Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 337 Han Jing Xiao Chapter 5

Chapter 337

When Han Jing was anxious, she didn't like people touching her, so she quickly pulled her hand back from Jiang Xin's.

Seeing this, Jiang Xin could only smile wryly!Sitting in front of her, he didn't know what to say to comfort her!

In his heart, he didn't feel well either!
She treats him differently! !
Han Jing hurried to the villa as soon as she got out of the car, but was stopped by the security guard at the door in time, saying that Shen Qingjue had gone to the city hospital.

Han Jing turned around and turned back. Fortunately, the taxi driver just now hadn't left yet!

The two of them drove to the central hospital again!

Shen Qingjue got through on the phone on the way there. She asked about the specific ward and urged the driver to drive faster.

It was already an hour later when we arrived at the ward.

Han Jing ran all the way to the window, and when she saw Shen Qingjue who had fallen asleep, her heart suddenly fell to the ground!

Shen Qingjue's face was very pale, she stretched out her hand unconsciously, wanting to touch it, but Jiang Xin who was standing at the door suddenly said, "He fell asleep, do you want me to accompany you to the doctor's place to ask about the situation!"

Han Jing withdrew her hand, stood up, and nodded to Jiang Xin!

Han Jing originally thought that the stomach pain was caused by drinking alcohol or eating improperly, but unexpectedly, the doctor said it was appendicitis.

Shen Qingjue has appendicitis, but she has never heard of him!

Han Jing asked the doctor some precautions before leaving the doctor's office!

When she was about to reach Shen Qingjue's ward, Han Jing turned around and said to Jiang Xin who was behind her, "Jiang Xin, thank you for accompanying me to the hospital, you can go back, I have to go to work at night, I can handle it myself here!"

Seeing Han Jing's tired face, Jiang Xin suddenly felt uncomfortable. He pursed his lips, "I'll stay with you for a while, and I can go to work directly at night!"

"I..." Han Jing didn't know why, deep down in her heart, she didn't really want Jiang Xin to stay here!

However, he clearly meant well, and she didn't know how to refuse!

Jiang Xin looked at the embarrassment on Han Jing's face, his eyes were deep, and he compromised, "Well, if you need help with anything, just call me!"

Han Jing hummed, her voice was very low, her face was blushing!

For Jiang Xin, she didn't even know why she was so indifferent now!
The enthusiasm for him once seemed to be gone if he said it was gone.

Her heart was so stuffy, her nose was sore, she wanted to cry but she didn't know why!

She suddenly felt as lost as a child who couldn't find her way home!

Jiang Xin's expression flickered, and her thin lips formed a line. Seeing Han Jing lowered her head, she had no choice but to turn around and leave!

However, after walking a few steps, he stopped, turned around, called Han Jing's name, and only opened his mouth when the latter looked up at her.

"Jingjing, are you in love with Shen Qingjue?"

When Han Jing heard this, her body trembled suddenly, and the shock on her face was so obvious.

Jiang Xin looked at Han Jing's surprised expression, and asked without waiting for her answer, "Is it because you fell in love with him that you keep rejecting me..."

"Jiang Xin, the matter between us has nothing to do with Shen Qingjue!"

Han Jing was worried that Jiang Xin would misunderstand and was eager to interrupt him.But this explanation inevitably seems a bit pretentious!So after saying this sentence, she opened and closed her mouth, and finally swallowed the words that came to her lips!
She wanted to say that she was just helping Shen Qingjue take care of the house, but he just happened to meet Shen Qingjue when he was staying at Shen Qingjue's place these two days!

But what did she say?Sometimes the more you explain, the more it looks like a cover-up!

Now that she has rejected Jiang Xin, will he still believe her?
She lowered her head and looked at the ground. After a few seconds, she looked up into his eyes and said, "After I came here, he helped me a lot. I am very grateful to him, that's all!"

"So you lived with him?"

Jiang Xin's face was as normal as usual, but Han Jing felt some emotions from her voice, she pursed her pink lips, "I rent a house myself!"

When Han Jing was talking, her tone was not very good!

Jiang Xin's words made her feel very uncomfortable!

This sentence hurt people's self-esteem. Although she didn't know whether he was intentional or outspoken, but in her impression, Jiang Xin, who has always treated people with gentle manners, would definitely not say such words to others!

Jiang Xin narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Han Jing for a few seconds, then nodded slightly, "I see, then I'll go first!"

His face still didn't show any fluctuations, making it hard to see the clues, but after turning around, he suddenly seemed to be icy cold!

