Chapter 126 Leng Mingyi poisoned

"Little fool, you are just a child! What do you know about men and women! Put on your clothes quickly." Mu Qianyu knew how cold it was now, although he was moved, he couldn't really let him suffer from the cold.

"No, Xiaoyi is not a child! No. Brother Yu said, Xiaoyi is already 19 years old, and Xiaoyi will be 20 years old after the new year! You can marry a wife at the age of 20." Leng Mingyi looked complained dissatisfied.He doesn't like being treated like a child by the woman he likes.This feeling is just damn uncomfortable!
"Okay, okay, no, not the child! Then come here, let's cover it together, okay? I'm afraid I won't be able to go back tonight." The snow fell heavily, and the ground was already covered with a layer of snow.And Leng Mingyi had already seen it just now, and there are cliffs here.The only river has frozen over.

"Baby, are you hungry? Xiaoyi has something delicious!" After speaking, he took out a paper bag from his arms like a magic trick.

"Xiao Yi, that's not bad, you! You actually kept something to eat, say! When did you keep it?"

Leng Mingyi smiled stupidly twice, and said: "Xiao Yi used to be hungry, so he would always keep something with him, and he's used to it! Doll, you eat!"

Mu Qianyu looked at Leng Mingyi who was smiling brightly, then at the sweet-scented osmanthus cake he handed to her mouth, opened her mouth and ate it.


Although the environment is very difficult, the atmosphere is surprisingly warm.The hearts of the two of them were like this fire, warm.

In the middle of the night, a pair of eyes opened in the darkness, shining with light that seemed to swallow everything.

Leng Mingyi looked at Mu Qianyu who was sleeping soundly in his arms, his deep eyes flickered, and he planted a light kiss on Mu Qianyu's forehead before pulling out his arm.

After covering her with the clothes, Leng Mingyi got up and walked out of the cave.When walking to another hole, the pain suddenly hit, like a sudden rising tide.

Leng Mingyi put one hand on his heart, and the other hand slid to the ground while holding onto the wall.

"Ah... um! Ah!"

The extreme pain caused his body to roll uncontrollably on the ground.At this time, his face had already been twisted into a ball, revealing a hideous look.


"!" When Jun Jingyu felt it, he saw him lying on the cold ground in only his middle coat, and he kept murmuring the word "baby" in his mouth.

He is no longer surprised, because every time he is fifteen, he will look like this.

But Mu Qiancheng was different from Hua Qianying, they didn't know that Leng Mingyi had a heart-biting pain in addition to the poison he had brought with him when he was a child.

This is the price Leng Mingyi paid for Mu Qianyu's rebirth...

On the other side, Mu Qianyu woke up in the middle of the night, only to find that Leng Mingyi beside her was gone. She hurriedly got up and looked around, but there was no sign of Leng Mingyi.

"Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi! Where are you, Xiaoyi?" She walked out of the cave, and the surroundings were pitch black except for a moving fire.

"Brother Emperor?"

"Qianqian! You dead girl, it's hard for us to find you." This girl is really not worry-free.If he and Hua Qianying hadn't tried their best to stop her, father might have come to find her in person.

"Brother Huang, I was wrong. But now I want to find Xiaoyi, can you help me find it?"

If something happened to Xiao Yi, she thought she would never forgive herself for the rest of her life, and she was even more sorry for her promise to Leng Linyuan.

Mu Qiancheng and Hua Qianying looked at each other, coughed lightly, and said, "Qianqian, he has been sent back by Jun Jingyu, let's go back first."


(End of this chapter)

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