Chapter 175 Leng Mingyi Falls Down

Because Leng Mingyi panicked for a moment, he stepped forward and threw himself on the ground with his face facing the ground.

"Puff...Puff..." Leng Mingyi slowly got up from the ground, and then stared blankly at the pit on the ground where his mark had been left.

When he got up, his body and face were covered with mud, especially that face had turned into a face of dirt.His mouth was also filled with mud.

Leng Mingyi kept spitting the dirt out of his mouth, and wiped his face vigorously with his dirty hands, trying to wipe off the stains on his face, but in the end, it became more and more dirty.

At a loss, Leng Mingyi saw that the new shoes and clothes that Mu Qianyu had prepared for him were all soiled, and they couldn't get them cleaned anyway, so he sat in the corner and began to cry.

A guard patrolling around heard the crying and hurried over.

When they rushed over, they saw a scene that left them dumbfounded.

A fairly tall man sat on the mud floor covered in mud and burst into tears.The sound was as loud as it could be heard in the sky.

People listened to it as if they had been wronged by him.

Several guards looked at each other, and two of them hurried towards a certain direction.

Not long after, the two guards ran back, and in front of them was Mu Qianyu who was running towards Leng Mingyi with an anxious expression on his face.

Mu Qianyu walked up to Leng Mingyi, and when he saw Leng Mingyi's painted face, he smiled unkindly.

Leng Mingyi at this time is simply too cute.The dirt on his face covered his original handsome face, and the tears on his face were attached to the dirt, forming small criss-cross lines.

The long eyelashes were still trembling slightly, like a butterfly flapping its wings.

"Xiao Yi, you fell into this pit, didn't you? Isn't it right? This pit is too small!" Mu Qianyu held back a smile and pointed to the small pits in the corner, the teasing look in his eyes couldn't be stopped live.

"Woooooo, baby, baby, you are finally here! Xiaoyi misses you, Xiaoyi misses you." Leng Mingyi pouted, with a look of grievance.

He got up directly from the ground, and was about to stretch out his arms to hug Mu Qianyu, but he stopped on the spot after taking two steps.

Mu Qianyu looked at Leng Mingyi puzzled, and saw Leng Mingyi turn around and run away.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at Leng Mingyi's back, and then at the guards behind her.Those guards were seen by Mu Qianyu as if they were being stabbed by a cold light, and they shuddered violently.

They quickly backed away, their heads shaking like rattles one by one.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Mu Qianyu's thin lips parted slightly, and his cold eyes shot straight at the guards in front of him.

"Huihui Princess, my subordinates don't know, I don't know!"

"His Royal Highness Yi Wang was already sitting on the ground crying when we came, we really don't know."

"Okay, let's go down!"

Mu Qianyu waved impatiently, then turned and walked in the direction Leng Mingyi left.

I don't know what happened to that guy, but he ran away suddenly, which is really not worrying at all.

That's all, who told her to be willing to pamper her?

Mu Qianyu walked along that road for a long time, but in the end, he didn't even see Leng Mingyi's shadow.

Just when she was looking anxious, she was in a rockery, and walking inside, she saw Leng Mingyi in the corner, hugging her legs with her hands, tightly huddled into a ball.

The moment he saw Leng Mingyi, Mu Qianyu's heart suddenly ached.

It was like being tightly clenched by two hands, and it hurt from kneading.

(End of this chapter)

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