The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 113 The Meaning of the Jade Pendant

Chapter 113 The Meaning of the Jade Pendant

Leng Feng was puzzled, but he also knew that what his master said must have some basis, so he didn't ask further.

"If the queen knows about this, your head will be waiting to be moved."

With Empress Yuncang's personality, if she knew about his relationship with Mu Qianyu, she would definitely use Mu Qianyu as a tool for him to ascend to the throne.

He will do everything possible to find Mu Qianyu or Emperor Wan Ling, and use Wan Ling's power to help him seize the throne.

But he didn't want, didn't want Qianqian to be involved in this fight for interests.Then he would hate himself to death.

That jade pendant was given to him by the queen since he was a child.When he was a child, he always heard from his mother that if he met a girl he loved in the future, he would take her back and let her see.

As for the jade pendant, the former queen mother said that it should not be given to anyone, and it should be worn by his wife on the day of marriage.When you have a son, pass it on to your son.

As for why, she didn't tell him.

Leng Feng knew his master's temper, so he stopped talking.My life matters, my life matters, my life matters.



"Father?" Mu Qianyu put away the jade pendant in his hand when he heard the familiar voice.Stepped forward and hugged his arm. "Father, are you done with your work?"

"Well, it was Leng Linyuan who walked out just now?"

"Well, he said he was going back to Yuncang. So let's say goodbye."

"Farewell? You mean that Leng Linyuan is leaving Wanling? Oh, why did you just leave? We won't stay for a few more days." Mu Yan's face was full of regret, but in fact he was happier than anyone else in his heart.

These two brats have been dominating his precious daughter when they're here, especially that Leng Mingyi.Now that Leng Linyuan and Leng Mingyi are gone, no one will occupy his precious daughter.Hahaha!Just thinking about it makes me happy.

"Father, quickly put away that smug look. It's so obvious."

"Obviously?" Mu Yan reached out and touched his face, then lowered his head and asked.

Mu Qianyu nodded wildly, expressing his affirmation.Yes, very obvious.

"Father! Let me tell you something. In fact, Xiao Yi will not leave. He will continue to live here."

"What? What did you say? Didn't you leave?" Shouldn't you be leaving?

"Father, Leng Linyuan and I feel that Yuncang's environment is not suitable for Xiao Yi to stay in. Not to mention the wolf in the front and the tiger in the back, everyone thinks that Xiao Yi is a disaster. So when we arrive in Yun Cang, we must It's going to be tough."

"Hmm! You're right." Mu Yan nodded thoughtfully. "But you can't keep him in the palace forever like this, can you? Do you know how many rumors are going on outside now!"

It's not that he can't afford to support someone in the palace, but he is afraid that Mu Qianyu will suffer too many comments and misunderstandings because of this matter.

"Father, let others say what they say, I like Xiao Yiduo very much, and I want to protect him.

His life was never supposed to be like this.He should be like other princes, even if he couldn't, at least he should have a healthy body.isn't it?But now?He has nothing.

I just hope that one day I can see a Leng Mingyi who can live a normal life.Hope to see him in good health one day. "

"Little fool, if I didn't know that he is a fool, I would have believed that you had taken a fancy to that kid!" Mu Yan stretched out his hand and flicked Mu Qianyu's forehead.

"Father! What are you talking about? Besides, Xiao Yi is not stupid, he is just a little mentally incomplete. In fact, he is very smart. And he is very simple and cute!"

 Cooking hot pot in the dormitory with my roommate today, hahaha!But even if people are not perfect, I am still very happy *罒▽罒*
(End of this chapter)

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