Chapter 152 Jun Jingyu Returns

"Good boy, actually, Leng Linyuan, maybe there is some misunderstanding between you two? What happened to Xiaoyi that year must be resolved one day. So you have to face it bravely."

Leng Mingyi didn't speak, but his arms around Mu Qianyu tightened again.

He didn't want to think about what happened back then, because it was the wound of his life. For 14 years, he has always subconsciously avoided, but he still came after all.

"Baby, Xiaoyi doesn't want to, doesn't want to think about the past, Xiaoyi will be unhappy. Xiaoyi's head hurts just thinking about it." Leng Mingyi rested his head on Mu Qianyu's shoulder, and rubbed Mu Qianyu's left cheek On the right side of Qianyu's face, he looked coquettish, and his soft tone made people unable to bear to refuse.

"Okay, I don't want to. When do you want to face it, why don't we think about it? Come back with me now." Mu Qianyu smoothed Leng Mingyi's hair on the back, coaxing Leng Ming softly Yi.

"Well, listen to the baby." Leng Mingyi came out of Mu Qianyu's arms and stood up directly.

Brother Yu told him that the past is over, so he has to look forward.He now has a doll and elder brother Yu, that's enough.

He was very happy to meet the doll.

After the figures of Leng Mingyi and Mu Qianyu disappeared in the imperial garden, Leng Linyuan came out from the shadows.

He looked at the figure that was getting further and further away, and a trace of loss flashed across his eyes.

It seems that Leng Mingyi is still unwilling to accept him, unwilling to try to listen to his explanation of what happened back then.

Leng Linyuan sighed secretly in his heart, even if he was willing to listen to his explanation, what's the use?After all, he was not the only one who hurt Leng Mingyi back then.

So even if he explained, Leng Mingyi had to be willing to listen.


the other side

After Mu Qianyu and Leng Mingyi had finished their breakfast, someone came.When Leng Mingyi saw the person coming, he rushed forward.

"Brother Yu, Brother Yu. You are finally here, I miss Brother Yu so much."

Jun Jingyu looked helplessly at the man who jumped on him like an octopus.He reached out and lifted Leng Mingyi off his body.

"Xiao Yi, pay attention to your image, pay attention to your image."

Leng Mingyi had a happy face. Brother Yu had been away for a long time, which made him worry for a long time.

Brother Yu used to bring him a lot of delicious and fun things. He looked left and right, but this time he didn't see anything.snort!bad brother.

Looking at a certain man whose face turned from sunny to cloudy, Jun Jingyu felt even more helpless.This guy really can change his face faster than flipping a book.

Mu Qianyu also looked at Leng Mingyi helplessly.This guy, as soon as he saw Jun Jingyu coming, he jumped at him, and he agreed that he only likes her and loves her the most?

The current Mu Qianyu didn't realize it, and the current she had already started to suffer from Leng Mingyi's roughness, but she didn't realize it yet.

"Xiao Yi wants a gift, I want a gift. But Brother Yu didn't buy a gift for Xiao Yi." Thinking of not having a gift, Leng Mingyi's little face immediately drooped.

"Stupid boy, do you want Brother Yu?" Jun Jingyu reached out and ravaged Leng Mingyi's head recklessly, making a mess of Leng Mingyi's hair.

Leng Mingyi reached out and patted Jun Jingyu's hand, silently accusing him of his "crime" with his eyes.

Both Jun Jingyu and Mu Qianyu couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.The angry look of this guy is simply too cute, isn't it?

"I don't want brother Yu, brother Yu doesn't want Xiaoyi, so Xiaoyi doesn't want brother Yu either." Leng Mingyi turned his head aside, not looking at Jun Jingyu.

(End of this chapter)

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