The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 116 Kiss before going to bed?Get up and kiss?

Chapter 116 Kiss before going to bed?Get up and kiss?
"Xiao Yi." A gentle yet eager voice came from outside the hall.

Leng Mingyi stopped crying instantly.He threw himself into the arms of the visitor, put his head on Mu Qianyu's shoulder, and rubbed Mu Qianyu's side face.

"Baby, Xiaoyi really misses dolls."

"Hey, tell me, what's the matter with you? Why are you crying? Huh?" Mu Qianyu tried to slow down his voice.

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi doesn't know how to wear clothes. If she can't wear clothes, Xiao Yi can't find dolls, but Xiaopi wants to find dolls!"

"Xiao Yi can ask someone to help you put it on!"

"No, they, they don't care about Xiao Yi, they still want to beat Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi is afraid, afraid."

"What did you say?" Mu Qianyu's pupils shrank suddenly, bloodthirsty rays of light burst out from his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.Okay, very good, her people dare to bully her, it's really desperate.

"Yu Zhu, call all our maids and eunuchs over here."

Yu Zhu took the order and retreated.

"Xiao Yi, would you like to get dressed?" Mu Qianyu handed Leng Mingyi's clothes to the maid next to her, motioning for her to help Leng Mingyi get dressed.But it was strongly rejected by Leng Mingyi.

"Xiao Yi, be good, let's go eat after we get dressed, shall we? Everything you cook today is your favorite food." Mu Qianyu softly coaxed Leng Mingyi, but Leng Mingyi still shook his head vigorously.

"No, don't wear it."

"Why? What's the matter with you?" Mu Qianyu took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and asked softly.

"The doll is deceiving, the doll is deceiving, the doll said that she would kiss Xiaoyi in the morning, but Xiaoyi waited for a long time, but the doll never came."

Mu Qianyu thought of yesterday's bedtime kiss, and her cheeks gradually turned pink.She didn't seem to say that?Did she say it?Could it be that she forgot?No..."Didn't you say it was a kiss before going to bed?"

Mu Qianyu had her own little calculations in her heart, now that it's time to go to bed, why not just find a reason to push it away?

But how could Leng Mingyi let her go so easily?He sat on the bed and looked up at Mu Qianyu, his eyes instantly filled with tears.She looked at Mu Qianyu with tears in her eyes.

An expression that if you don't kiss me, I'll cry for you, made Mu Qianyu want to go crazy for the first time.

"That was a bedtime kiss, now it's a wake-up kiss."

"Xiao Yi, you have to be good. I said a long time ago that kissing is not for everyone, but for couples. But we are not husband and wife."

"Husband and wife again? Then Xiaoyi wants to become husband and wife with Wawa. What Xiaoyi wants to do with Wawa can only be done by husband and wife, so Xiaoyi and Wawa can do many things well when they become husband and wife. Let's go, Let's go find Brother Yu." Leng Mingyi reached out and grabbed Mu Qianyu's hand and ran outside.

"Xiao Yi, how can it be so easy to become a husband and wife? It requires three letters and six appointments, and even more the words of the matchmaker. Alright, can you put on your clothes obediently?"

"What is three letters and six appointments? What is a matchmaker's words?"

"You won't understand, and you don't need to understand. Put on all your clothes quickly. After dinner, let's go out to the palace to play, shall we?"

"Well, that's fine. Auntie wants to go out and play."

In the yard

"Everyone is ready for this princess." Mu Qianyu slapped the table with his hand and everyone fell silent, not daring to show his breath.There is a saying: "The wrath of the emperor will lay down millions of corpses and bleed for thousands of miles."

"Do you know why the princess called you here today?"

As soon as Mu Qianyu finished speaking, she immediately became agitated.Everyone was whispering to each other about what happened.

Suddenly there was another sound of slapping the table, and everyone shut their mouths resentfully.

 In fact, I am looking forward to the marriage of the hero and heroine, are the cuties also looking forward to it?
  I'm already preparing the manuscript.Although I haven't figured out where to write my marriage.

  Hahaha!But it should be soon!
  I believe it won't be too long...

(End of this chapter)

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