Chapter 128 Gu Ming Memory Recovery
And in a certain room in the capital city, a man woke up from his sleep. He sat up from the bed, and the cold sweat all over his body caused a biting chill in the low temperature of winter.

Gu Ming breathed heavily, the dream just now was really scary, but very real.

The scene in the dream was very real, as if I had experienced it myself.Now he can no longer tell whether the environment he is in is a dream or reality.

In the dream, he killed Mu Qianyu, became the emperor and even married Qin Xue, making Qin Xue the empress.These are the dreams he had before today.Today's dream seems to be after the enthronement ceremony.

After he got married to Qin Xue in the dream, he was like glue. In the dream, he loved her as much as before, the kind of love to the marrow.So he was willing to give everything for her, even killing his father and king.But in the end he was betrayed.

It was probably on the fourth day after Mu Qianyu's death that he had no intention of going to court early, so he sent people away to find her.Only to find him rolling on the same bed with his best brother.At that time, he felt that the whole world collapsed, so he ran in and questioned the two of them.

At the beginning, they still showed scared expressions, but in the end, when he was not paying attention, they directly inserted a dagger into their body.

Originally they wanted to kill him and seize the throne, but at this moment, a man in black entered the imperial city alone, rushed into the palace, and broke through hundreds of thousands of soldiers.Anyone who sees it, regardless of male or female, regardless of age, will be killed.His final goal is Qin Xue and him.

It was just because he was seriously injured at that time, so the man didn't work hard on him.As a result, he became the only survivor in the entire Wanling Imperial City.

That man... Hiss... He didn't seem to be able to see the man's face clearly, but it seemed familiar.Who is the one?
The only thing he remembered was those eyes, which were red and scarlet, and there was a strong murderous and bloody aura exuding from his body.

Gu Ming stretched out his hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows, lifted the quilt and walked down from the couch, went to the table and drank a cup of tea.

He always felt that this was not just a dream, because no dream lasted for many days or continued.So she subconsciously wanted to look for clues in her mind.

What happened next?


Gu Ming suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils shrank...

Behind... two more people came from behind, a young man, about his age.

They forced Qin Xue to reveal Mu Qianyu's whereabouts, and then the man in black jumped into the lake and fished Mu Qianyu up from the lake.

At last……

Gu Ming held his head in his hands, he felt like his brain was about to explode.He couldn't remember what happened next.Just thinking about it makes my head hurt.


The next morning

Leng Mingyi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and when he opened his eyes, he saw death on the roof of Wan Ling's room.

He moved his body subconsciously, but found that his hand was pressed by something.

Looking down, he saw Mu Qianyu who was lying on the edge of the bed, asleep with his arms on his head.

Leng Mingyi blinked sleepily, then blinked again.How did the doll get here?Still asleep on the edge of his bed.

And he felt his body hurt so badly, didn't he remember what he did?He remembered that he was back in that dark place again.

He thought about it carefully, and it was indeed the fifteenth day that he would appear in that dark place.

But why did Brother Yu emphasize that he must tell the baby to go on the fifteenth day?
He felt that there were a lot of things surrounding him now, and his mind was in chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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