Chapter 118 Leng Mingyi Sober

"What's wrong with Xiao Yi? Yu Zhu went to the imperial physician."

"No, no! Xiao Yi just didn't sleep well, he's going to sleep now." When Leng Mingyi heard that Mu Qianyu was going to call the imperial doctor, he grabbed Mu Qianyu's clothes and shook his head vigorously.

"Okay! Then you go back and have a good sleep, we will go again tomorrow."


When Leng Mingyi returned to his room, Jun Jingyu was already there.He was sitting on a chair at this moment, with his legs crossed on the table, his eyes squinted, and he looked lazy.

"Hey! Xiao Yi is back? I heard you were making trouble again after I went out, right?" He just came back from an errand outside the palace.

As soon as he came back, he heard that Mu Qianyu had killed the maids and eunuchs who served Leng Mingyi with sticks, and blamed them with sticks.Tsk tsk tsk, it can really be called mobilizing teachers and mobilizing people.

He thought that even Mu Qianyu herself didn't realize that her concern for Leng Mingyi had already surpassed that of a so-called friend, or that she had already regarded Leng Mingyi as one of her own.

Hahaha, but if this is really the case, then he will be much more relaxed in the future.

"Brother Yu, Xiaoyi has already told the baby that he will go out tomorrow, and the baby has agreed!" Leng Mingyi walked in with joy on his face and shared this good news with Jun Jingyu.

His clean and clear eyes made Jun Jingyu dazed for a moment, and a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes, but it just disappeared in a flash, too fast to be grasped.

"Well, you're doing well, Xiaoyi, are you happy with Mu Qianyu?"

"Happy, of course happy!"

"Then do you want to be with Mu Qianyu forever?"

"Think." Leng Mingyi nodded without thinking.Of course he likes being with dolls, he likes dolls the most.

"Then if, I said, if there is someone who robs you of Mu Qianyu, what will you do?"

"No, no Xiaoyi, no one can take away my doll, the doll is mine."

Leng Mingyi's emotions suddenly became out of control, his hands were tightly clutching his clothes, and his body exuded a ghost that shouldn't belong to him.

"Xiao Yi, calm down, calm down, what I said is if, if it's just, it's not true, believe me!" Seeing Leng Mingyi losing control, Jun Jingyu immediately reached out and clasped his shoulders, comforting him softly.

"Good little Yi, think about your doll, she won't like to see you like this, so you have to be good, she will like you!"

"Did you forget what we said last night? I said, I will help you, help you stay with your doll for the rest of your life. Trust me."

After about a while, Leng Mingyi's mood finally stabilized, and because he was too tired, he fell asleep directly.

Looking at the sleeping Leng Mingyi, Jun Jingyu breathed a sigh of relief, this guy is really hard to coax!How do you think he knew this guy in the first place?
But now he should really think about how to arrange things for tomorrow.If he guessed correctly, the person in Leng Mingyi's body might not plan to come back tomorrow.

A pair of eyes opened in the pitch-black night, with a lake-blue light shining through them, where is the stupidity and bewilderment of the previous day in the eyes?Instead, there is a clarity and a sharpness that penetrates everything.

"Come out." Those thin lips parted slightly, and said these two words into the air.

Soon a person jumped off the beam.

"How do you feel today?" Jun Jingyu said casually, reaching out to pat the non-existing dust on his clothes.

"You want to court death, don't you?"

"No! What am I looking for to die? How good is it to be alive?" Jun Jingyu had a playful smile on his face, as if he wasn't intimidated by Leng Mingyi's words at all.

"I'll help you arrange everything tomorrow! You can rest assured to get along with Mu Qianyu, anyway, this is what you've been looking forward to for so many years."

 If you have any questions, you can ask me anytime!Any questions, welcome to harass at any time.

  As long as you don't let me sing, I'm born with tone deafness (cover my face...)
(End of this chapter)

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