Chapter 127 Leng Mingyi is in a coma

When they arrived at the palace, it was already dawn, and Mu Yan and Concubine Yu were standing at the gate of the palace waiting for them.

"Father, Concubine Yumu. I'm back." Mu Qianyu got off the carriage and threw himself into Mu Yan's arms.

"Silly girl, I told you to take more people with you and you don't have to. Now is it alright? If you don't listen to me in the future..." Mu Yan waved his arms, and then silently put them down without hesitation.

A big smile appeared on Mu Qianyu's dirty little face.

"I knew Father would not beat me. Father is the best."

"Okay, you two, hurry up and let people see the joke at the door." Concubine Yu joked with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, yes, it's so cold, let's go in. Royal father, you really don't know how to let Concubine Yumu blow the cold wind here."

"Yes, yes, it's Father's fault."

Mu Qiancheng: "..." He seems to have been ruthlessly abandoned again?D.

"Wait for me, hello!"


"I said you're just doing it. You're very happy to make yourself like you are now, right?" If Leng Mingyi wasn't lying on the bed, he thought he would pull him up and beat him up.

At that time, they discussed it and said it was fake, even if it was injured, it was fake.But what about the result?Not to mention the person who met the assassin, but also made himself into what he is now.

After a long time, the anger in Jun Jingyu's heart subsided a little, and he gave Leng Mingyi the medicine to keep it going.Soon, Mu Qianyu dared to arrive.

"Jun Jingyu, how is Xiao Yi?"

"Not much. Let me tell you, do you know that he has been weak? Do you know that he has illnesses besides the poison in his body? Do you know how much he cares about you? Do you know that he is afraid of you? Cold? Mu Qianyu is what you said to take good care of him, right?" If Mu Qianyu was a man, I believe Jun Jingyu would definitely give him a good beating.

Mu Qianyu looked at Jun Jingyu in shock.He took another look at Leng Mingyi who was lying on the bed pale and unconscious.No one ever told her this, the fool, the fool...

"Mu Qianyu, let me tell you, if you dislike Xiao Yi's stupidity, just say it straight away, tell him to get the hell out of your world. You all think he's stupid, he's not stupid at all, he remembers what happened Everything about him, remember everyone who treats him well.

"You think he doesn't understand feelings, but Mu Qianyu, don't think about it. There are so many women in this world, why does he rely on you? Just because you can protect him? Let me tell you, there are many people who are capable of protecting him yes."

"I..." No, I didn't...

Mu Qianyu shook her head subconsciously. She didn't mean that, nor did she think about it that way.

"Mu Qianyu, you have no idea how much he has paid for you. You have never tried to understand him, never."

Jun Jingyu spoke out all the thoughts in his heart these years.But Mu Qianyu was basically in a daze.

She didn't understand many things.Why do you say that his illness has something to do with her? "Jun Jingyu, what are you talking about? I, I don't understand."

"You don't need to understand, you just need to know that Leng Mingyi is seriously injured. And I will leave soon. I will leave the day after tomorrow. I can't take Xiaoyi with me at all. Look Do it." Jun Jingyu let out a foul breath and walked out.

Mu Qianyu reached out to caress Leng Mingyi's pale face, and secretly sighed in his heart.

Xiaoyi, you are really my nemesis...

Today is really an uneven day, Mu Qianyu thought secretly in his heart.She was lying beside Leng Mingyi's bed, looking at Leng Mingyi's delicate and beautiful face, she gradually became sleepy, and slowly closed her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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