The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 103 If you lack money, there will be no rich people in this world

Chapter 103 If you lack money, there will be no rich people in this world
the other side

The cold wind brought Mu Qianyu to the house where they lived.

"Han Feng, where is this? What did you bring me here for?"

"Princess, please forgive me for being reckless, but there is a reason for what happened next, I hope Your Highness the Princess can forgive me. Now please come in with me." Han Feng bowed like Mu Qianyu and apologized, making Mu Qianyu look confused.

"Hey! You mean, Leng Linyuan is here? Then why did he let me come?" Mu Qianyu asked the cold wind in puzzlement.

Hanfeng didn't answer her question directly, because he didn't know how to answer it either.All he knew was that the current master must have Mu Qianyu by his side.

Even if it's just for a short time...

At least let Mu Qianyu know his master's intentions, instead of letting his master bear the pain of lovesickness and suffer alone.

"Yes! Princess, please follow me." Han Feng walked straight towards Leng Linyuan's room without saying another word.

"Han Feng, you are finally back! Where have you been? Uh... this is?" Leng Feng opened his eyes wide, looking at Mu Qianyu who was behind Han Feng.

What a beautiful girl!

A pair of slender hands, white skin like jade, skin light like snow, eyes shining like stars, and a straight nose.With a small cherry mouth, a pair of delicate dimples are intoxicating, with a pretty figure, delicate and exquisite.Wearing a long lavender dress, she looked even more mysterious and beautiful.

This woman has a very clean temperament, like the Tianshan snow lotus growing on the snow mountain.Noble and holy, so beautiful that people dare not desecrate it.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Han Feng looked at Leng Feng staring at Mu Qianyu. Mu Qianyu felt a little uncomfortable with his staring eyes, and quickly coughed a few times.

Dare to think that the master is looking at the woman the master is looking for, is Leng Feng desperate?
Leng Feng regained consciousness instantly when he heard Leng Feng's light cough.

"Han Feng, master... what's wrong with your eyes?"

Cold wind, who was desperately piercing his eyes as a hint, twitched slightly towards the cold wind.Can't even see such an obvious hint?Is it stupid?

Although I thought so in my heart, I just thought secretly in my heart.He still had to pretend nothing had happened.

"It's okay. Your Highness, our master has been exposed to the rain and the wind and cold, and now he has a high fever. We two big men can't take care of others, so we invited Her Highness here. I hope that Your Highness will see that we are caring for the master. Don't blame me."

Mu Qianyu: "..."

Hehehe!What's the use of calling her here?Could it be that she is a drug?
"Okay, I'll go and have a look. But it's useless for you to find me! I'm not a doctor." She was telling the truth. Don't these big men know how to call a doctor when they are sick?

"Princess, don't worry, we have already invited the doctor to treat the master and prescribe the medicine. But after all, we are careless men, so..."

"Will you give me the money?" Mu Qianyu leaned closer to Han Feng, blinking and blinking, with a strangely bright light shining in his eyes, staring at Han Feng as if seeing countless gold.

Facing those eyes that looked like a vast sea of ​​stars, Han Feng was startled, and then the corners of his mouth twitched.

You are a dignified princess of a country or the princess of the richest country among the three countries, don't tell me that you are short of money?

Are you short of money?Who believes it?If you are short of money, there will be no rich people in this world.

It's not that he said... as far as the Emperor Wanling spoiled Mu Qianyu, he dared to say that as long as she wanted... the whole Wanling could be hers.

Doesn't it mean that if you lack something, you will flock to something?How come it's the other way around when Mu Qianyu is here?

Mu Qianyu didn't care about what Hanfeng was thinking, and went straight to Leng Linyuan's bed and sat down.

Looking at Leng Linyuan's pale, bloodless face, he frowned.It was fine during the day, why now...

 Woohoo, today's manuscript fee is only [-] yuan. Seeing that people are paying [-] or [-] yuan, I feel so poor ()
(End of this chapter)

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