Han Jing kept watching Jiang Xin's leaving back until he completely disappeared from sight, then walked towards Shen Qingjue's ward.

Shen Qingjue hadn't woken up yet, she sat down on the chair beside the bed, resting her forehead with her hands, her body seemed to have been drained of all strength.

She bowed her head, lost in thought.Even when Shen Qingjue opened her eyes, she didn't even notice!

Shen Qingjue wanted to wait for her to discover him on her own initiative, but she didn't expect that she was completely immersed in her own thoughts, not knowing what she was thinking.

He stared at her for a long time before opening his mouth in frustration, "What are you thinking? Thinking so engrossed?"

Shen Qingjue's voice was neither high nor low, but it was enough to bring back Han Jing's thoughts. She was briefly surprised, and then smiled, "Are you awake?"

Shen Qingjue snorted and didn't answer, but that awkward look clearly meant that she knew what to ask!
Han Jing touched her nose and stood up, "Do you want some water? I'll pour it for you!"

"Hmm~" the great man snorted!
Shen Qingjue likes to be awkward, Han Jing knows it, so he doesn't have the same knowledge as her.

He poured a glass of water over, helped Shen Qingjue to sit up, and handed the glass to him, but the latter didn't intend to take it, "I'm a patient!"

Han Jing raised her eyebrows, is this the rhythm of asking her to hold the cup for him?

Han Jing thought about Shen Qingjue's arrogant and grandpa's expression, but she did as she said!

Supporting Shen Qingjue's body with one hand, he brought the cup to Shen Qingjue's mouth with the other, "Is this the head office?"

"Reluctantly, girls should be gentle!"

Ouch, hey~ Still think she's not gentle enough?
Han Jing waited for Shen Qingjue to finish drinking, raised her eyebrows, and asked, "Do you want to drink more?"

"Well, have another drink!"

Han Jing smiled, put the cup on the table beside the bed, and smiled sweetly, "Okay, whoever is gentle will pour it for you!"

Shen Qingjue: "...I like rough ones too!"

Hearing this, Han Jing pointed at Shen Qingjue with her index finger while coughing violently, "Shen Qingjue, I didn't expect you to be so good!"

Shen Qingjue: "..." The conscience of heaven and earth, he just said casually, where did this woman think of?

He looked at her with slanted eyebrows, as if to smile or not, "You know a lot?"

Han Jing looked innocent, "Ah? What are you talking about? I don't understand?"

"Otherwise, how can you say you are an idiot!!"

Han Jing stared, held back for a long time, and finally squeezed out a word, "Shen Qingjue, your uncle!"

"Stupid, do you look like a daughter? You are like a shrew!"

Han Jing: "..."

"What are you staring at? Grandpa is hungry, hurry up and cook for him!"

Han Jing smiled, "Isn't it the uncle? If you have the ability, go by yourself!"

Shen Qingjue: "..." After a few seconds, he suddenly clutched his stomach and yelled, "The appendix hurts again!"

Han Jing was dubious, but looking at Shen Qingjue's appearance, it didn't look like she was pretending. Han Jing was a little embarrassed, walked to the bed, and pressed Shen Qingjue.

"Why did it suddenly hurt again? Does it matter?"

"If you have appendicitis, you can't be angry, and you can't be hungry, you know? Hurry up and cook for the uncle!"

Han Jing: "..." Are you feeling or is he angry with him?Was she starving him?

Han Jing was slandering, feeling resentful. Although she didn't know if it was true, she had to compromise, "Okay, okay, wait for me for a while, and I'll go buy you food, okay?"

"Go, go!!"

As Han Jing walked out, she muttered, "I'm afraid of you!"

As soon as Han Jing left, someone who was still rolling on the bed a second ago immediately revived with full blood. He picked up the remote control in the cabinet beside him, turned on the TV, and started playing games!

Where is the slightest weakness of the sick?

Han Jing was worried that Shen Qingjue was alone in the ward, so she called the nurse to go to the ward first, and then went downstairs to buy food!
It's a bit far away from the villa, and it's easy to get stuck in traffic. Naturally, it's impossible for her to cook by herself, but the food outside has a lot of condiments, which is not good for patients!

Fortunately, there is a light food store not far from the hospital, which is low-calorie and nutritious.Han Jing chose some vegetables and vegetable porridge.There were quite a lot of customers in the store, and Han Jing waited in line for a while before it was her turn!
Carrying things and walking back, on the way, I received a fatal call.

