The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 174 Li Qingfeng Arrives at the Palace of All Souls

Chapter 174 Li Qingfeng Arrives at the Palace of All Souls
As the state banquet approaches, there are more and more people coming and going in Wanling, whether it is the royal nobles who come to participate in the state banquet, businessmen who come to Wanling for business, or even famous wanderers.

There are also more and more people in the palace, gathering royal nobles from all over the world.So the guards in the palace can be seen everywhere.

In the evening, the setting sun is shining in the west, and the rising moon in the sky in the east is shining faintly.

At this time, another large group of people came to the palace mightily.

This group of people are from Yunli Country.In the soft sedan chair in front are Emperor Yunli and his favorite concubine Yun Guifei.Followed by General Yunli Li Qingfeng and Zhu Yang Hou Li Qingchen.

Zhu Yanghou is the cousin of Emperor Yunli, and also an important figure in Yunli.

There are only a few ordinary sedan chairs behind them, and all the family members are sitting in them.

Because soldiers with knives are not allowed to enter the palace, each country did not bring its own soldiers into the palace, but simply brought a few guards.

"Qingfeng is the first time to come to Wanling, right?" Zhu Yanghou asked the man beside him in a low voice.

"Yes." Li Qingfeng's eyes did not leave the soft sedan in front for a moment.

"Then you really have to take a good look around this time. Whether it is the palace or business, Wanling is very brilliant. You should take advantage of these days to take a good walk."

Zhu Yanghou kindly reminded him.

"Thank you Lord Hou for reminding me, Qingfeng will definitely remember."

Li Qingfeng knew that Zhu Yanghou was using words to divert his attention and divert his attention.

Naturally, he couldn't refute his kindness.

When Li Qingfeng was looking at the surrounding trees and the exquisite palace, he saw a familiar figure.

"Huh?" Isn't this the little fox?Why is she here?

Li Qingfeng looked at the small figure in the distance, and there was a hint of interest in his eyes.

"That girl should be...Princess Qianyu, yes, I saw her when I came here last year. I didn't expect her to look even better after a year."

Zhu Yanghou noticed Li Qingfeng's gaze and reminded him aloud.

"Tell me, who do you say she is?" Li Qingfeng looked at Zhu Yanghou in disbelief.

Princess Qianyu?Is that the most favored princess of all souls?
Not like it!Nothing like it!

He has always thought that a woman who can be spoiled since childhood should be the kind of domineering, extremely arrogant, and proud of being favored.

But the Mu Qianyu he saw was different, she was very lively, energetic, and cunning.

"Hahaha. What? Don't believe it?" Zhu Yanghou laughed out loud seeing the astonishment and disbelief in Li Qingfeng's eyes. "When I saw her for the first time, Ben Hou also found it unbelievable. Once you get to know her, you will know that this little girl is not simple at all."

He touched his chin behind him, and looked at Mu Qianyu with a hint of meaning in his eyes.

Mu Qianyu, who was quietly playing with Leng Mingyi not far away, had no idea that someone was discussing her.

"Xiao Yi, don't be naughty." Mu Qianyu looked at a certain man who was digging a hole in the corner at this time, and a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes again.

At this time, Leng Mingyi was struggling with a pit in a corner.

Because the snow has mostly melted these days, many small mud puddles have formed in the corners of some walls that have been left in disrepair for a long time.

Today, when Leng Mingyi passed this remote corner, because he walked in a hurry, he didn't see the road under his feet at all, and stepped on it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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