The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 104 Xiaoyi wants to be husband and wife with the baby, and Xiaoyi wants to be inseparable fr

Chapter 104 Xiaoyi wants to be husband and wife with the baby, and Xiaoyi wants to be inseparable from the baby forever.

But at this time, she didn't know that in the future, because of one more word now, she would be pestered by a certain man to take a mandarin duck bath every day.

At that time, Mu Qianyu wanted to cry so much but had no tears.Thinking of the current scene, I feel like crying without tears.

Looking at a certain man's face of being cheap and good-looking, he can't beat him, and he can't scold him.

"Really? But what is a husband and wife? Is it fun?" Leng Mingyi's lake-blue eyes could only be filled with deep doubts.No one ever said that word to him!

"Husband and wife..." This is really a very profound question.Mu Qianyu felt that she had raised a child and had to teach the child various things all the time.

"Husband and wife are a man and a woman who live together for the rest of their lives, until they are old and until they die." After speaking, a complicated light flashed in Mu Qianyu's eyes, but it only disappeared in a flash.

Leng Mingyi's eyes flashed with anticipation.He knows the word "lifetime", brother Yu told him.

Life is very long, so husband and wife will be together for a long time and will not be separated.

Mu Qianyu saw Leng Mingyi tilting his head aside and biting his fingers in his mouth, not knowing what he was thinking.

Just when she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she staggered in fright at what Leng Mingyi said, and almost fell to the ground.

"Xiaoyi wants to be husband and wife with Wawa, and Xiaoyi wants to stay with Wawa forever. They want to be together forever."

"Cough, cough, that little Yi! This is not a joke, don't talk nonsense. I will be angry if you don't go out again."

"Baby, let's be husband and wife!" Leng Mingyi's face and ear tips turned pink at some point.A shy look.

Mu Qianyu was almost blinded by his sparkling blue eyes.Those eyes were like the brightest stars in the night sky, shining with a strange and dazzling brilliance.

But Mu Qianyu didn't have the experience to think about this, she was frightened by Leng Mingyi's talkative talk.

"Xiao Yi, not just anyone can be a husband and wife, a couple needs two..."

"Yu Zhu, is your princess still sleeping?"

"Go back to His Royal Highness, the princess is washing up. She will come out soon."

"Okay, tell Qianqian that I'm leaving."

Before Mu Qianyu finished speaking, there was a voice outside the door.

"Little Yi, be good, go out first, okay? We'll have dinner in a while."

"Okay, hurry up, baby, don't make Xiao Yi wait in a hurry!" After speaking, he cast a very reluctant look at Mu Qianyu.For fear that others would not know that he did not want to leave.


Mu Qianyu, who was alone in the tub, reached out to pick up the petals on the water, then put them down again, playing with them repeatedly.

Mu Qianyu remembered what Leng Mingyi said just now, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and a complicated light appeared in his eyes again.

couple?In this life, she never thought about getting married. She wanted to take good care of her family and friends, and the people she wanted to protect.

Are you married?Maybe it won't happen in this life?In fact, when she was reborn and came back, she had warned herself not to trust anyone easily.

But Leng Mingyi is the only exception.For some unknown reason, she was completely wary of him, and there was even an emotion deep in her heart that she couldn't explain clearly.It's just that she still can't see what this emotion is.

Forget it...don't want to...

Mu Qianyu pinched the center of her eyebrows, shook her head to shake off those things, and then walked out from inside.

Marry Leng Mingyi?She never thought about it, because she would never marry a man who was not in love with her.

But if one day she really had to choose, she thought, he would rather choose someone who knew everything.

Over the years, too many people have come to propose marriage, people from all corners of the country. If it weren't for the power of Wanling, she might have become a victim of politics, like the princesses of other countries.

 Is it sweet?Are you very fond of it?Isn't it very cheerful? (* ̄3 ̄)╭Little flower hits you

  There is one more thing I want to tell you all.Because Xiaofei had opened two books before, and I only found out today that the authorization method of the other one was filled in wrongly (woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...” and I wasted more than a month of time in vain
  / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~
  So I deleted that book directly (covering my face), but I will still write it, just change one content, re-select the authorization method, and maybe the name will also be changed.

  So in the near future, I will concentrate on writing a book. (Wiping tears~)

(End of this chapter)

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