Chapter 105 The Comatose Leng Linyuan
There are calculations everywhere, intrigue everywhere...but I have been to the Palace of All Souls a few times.The living environment of Princess Qianyu is even more ordinary than that of ordinary people.

The princess can act like a baby and live a happy life under the protection of her father and brother. "


"But... our master will protect her..."

"Protection? Do you think that with so many open and secret fights, your master can say that the princess protects everything? There is still a time when Bai Mi is a little...

This is also what the master fears the most! "

Leng Feng secretly sighed heavily in his heart.Is the feeling of my master either not there, or is it so thrilling?

He had never seen his master fall in love with any woman before, because his master had suffered from a serious aura illness since he was a child, or more precisely, since Prince Yi came to Wanling as a proton. From then on he became very indifferent to all people and things.

It has been 14 years, and only he and Hanfeng know that his master has never come out of the past. He has always felt guilty because of his own reasons, so he let His Royal Highness Yi come to Wanling instead of him. proton.

In addition, what the empress did to Yi Wang's mother and son back then made the master feel guilty towards Yi Wang even more.

Over the years, the master has been avoiding everything about King Yi.Until it was time for King Yi to be the proton in Wanling, so the master and the emperor proposed to come to Wanling to pick up King Yi in person.

Originally, the emperor did not agree, because the emperor's arrangement was to have King Yi killed directly on the way back to Yuncang.After the master knew about this matter, he knelt in the hall for a whole day before the emperor agreed to it.

Ever since the master came to Wanling, or more precisely, after meeting Mu Qianyu, the smiles on his face became more numerous, and expressions other than indifference appeared on his always expressionless face.

He always thought that this would be a good start for the master, but now, it turned out like this.

His master has always been decisive, so as long as he decides on one thing, he will definitely follow his own inner thoughts and will never hesitate, but now, his master will worry so much about a woman .

It seemed that he really fell in love with Mu Qianyu. "Han Feng, since you know what the master thinks, why did you bring Princess Qianyu here, you are not afraid..."

"Afraid?" Han Feng folded his arms around his chest and raised his eyebrows, "What is more important than our master's safety now? Didn't you hear what the old doctor said just now? Master has a knot in his heart. So the heart disease is still there." Isn’t it the heart medicine doctor? The only one who can save the master now is Mu Qianyu.”

Han Feng stared straight at the half-closed door, and didn't say anything further.

In the room, looking at Leng Linyuan's pale face, Mu Qianyu remembered what he had said to him during the day, and a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face.

She didn't expect that a person who was fine during the day is now lying on the bed unconscious.

"Leng Linyuan, I'm sorry, I, I really didn't mean it, I hope you can forgive me." However, the only response to him was the silence in the room...

Mu Qianyu found that Leng Linyuan's hands were tightly clenched into fists. She tried to stretch out Leng Linyuan's tightly clenched fists, but she failed several times.

At this time, Leng Linyuan in his sleep came to a deserted forest surrounded by dense trees.

He tried to find an exit, but there wasn't even a way.He just walked forward inside alone.But he walked for a long time but he just couldn't get to the end.

He leaves marks along the way, but soon he will circle back to where he came from.

(End of this chapter)

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