Chapter 117 Leng Mingyi Lied to Her
"Little Yi, come here." Mu Qianyu stretched out his hand to Leng Mingyi and made a gesture of coming over to Leng Mingyi. After seeing it, Leng Mingyi immediately walked over obediently.

"Xiao Yi, go and find out all the people who bullied you."

Seeing that Leng Mingyi had been hesitating and refusing to come forward, Mu Qianyu whispered something in his ear. After hearing this sentence, Leng Mingyi's eyes instantly changed and sparkled.

He looked at Mu Qianyu in disbelief, and when he saw Mu Qianyu nodded, a big smile cracked at the corner of his mouth.

Then he quickly walked up to those people and pointed.Leng Mingyi pointed out a total of five people, and three of them were court ladies, and they were the three court ladies she had asked people to choose.

A hint of guilt rose in Mu Qianyu's heart instantly.

The maids and eunuchs never thought that Mu Qianyu would take care of such trivial matters, so their legs trembled in fright, and one by one they knelt down on the ground and begged for mercy.

"Rao? I don't know what kind of detour you are talking about? Huh?"

"Princess, please forgive me, we were wrong, wrong! Please forgive me!"

Soon there was a strange smell between them, Leng Mingyi frowned, then wrinkled his nose and said displeasedly: "Baby, it smells so bad, where is the smell coming from?" After that, he planned to smell it in front of those kneeling people, but Mu Qianyu stretched out his hand and grabbed him.

Leng Mingyi looked at Mu Qianyu with a puzzled expression, only to hear Mu Qianyu's thin lips parted slightly, and spit out a few words.

"Don't go! Dirty."

"Come here, drag these five people out and kill them with sticks."

Soon someone came to take away those kneeling on the ground.

After they left, Mu Qianyu stood up from his seat and walked towards the rest.

"My princess remembers it very clearly. I told you before that no one is allowed to touch even a single hair of Leng Mingyi. If I do, I don't mind letting him try my tricks. Why did you do it so quickly?" Have you forgotten? How can I be good if my memory is so bad? Huh?"

"Princess, spare your life, princess, spare your life!" The rest of the people were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy, knocking their heads on the ground non-stop.

"When did this princess say she wanted to kill you? But... death is inevitable, but life is inevitable. Someone, pull it down, and you will be punished fifty times with a stick."

She just wants to tell everyone that no one can bully the people she protects.

"Baby, is what you just said true?" When everyone dispersed, Leng Mingyi couldn't wait to run up to Mu Qianyu, grabbing her sleeve.

"Hmm!" Mu Qianyu met Leng Mingyi's expectant eyes as soon as he raised his head, nodded subconsciously, and then took a sip of the tea in his hand.

What she said in his ear before was, "Xiao Yi, if you find out those people who bullied you, I will take you to a fun place today and buy you a lot of delicious food."

Of course I am happy to have delicious Leng Mingyi!So I agreed immediately.

"We'll be leaving in a while. So obediently go and change, okay? I'll go clean up!"

"But, but let's go tomorrow, shall we? Xiaoyi doesn't want to go today..." Leng Mingyi clenched his sleeves tightly with both hands, and his head was lowered so that it was hard to see what he was thinking.

In fact, he really wanted to go, but brother Yu said last night that on the fifteenth day, there will be fun and delicious food on the street.So he also wants to go again on the fifteenth day.

"Tomorrow? Why?"

"Because, because Xiaoyi is not feeling right now and doesn't want to go out." Leng Mingyi's cheeks were flushed, and she really looked sick.But actually he was nervous and ashamed.

This is the first time he lied to someone!Especially cheat dolls.He felt his heart beating wildly.As if about to jump out.

 Yesterday was the last day of the holiday.I hope that the cuties, especially those who have to go to work and school today, must rest early.

  With a good night's sleep, you will have energy the next day.I wish you a sweet dream.

  In fact, the main reason I chose to release in the early morning is because I am afraid that you will wait too long.

  If I post it in the early morning, you can watch it anytime during the day.

  If you have any questions about time, please feel free to ask.

  Xiaofei will consider it first.

(End of this chapter)

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