The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 115 Leng Mingyi Having Nightmares

Chapter 115 Leng Mingyi Having Nightmares

He had a nightmare just now, and he dreamed of the previous dream in the valley again, but this time the scene was changed

That dream was so real, he was really scared.Afraid that she would leave him.

Because he dreamed that she disappeared, disappeared, and he couldn't find her no matter how hard he looked.

He turned over the whole valley, but found nothing.Then he cried loudly in the valley of why, and cried for a long time.

Later... Later he woke up, and after waking up, he rushed over without stopping at all, and didn't even have time to put on his shoes.

"Okay, Xiao Yi! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, tell me, what did you dream about?" Mu Qianyu reached out to pour a glass of water for Leng Mingyi, and handed it to him.

But Leng Mingyi tightly grasped her clothes with both hands and did not let go.She tried to reach out and tug, but it didn't work.

"Little Yi, I won't leave, I really won't!"

"Baby, Xiao Yi dreamed that the baby was missing. Xiao Yi searched for it for a long time, but couldn't find it." Leng Mingyi's eyes filled with tears in an instant.It seemed as if I was going to cry again in the next second.

"Be good! Am I here? Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! Be good!"

"Yuzhu, go ahead, Jun Jingyu called, hurry up."

"Yes, Miss." Yuzhu's voice came from outside the door, and then the door was closed.

"Okay! Be brave! We, Xiao Yi, are the bravest! Come and give Ye Le one." Mu Qianyu reached out and lifted Leng Mingyi's chin, smiling obscenely.

Leng Mingyi looked at Mu Qianyu like this, and a layer of light pink quietly climbed up the tips of his ears.

She also had a shy look on her face.

"Oh! Why did you call me, Mu Qianyu, in the middle of the night? Do you know that you are disturbing people's dreams?" Jun Jingyu walked in with his eyes tightly closed, yawning non-stop.

"Jun Jingyu, you can sleep with Xiao Yi tonight! Xiao Yi is having a nightmare!"

"Why do you want me when he has nightmares? It's not me he dreamed about."

Jun Jingyu sat down on the chair beside him, with his legs crossed and directly placed on the table, looking like an ignorant dude.

A pair of peach-blossom eyes flowed with light, as if unintentionally giving people infinite affection.But if you look carefully, you will find that under the so-called affectionate eyes, there is alienation and indifference.

He will only show his truest side in front of people he trusts or treats with sincerity.Mu Qianyu didn't know this until later.

"He's your brother, who cares about you?"

"He is you..." Man, why don't you dare?

He had just reached the point of his mouth, but he swallowed it back after meeting Leng Mingyi's clear blue eyes.

Although it was the fool Leng Mingyi who was in front of him now, but the Leng Mingyi who had more in previous lives could be heard by him.

If he really said it, he believed he would die a miserable death.He is sure and sure.

"What is it? Xiaoyi can't do without someone to take care of her now, so I leave this important task to you, the princess. Be good, Xiaoyi, with brother Yu accompanying you, you won't be afraid!"

"No." When Leng Mingyi heard that Mu Qianyu was going to push him to Jun Jingyu, he shook his head vigorously, holding onto Mu Qianyu's clothes with both hands.

"Little Yi, be good! Be good, I'll go and see you tomorrow morning, okay?" Mu Qianyu coaxed softly.

"Xiao Yi, Brother Yu has something to tell you, but you don't seem to want to hear it?" Jun Jingyu blinked at Leng Mingyi several times with peachy eyes.

Leng Mingyi instantly understood what he meant, this was a secret signal between them.A big and sweet smile appeared on his face, and then he let go of Mu Qianyu's clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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