Chapter 150 Gu Ming's Sorrow
Hua Qianying froze for a moment, then returned to normal.

He concealed the bitterness in his heart, rubbed the top of Mu Qianyu's head, his eyes were full of pampering.

"Silly girl, I know all about it. But don't worry about it, okay? I'm just your brother. It's only natural for a brother to protect his sister."

Mu Qianyu looked up at Hua Qianying, wanting to see something through his eyes, "Little Shadow, I'm sorry."

"Fool, I'm the same as Qiancheng, and I will only be your brother in the future. Okay, sister, call brother to listen?"

Mu Qianyu was amused by Hua Qianying's ruffian look. After all these years of acquaintance, it was the first time he saw Hua Qianying making a joke. If she didn't show face, it would be too much.

"Okay, you! You know you're taking advantage of me. Hurry up and go."

"Hey! It's really not easy to be a big brother these days!" Hua Qianying had an exaggerated expression of heartbreak, but anyone who saw it could see the corners of her mouth raised.

Mu Qianyu looked at Hua Qianying's leaving back, and the corners of his mouth that were originally raised suddenly drooped.

She knew that what she said really hurt Little Shadow, but she had to say it.

One is because she doesn't want Xiao Ying to delay her happiness because of her, and the other reason is because she really doesn't have that kind of affection for him.If she dragged on, she was afraid that she would lose this friend.

"Princess, the water is already boiled." Yu Zhu walked in, pulling Mu Qianyu back from his thoughts.

"it is good."

She would rather believe that what she is doing now is correct.Although it will cause some pain to Hua Qianying, the long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain.

outside the palace

Hua Qianying looked at the place where Mu Qianyu lived, and the bitterness in her heart surged like a tide.He had known for a long time that Mu Qianyu didn't like him, but when she said it, he still felt a little bitter in his heart.

He took one last look in that direction, and finally turned to leave.And he comforted himself in his heart: In fact, my brother is not bad, at least he can be by her side for the rest of his life.


Duke Gu's Mansion
Gu Ming stood in front of the study window in a daze, as if he was the only one left in the world.

At this moment, he was thinking about Qin Xue.Ever since he met Qin Xue today, he has always felt restless.

He remembered the conversation with Qin Xue today.


"Gu Ming, what are you pretending? In the past, all of you were eager to have this body that you hate so much now. Why? Now because it has been used by those people in the market, you hate it?" Qin Xue Leng snorted, and threw away the tulle in her hand, only wearing a so thin and almost transparent apron and a pair of obscene trousers.

"Gu Ming, don't you like me? Why did you change so quickly? I really can't believe what the man said."

"Qin Xue." Gu Ming suppressed the anger in his heart, gritted his teeth and shouted Qin Xue's name angrily.

He didn't understand why there was such a big difference in the things in the bones that were clearly the same body.

The Qin Xue he likes is gentle and kind, understanding, tender, and full of talent, not the current vulgar and contrived appearance.

Or in other words, what he has always liked is Qin Xue's mask, the side she deliberately shows in front of outsiders.

So he never loved the real Qin Xue.What he loves is just a false person imagined in his subconscious.It just happened to be on Qin Xue's body that he saw something he liked.That's all.

At this time, Gu Ming raised his head and closed his eyes tightly, and sighed heavily from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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