Chapter 176 Mu Qianyu's Pampering
At the same time, a picture quickly flashed in her mind, but because it disappeared in a flash, it quickly disappeared completely, so fast that Mu Qianyu couldn't catch it at all.

"Little Yi."

Leng Mingyi was shrinking in the corner, buried his head between his knees.He heard someone calling his name.

He raised his head subconsciously, and saw Mu Qianyu who had squatted in front of him at some point.

Leng Mingyi subconsciously wanted to dodge, but there was a rockery behind him, and there was nowhere to go.

"Xiao Yi, why do you hide from me? Why do you ignore me? Why are you hiding in this place alone?"

Mu Qianyu stretched out her hand to hold down the rockery wall behind Leng Mingyi, and locked Leng Mingyi between her arms, not allowing him to escape.

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi..." Leng Mingyi tightly grasped his clothes with both hands, and did not speak.

He didn't even dare to look directly at Mu Qianyu with his eyes.

"Xiao Yi, I'm sorry baby, Xiao Yi is wrong, wrong."

Mu Qianyu froze for a moment, she really couldn't figure out what Leng Mingyi did wrong, let alone why Leng Mingyi said that.

"Xiao Yi, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand? What bad things have you done, and you're telling the truth!" Mu Qianyu still pressed his hands on the rockery, squinting his eyes at Leng Mingyi.

"No, no! Didn't the baby see it? Didn't you see it?" Leng Mingyi raised his eyes and looked at Mu Qianyu in disbelief.

He pointed to the clothes on his body and asked, "Baby look at it. Don't you recognize it?"


The corner of Mu Qianyu's mouth twitched, it was so dirty, if she could see it clearly, it would be amazing!
"The doll made this for Xiaoyi." Leng Mingyi frowned, and reminded him displeasedly.

"The baby is broken, and the baby doesn't even remember. Hmph!"

Leng Mingyi turned his head away, ignoring Mu Qianyu.

Mu Qianyu laughed a few times in embarrassment, then reached out and turned Leng Mingyi's face towards her.

"Xiao Yi, I didn't see it? Look at the mud on the clothes, how could I recognize it?"

She assured her she was telling the truth, the dress was literally covered in mud.

Basically, if you don't look carefully, you don't even know your mother!

Huh?No!Isn't she its mother?Anyway, that's what she did!Ok!Yes, she was unrecognizable!
"Hmph! I hate dolls, I hate dolls. But don't dolls blame Xiaoyi?" Leng Mingyi turned his head away, and carefully looked at Mu Qianyu's expression from his peripheral vision.

"Gah? Why are you to blame? Did you do anything wrong!"

She thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be so.

"Little Yi, you little idiot." Mu Qianyu reached out and gently tapped Leng Mingyi's forehead. "Who said you should be blamed? You can wash dirty clothes, and make clothes that are broken. Why bother with these things?"

"Hmm... is that so?" Leng Mingyi bit her lip, looking at Mu Qianyu expectantly and confused.

"Of course! How long have you been with me? Did I really hit you? Or did I scold you? Huh?"

Mu Qianyu looked at Leng Mingyi with deep pampering and tenderness in his eyes.She reached out and rubbed Leng Mingyi's head, and said softly, "Let's go! Are you unhappy? Let's dig the hole and fill it in."

Why dig first and then fill?Leng Mingyi also asked this question.

(End of this chapter)

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