Chapter 114
"You! That silly boy is so good? What he said is so good. Why don't you think that you really praised me?"

"Hey, Father, are you jealous?"

"Yes! My precious daughter has been saying so many good things about other men in front of me, and I'm so jealous!"

"Hey! Father is the best! Who can compare to Father? Isn't it? Father is extraordinary, handsome, handsome, and the wind is like a tree. Father is serious about governing the country. It is rare to meet more than once in a hundred years." Mingjun, don’t be greedy for money and not lustful…”

"Stop! Where is this going? Okay, okay, I forgive you now. Don't care about it. You! When will you grow up? I won't let my father worry about you all the time. You are so naughty, you don't care about it. I don't know who will dare to marry you in the future?"

"Hey! Father, my son will be with you and Concubine Yumu from now on, and I don't plan to get married!"

"Hehe, you! How can you stay with us old people for a lifetime! After that, you will really become an old girl. Why not, I will call all the young men in the capital to the palace in a while, and let you choose whatever you want." , how about it? You can pick as many as you want. How about it?"

"What? Father, there are still several. What are you as a son-in-law?"

"Okay, okay, I was wrong! I was wrong!"

The figures of these two people gradually left the imperial garden.Such scenes often appear, so people who pass by will not be surprised.Because they are already used to it.


Outside the gate of the courtyard where Leng Linyuan lived, three horses stopped in front of the gate.The three master and servant left with their luggage.

"Master, shall we... shall we leave like this?" Leng Feng looked at the house a little more reluctantly.

This place is different from Yuncang Palace, although he has been out on missions these days and rarely comes back.But here he really feels at home.Although he knew that many people with his status would not have a home...

The same is true for the cold wind, and Leng Linyuan is also very reluctant.

"You two, let's go!" Leng Linyuan climbed on the horse first, and ordered to those two people.

Soon there were three fast horses galloping on the street.At the last moment of leaving the city gate, Leng Linyuan stretched out his hand to grab the reins, the horse under him stopped because of his sudden force, raised its front hooves, and then stabilized.

Leng Linyuan turned around, looked back at the imperial palace in the distance, then turned around and continued walking.

Cold wind and cold wind looked at each other and followed.


It's getting dark gradually...

in the palace

Mu Qianyu always felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he couldn't tell why.When he was in a daze, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his chest.

She lowered her head and saw how her hand was pricked by the needle.Blood gradually oozes from the small wound, and it is printed on the purse she is going to embroider.

The orchid that was originally embroidered was dyed with a bright red mark.

"Baby, baby, are you there?" Leng Mingyi's voice rang out from outside the door.It sounded eager.

"His Royal Highness, the princess is already asleep, you should come back tomorrow."

"Sister Yuzhu, sister Yulan, Xiao Yuyi wants a baby. I want to see the baby."

"Let him in!"

"Baby, baby, Xiaoyi, I'm afraid! I'm afraid." After Leng Mingyi came in, he threw himself into Mu Qianyu's arms, and hugged Mu Qianyu tightly with his strong arms.

Leng Mingyi is now wearing obscene clothes and trousers, without a coat, so he can tell at a glance that he came in a hurry.

"What's the matter? Did you have a nightmare?" Mu Qianyu stretched out his hand and asked softly.Leng Mingyi remained silent and did not speak.It's just that the arms holding Mu Qianyu tightened again.

(End of this chapter)

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