lipstick? So excited..."

Han Jing pushed Shen Qingjue out irritably, and said as she walked, "Don't talk so close in the future, you have bad breath, I hate you to death!"

Han Jing randomly found an excuse to cover up her inner guilt!
Shen Qing Jue was just playing around with Han Jing, she pushed him, and followed him out halfway, but when she heard this sentence, she looked like a rooster with fried hair!

"Damn" and held Han Jing's wrist, "If you have the guts, tell me again?"

"No matter how many times I say it, my mother is fearless!! Bad breath!"

"Fuck, I just finished brushing my teeth! You bitch deserves a beating!"

Han Jing raised her delicate chin, "Then beat me up!"

"You..." Seeing Han Jing's provocative appearance, Shen Qingjue's teeth itched with anger!
"If you don't beat me up, then let me go!" Han Jing stepped on Shen Qingjue's foot, freed her hand when he was in pain, rubbed her sore wrist, and burrowed into her in the bedroom.

Shen Qingjue outside the door touched her sore toes, straightened up, looked at the closed door, shook her head and smiled!
What he a shrew!!
You little idiot, you slipped pretty fast!

When she went downstairs, Shen Qingjue was sitting in the living room eating.When Han Jing passed by Shen Qingjue, she snorted at the man with her nostrils upturned.

Shen Qingjue was completely unaffected and ate with gusto, but couldn't help but say "cheap".

"The green bamboo shoots seem to be undercooked, the green beans have been fried for a long time, and the potato chips are too sour and not spicy enough..."

Han Jing who was changing shoes at the entrance: "..."

The sharp eye knife shot over, and threw the slippers on the ground casually, "Shen Qingjue, I will lose if you have lunch today!"

Getting up early and making him breakfast, what a fucking mistake!
After speaking, the door was slammed shut!

Shen Qingjue touched his nose and knew to shut up, but Han Jing had already left!Someone was resentful, and after a while, he smiled cheaply again!
Han Jing originally planned to make an appointment with Jiang Xin, and she went there directly by bus, but because Jiang Xin wanted to return Shen Qingjue's car, Han Jing had to wait for him at the door!

About 5 minutes later, Jiang Xin came, and Han Jing handed over the car key to a security guard at the door, asked him to help park the car, and handed the key to Shen Qingjue by the way!

Only then did the two walk side by side, towards the bus stop!
When Shen Qingjue heard the ringing of the doorbell, she thought it was Han Jing who had forgotten something, and opened the door, but unexpectedly, it was the guard who gave him the car keys!

He knows what's going on!

Last night, he didn't drink much and was just a little dizzy. He just wanted to take this opportunity to let Han Jing take her back!

But she didn't expect to meet Jiang Xin at the door.So, he pretended to be uncomfortable and fell asleep, but in fact he wanted to hear what they would talk about when they reunited after a long absence!
However, along the way, she and Jiang Xin talked very little, mostly Jiang Xin asked her, and she was answering!

He was quite satisfied with her performance, but when he got out of the car, he heard what they were talking about having dinner together at noon today, and he was upset again, he was out of breath, and after Jiang Xin left, he didn't talk to her either!
When she wiped his face, a little accident happened. He pretended not to know to avoid embarrassment for her. However, he was completely left behind again, leaving him lying on the sofa alone!
He pretended to be asleep and couldn't go on anymore. He glanced at her in the kitchen and went back to the bedroom to wash up...

When she woke up in the morning, there was no one in the room, she thought she had gone on a date without saying hello, so when she saw her in her room, she was quite angry!
But at this moment, he looked at the car key in the security guard's hand, as if looking at an enemy, very childish!

He didn't pick it up either, "This car is for you, don't let it appear in front of me again!"

As Shen Qingjue said, while the security guard was in a daze, he slammed the door shut!
He is just stingy!!
so what?

Anyone who has coveted thoughts about the woman he likes, if he can act as if nothing happened when he touches his things, then he is not Shen Qingjue!
Shen Qingjue walked to the balcony depressedly. Although she knew that she would not see Han Jing now, she couldn't help but walk here.

Going out to dinner with your ex-boyfriend and need makeup?

Why don't you wear makeup when you eat with him at home?
A man who loves jealousy is generally like this, possessive, jealousy bubbles everywhere, messing around like a child.

Jiang Xin and Han Jing went to a seafood noodle restaurant, where the stewed noodles are very popular. Han Jing likes to eat seafood stewed noodles. For those who know her well, this is no secret!
There were a lot of people, and we had to queue up. When we came out after eating, it was past two o'clock, because we didn't go to work until seven o'clock in the evening, so Jiang Xin proposed to go to the movies together!
There just happened to be a very popular movie recently, and the theme song was sung by her favorite singer. She really wanted to watch it, but because of being alone, she never went!
Therefore, when I heard Jiang Xin's proposal, I happily agreed!
However, the two bought movie tickets and popcorn, sat there and waited for half an hour, and when the movie was about to start, they received a call from the villa!
It wasn't Shen Qingjue who called, but the security guard who said that Shen Qingjue had an upset stomach, and asked her if she could go back as soon as possible!

Han Jing thought that Shen Qingjue drank wine last night, and was picky about her own cooking this morning, maybe it really hurts her stomach!

And asking the security guard to call her, no doubt, it should be very serious!
Han Jing hung up the phone, flustered for no reason, briefly explained the reason to Jiang Xin, and the two headed for the villa!

Han Jing got in the car and called Shen Qingjue, but no one answered, and no one answered the villa's phone either!
Han Jing's anxious palms were sweating, and she was quietly holding the phone.His lips were bitten and pale!
Jiang Xin looked at it, not knowing what it was like, the woman sitting next to her at this moment, probably didn't even realize how nervous she was on the landline at this moment!

Shen Qingjue's influence on her has exceeded his expectations.

With a sore heart, he stretched out his hand to hold her hand, "Quiet, calm down, Shen Qingjue will be fine!"

Han Jing was in a hurry, she couldn't hear other things in her head, it was probably coming in from the left ear and coming out from the right ear.

What's more, anyone can say something to comfort others, but it's another matter when it's my turn!
(End of this chapter)

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