Han Jing was not in a good mood, it was fine after queuing for a long time, this person was still there urging her, and she didn't feel backache while standing and talking!
Depressedly, he connected to the phone, but before he could speak, he heard an extremely weak voice from the other end, "How long will you be back?"


Hey, Han Jing listened, and her heart softened. A fire that was about to erupt suddenly disappeared, and her voice softened a little.

"I'm going to the gate of the hospital right away, and I'll be there in a few minutes!"


Beep beep, the phone is hung up!Han Jing looked at the phone, staring wide-eyed.

Is she hallucinating?Shen Qingjue said something to her weakly just now. . .Oh!

This illness has turned into a kitten?

Thinking of Shen Qingjue being as obedient as a kitten, Han Jing suddenly felt a chill down her back, and couldn't help shivering!
Really. . .It doesn't match his style of painting!

And after Shen Qingjue hung up the phone, he turned off the TV and threw the remote control back into the drawer. The person who was sitting on the bed fell back into the bed!

When Han Jing opened the door and came in, what she saw was the scene after everything returned to normal.

Except for the wrinkled quilt, the person lying on the bed was quiet, nothing unusual!
But Han Jing always felt that something was weird!

Looking around suspiciously, he put the things in his hand on the table while talking to Shen Qingjue.

"Didn't I just find a nurse? Why didn't I see anyone?"

"I don't like people looking at me!"

Han Jing: "..." Dare her kindness be treated like a donkey?
She glanced at Shen Qingjue, concentrated on sharing the food, lowered her head and said, "Oh, you also know that it's uncomfortable to be watched by others, so you let the manager be your eyeliner a while ago, so I'm comfortable?"

"...I don't like women looking at me, okay?"

"So you can let the man stare at me?"

"Can this be the same?"

"Why can't it be the same?"

"...It happened hundreds of years ago, and it's still worth you picking me up?!"

"Hundreds of years ago? Fifth Young Master Shen is an old monster?"

Han Jing said, with a look of enlightenment, and propped her chin with her hand, "Then should I call you instead... Shen Baisui?"

Shen Qingjue's complexion was reddish purple. He stared at Han Jing's small face for a few seconds and smiled, "I won't even say anything if you call me Grandpa Shen!"

Han Jing: "..." Shameless?

She snorted, and handed the divided meal to Shen Qingjue, "Do you want to eat?"

"My hand hurts?"

"What's wrong with your hand?" Is there something wrong with your body?

"I don't know either!" While speaking, with a bit of grievance, "Hands are sore, powerless!"

Han Jing listened, the bowls and chopsticks in her hand almost fell directly on the bed, she hesitated for a long time, "Hands...sore...weak?"

Listening to Han Jing's tone, Shen Qingjue raised her eyebrows suddenly, and the corners of her mouth raised evilly, "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Han Jingmeng shook her head sullenly.

There is a problem, how could she say it?

But that little look was sneaking a glance at Shen Qingjue's face, and his own face was reddening first!
"Do you think I..."

"No, no!!" Upon hearing Shen Qingjue's words, Han Jing suddenly stood up like a rooster with fried hair, and quickly denied it.

Although he knew that what Shen Qingjue was going to say had been thought of with her, but she was afraid that he would say it!
It's no secret that men know that.However, the key is that she is a girl, and her skin is not thick enough to discuss male issues with boys calmly.

Shen Qingjue was too bad, seeing Han Jing blushing, he even pulled her thin white arm, it was useless, but his body was very close to her.

"I haven't finished my sentence yet, what are you interrupting for? It's not about you!"

Han Jing was annoyed, pushed Shen Qingjue's hand away, and put the bowl and chopsticks on the table, "Are you still eating?"

Really, just now she was so uncomfortable that she was dying, but in the past few minutes, she just mentioned a little bit of a man's aspect, and he just worked hard.

Never seen a more shameless person!
Han Jing pursed her lips and stared at Shen Qingjue, who stared back fearlessly, with an expression of wanting to smile or not, which made her feel terrified.

Extremely depressed, she simply lifted her foot and walked out. At this moment, she urgently needed to find a quiet moment.

Seeing that Han Jing was about to leave, Shen Qingjue quickly restrained the smirk on her face, "Hey, can I stop talking? You woman, come back to me!!"

There was a slamming sound of the door closing, and he trembled. He didn't care so much, stepped on the slippers, and ran outside.

Han Jing walked quickly. He originally wanted to pretend to be sick, but he found it was useless, so he had to stride to follow.

With her arms around Han Jing's shoulders, half of her fell into his arms. He whispered to her, "Can I apologize? I won't speak nasty things to you again!!"

(End of this chapter)

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