Chapter 151 Leng Mingyi calms down

When Leng Mingyi came to Yuhuayuan, he saw Mu Qianyu's back, and when he was about to walk over, he saw another person beside him.

This person is Leng Linyuan.

When he first saw Leng Linyuan, those childhood memories would flood up like a flood, so he subconsciously hugged his head and screamed.

But now that he sees him again, it won't be the same as before.He has learned to control his emotions.

Brother Yu said that you must not show weakness in front of someone who has hurt you, or he will definitely hurt you even more.So he can't be afraid.

Mu Qianyu and Leng Linyuan stood in the imperial garden, chatting about some things.The two were talking and laughing, and they seemed to be on good terms.

Leng Mingyi stared fixedly at Leng Linyuan, his eyes full of hatred and fear.Why?They wanted his life, and they wanted his baby.Why?
Leng Linyuan, who was talking to Mu Qianyu, felt a very familiar look, but he could feel that look, it was hatred.

When he subconsciously looked towards the source of that gaze, he happened to meet those blue eyes.His body froze immediately, and he stopped after speaking halfway.

Mu Qianyu saw Leng Linyuan's strangeness, followed his gaze, and saw Leng Mingyi standing not far away.I also saw the hatred in his eyes that would not be withdrawn in the future.

"Xiao Yi, come here."

As soon as Mu Qianyu's words came out, both Leng Linyuan and Leng Mingyi were subconsciously stunned, and looked at her in confusion.

Mu Qianyu didn't speak, but stared straight at Leng Mingyi, motioning for him to come over.

Leng Mingyi glanced at Leng Linyuan, then at Mu Qianyu, and walked over hesitantly.But after standing still in front of Mu Qianyu, he never dared to look up into Mu Qianyu's eyes.

He was afraid that Mu Qianyu would hate him and reject him.

"Look up. Leng Mingyi, look at me."

Mu Qianyu's tough words had a certain effect on Leng Mingyi, he slowly raised his head and looked at Mu Qianyu.

He wanted to see disgust or something similar in Mu Qianyu's eyes, but there was nothing, nothing.


Leng Mingyi hugged his head with both hands, his eyebrows furrowed tightly.

When Mu Qianyu saw that Leng Mingyi's expression was not right, he quickly hugged him.

"Hey, we don't want to, don't want to. Be good! Don't be afraid, I'm a baby, I'm here. I'm always here, don't be afraid. Be good." Mu Qianyu hugged Leng Mingyi, stretched out her hand behind Leng Mingyi Pat on the back, softly comforting.

She just wanted Leng Mingyi to get out of the shadow of the year as soon as possible, but she was too impatient.

Leng Linyuan looked at the two people hugging each other tightly, he didn't know where to put his hands.

After a while, Leng Mingyi's emotions gradually calmed down, and his reaction was no longer as intense as before.

"Xiao Yi, look at me. You are not alone, you still have me, be good."

"Boy, Xiao Yi doesn't like him, can you let him go? Xiao Yi doesn't want to see him."

"Be good!" Mu Qianyu reached out and rubbed the top of Leng Mingyi's head, and looked at Leng Linyuan with a troubled expression.

Leng Linyuan knew what Mu Qianyu meant, so he turned and left without saying anything.He knew that whether it was Yun Cang or him, or Empress Yun Cang and Emperor Yun Cang, the damage to Leng Mingyi would be fatal, so even after 14 years, Leng Mingyi has not forgotten what happened to Yun Cang before.

Looking at Leng Linyuan's back, Mu Qianyu felt even more guilty.It's been like this several times.It's just that she couldn't help it.

(End of this chapter)

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