Chapter 106 Leng Linyuan's Dream

"Anyone? Anyone?"

However, the only response to him was multiple echoes.

Soon, the scene switched to the palace again. He knew this place so well.Because this is Yunyuncang Palace, where he lived for more than 20 years.

He walked straight ahead.That direction should be... the forbidden area of ​​the palace?

This place is where Xiaoyi's mother and concubine lived before.Since Xiaoyi's mother and concubine died of dystocia, no one was allowed to enter this palace.

But he had been here secretly, and no one knew about it except him.

When Leng Linyuan walked in, what he saw was not desolation, but the splendor of the past.

"Hey! Is it about to give birth? My good sister, do you think that mother and child can be safe with the emperor's favor? Hahaha! How can such a cheap thing in the world be there?"

This was the first time in his life that he saw such a hideous expression behind the scenes.Make him feel horrible.

Then he heard people in the room talking again.It was Concubine Ming's voice.

"Ahem, sister, I never wanted to argue with you, I just wanted a stable life." Her voice sounded weak.

"Oh, you don't fight? How could you not fight? Your Majesty stays with you every day, and now you have a child. Let me tell you, this palace will not allow the slightest possibility of threatening Yuan'er to exist. .so you must die.

Not only you, but also the child in your womb will die. "

Empress Yuncang stretched out her hand to signal the two nuns behind her to come forward and support Concubine Ming.

Concubine Ming struggled subconsciously, but how could her strength match the strength of the two nuns?

Empress Yuncang reached out and took out a small yellow porcelain bottle from her bosom.Then he walked towards Concubine Ming.

"Don't, don't...please! You can torture me as much as you want, but please let my child go, please."

Concubine Ming was already in tears, struggling.

Empress Yuncang pinched Concubine Ming Duo's chin with her hand, and directly poured the medicine into Concubine Ming's mouth.

When the mother let go of Concubine Ming, Concubine Ming had given up struggling in despair.There was still poison spilling from the corner of her mouth.

"Hmph! Fighting with Bengong, this is the end! You just wait for the death of you and your son! Hahahaha!"

Leng Linyuan was already sweating profusely now, it was cold sweat.He has appeared in this scene countless times in his dreams over the years.Every time, I would be frightened into a cold sweat.

When he was awakened, looking at the familiar roof, he realized that he was lying in his bedroom.

The damn cold wind actually knocked him out.

When he wanted to move his hand, he found that his hand was numb, and there was something pressing on his hand.

He looked down and saw that Luo Xiyan was lying on the edge of his bed and fell asleep.

He looked at the sky outside, it was completely dark.Why is this girl here?

Damn cold wind, it's him again!When he is well, let's see how he handles him!

"Leng Linyuan, come out! Hurry up."

"His Royal Highness, my pillar is still resting, please be quiet."

"Quiet, how can I be quiet? Where is my Qianqian? It's so late, what do you mean by not letting her go back? Do you know how important fame is to a girl?" Mu Qiancheng punched Hanfeng in the face .

"His Royal Highness, please calm down, our master is not such a person, besides, our master will definitely be responsible!"


Upon hearing this word, Mu Qiancheng immediately became even more angry.He went up and punched him a few more times, especially in the face.

"Bastards. A bunch of bastards. Do you know that he is only thirteen? Huh?"

"Mu Qiancheng. Stop."

"Master." Han Feng saluted immediately when he saw the person coming, and Mu Qiancheng also stopped his movements.

"Leng Linyuan, where's Qianqian? Where's Qianqian?"


(End of this chapter)

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