Chapter 148 Gu Ming's Panic

"You came to see a joke, right? Very good, have you seen enough? Let's start!" Qin Xue's lips curled up, and she reached out to remove the gauze covering her body, revealing her smooth and fair skin.

It's just that there are dense bruises on the exposed skin.Looking at those bruises, Gu Ming felt a sour feeling in his heart for no reason.

He knew what it was, and he had planted many marks of plum blossoms on his body before. Looking at these marks, he would think that she belonged to him.

But now everything has changed, everything has changed.It turns out that Qin Xue does not belong to him alone, neither in the previous life nor in this life.

He originally just wanted to come and see how she was doing, but now he changed his mind, why is it that only she remembers everything in her previous life, but she can forget it?
What she has endured now is much worse than what he has endured in these two lifetimes.Not enough, this is not enough.

"What? Didn't you like this body very much before? Now you dislike it just because it has been used by others?" Qin Xue looked at Gu Ming who was standing opposite and didn't move at all, and said sarcastically.

"Put on your clothes." Gu Ming turned his face away, not looking at Qin Xue.If he used to be very happy, but now he doesn't mean to be happy at all.


When Gu Ming walked out of the room, he went straight out without looking for those so-called friends.

They must be busy with the girl they want now, and he doesn't want to be questioned over and over again because of this matter.

He walked aimlessly on the street until he came to a pavilion not far from the lake.

He originally wanted to go into the pavilion, but when he saw two familiar figures, he subconsciously stopped.

Inside the pavilion were Mu Qianyu and Leng Mingyi.

Because Mu Qianyu had his back to his side, he could only see Leng Mingyi's face.But he was still familiar with Mu Qianyu's back.

It's just that after he took a few steps forward, his pupils constricted subconsciously when he looked at the figure not far away.

Leng Mingyi no longer knew when he turned behind Mu Qianyu.

Gu Ming is too familiar with that back view.It's the figure from his back that keeps reappearing in his dreams.The same body shape, the same black gown, and the same hair without buns.

The only difference is that the man in the dream has a pair of red eyes, which are crimson in color, while the eyes of the man in front of him are blue, which are lake blue.

An inexplicable panic rose in Gu Ming's heart, and his body was subconsciously moving backwards.
When Mu Qianyu and Leng Mingyi heard the voices outside the pavilion, they saw Gu Ming's body falling back all the time. Because he tripped over a small stone, his body fell directly, and his butt came into intimate contact with the ground.

"Hahaha! Gu Ming, are you here to perform wrestling for us? Hahaha!"

"Baby, that person is so stupid! He's still wrestling at such a big age." Leng Mingyi looked down upon Gu Ming.

"Mu Qianyu, I, I'm passing by, I'm leaving first." After speaking, she glanced at Leng Mingyi beside her, and then immediately got up and ran away as if to escape.

Mu Qianyu and Gu Ming looked at each other, then shook their heads helplessly.Didn't this guy take his medicine?


But soon another person appeared from the shadows. This man was arranged by Mu Qiancheng in the brothel. If Qin Xue had any news, he would come to inform them.

"Meet the princess." The man knelt outside the pavilion and saluted Mu Qianyu.

"Well, did something happen to Qin Xue?"

"Back to the princess, Gu Shizi went to the brothel with his friends yesterday, and they asked Qin Xue to serve him by name."

(End of this chapter)

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