The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 147 Arguing with the so-called "friend"

Chapter 147 Arguing with the so-called "friend"
In the end, how long has it been over a month?The money in her hands was several times too much.If this momentum continues, she will definitely earn more than before.

Get rich, get rich... Hahaha!She is going to get rich.

Gu Ming looked at the figure of his mother going upstairs, and there was a complex look in his eyes.

In fact, he was not ready to meet Qin Xue at all.He didn't know what to do, let alone how to treat her.

He never thought that they would meet again, let alone that the meeting would be in this place of smoke and willows.I didn't expect Mu Qianyu to be so terrific in handling things.

"Brother, what are you thinking about? Isn't it possible to meet soon? We can relieve the pain of lovesickness. In the future, as long as you have money, you can come if you want!" Another friend said.

"Shut up, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." Gu Ming clenched his hands into fists and glared at the man who spoke.

"Why are you angry at me! Did I say something wrong? That Qin Xue, we used to compete to pursue her, only you caught up, and in the end; what did you get? Or nothing?" The man shrugged and looked at Gu Ming with a mocking look in his eyes.

What he said was the truth. In the past, they were still envious and jealous because Gu Ming caught up with Qin Xue, but now Qin Xue can do it if he has money?
Gu Ming rushed up and punched the man. The man was hit on one side of the face, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Shut up, you're talking nonsense, I don't mind getting rid of you!"

Hearing his "son of the world" uttered from Gu Ming's mouth, everyone was stunned.When they met before, they said that they would never call themselves by their titles or identities, because that would hurt their feelings.

But now, Gu Ming directly said "this son", which is enough to show that he is angry.

"You two, what's the trouble? This is outside, you like to make people laugh, don't you?" Ye Zhengran roared angrily, no one dared to speak anymore, and they all remained silent.

"Gentlemen, it's ready. Which one of you will go first? Or together?" The mother came down and asked cautiously.

She felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere around her, and her neck shrank subconsciously.She was fine just now, why did she become like this after only leaving for a while?
"Cough!" Ye Zhengran coughed lightly, and said to the people around him: "How about we go in together? Or let Brother Gu go in first? After all, we have something to say when we meet again after a long absence."

Gu Ming never opened his mouth and let them talk, because he knew that these people would not be so kind.So he waited for them to finish.

In the end, the few of them decided to let Gu Ming go in first, euphemistically saying: Give two people a space to get along alone, so as to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

Gu Ming snorted coldly in his heart, he knew what they were thinking.They knew his thoughts about Qin Xue very early on, and since Qin Xue was with him, he has been showing off in front of them all the time.So it's understandable for them to be jealous of him.

They just want him to see that Qin Xue's life is not good, and then feel pity for him to redeem Qin Xue and bring her back home.

As long as he brings Qin Xue home, his father will definitely not let him go. At that time, it will be more than a simple confinement and a few sticks.

Unfortunately, they miscalculated that he was no longer the old Gu Ming.Before having that dream, he would definitely do that, because he loves Qin Xue.

(End of this chapter)

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