Chapter 177 Leng Mingyi Beats Leng Jiao
Mu Qianyu's answer was: "The purpose of digging the hole is to let you play and vent your anger. Of course, the purpose of filling the hole is to prevent you from falling down in the future!"

Ever since, the two of them stayed at the place where Leng Mingyi fell for a long time.Leng Mingyi had a great time digging a hole, while Mu Qianyu watched quietly.


"Hey! What are you doing? Isn't this Mu Qianyu of all spirits? Now he's going to be that fool's watchdog?"

Just as the two of them were enjoying the tranquility and comfort at this moment leisurely, suddenly a sharp voice sounded, carrying endless irony and ridicule.

When Mu Qianyu heard the voice behind him, he narrowed his eyes, and there was a piercing coldness in his eyes.

"What? Don't dare to say anything?"

Leng Jiao put her arms around her chest and walked towards Mu Qianyu and Leng Mingyi with an arrogant look.

Leng Mingyi was still immersed in his own world, the movements of his hands continued, and he didn't hear anyone coming at all. "What's the matter? Didn't you still look arrogant in the morning, why are you staying here digging the soil now? Tsk tsk tsk, it's really relieved."

"Lengjiao, you really don't know what to say! What's more... Could it be that Emperor Yuncang didn't punish you? He really spoiled you!" Mu Qianyu clicked his tongue and shook his head, looking regretful.

"Mu Qianyu, don't be too complacent, sooner or later, this princess will let you kneel in front of me."

She will definitely make Mu Qianyu kneel in front of her and beg her to let her go, she will!

Mu Qianyu, this princess will definitely show this anger.

"Tsk tsk tsk, okay, this princess is waiting for that day to come, but now, you can't afford to mess with this princess, can you?"

Mu Qianyu stood up from her seat, walked in front of Leng Jiao, and spoke softly.

Her words directly changed Leng Jiao's complexion, her cheeks turned red and then pale, it's not too exciting.

At this time, Leng Mingyi also dug his last hole, and walked out of his own world.

Because he was angry, there was a hint of joy in his voice.

"Baby, baby, Xiaoyi finished digging! Isn't Xiaoyi very harsh..." The word "harmful" was swallowed directly in his mouth before he could say it.

Because he saw people he didn't want to see.

He quickly ran to Mu Qianyu's side, reached out to hug Mu Qianyu's arm, and looked at the person coming with a vigilant expression.

It is true that Leng Mingyi is afraid of Leng Jiao. After all, the shadow of her childhood has always been there, and her surname is Leng, so it is normal for Leng Mingyi to be afraid of her.

In fact, Leng Jiao is also afraid of Leng Mingyi, she dare not look at Leng Mingyi because she will be afraid of those blue eyes.

"Bad woman, come to bully the baby again, beat you, beat you, beat you..." Leng Mingyi didn't know where the courage came from, and went up to beat Leng Jiao fatly.

He slapped Leng Jiao with both hands and feet, Leng Jiao screamed from the beating, and took several steps back.

Mu Qianyu stared at Leng Mingyi dumbfounded, then swallowed silently.

Why didn't she know that Xiao Yi had such a powerful side before!But it's really refreshing!

Looking at Leng Jiao's bruised and swollen face was simply too refreshing.

"Xiao Yi, it's fine. It's time to go."

Leng Mingyi was about to reach out and hit the bad woman a few times when he heard Mu Qianyu yell to stop.

Leng Mingyi obediently put down his hand, and ran to Mu Qianyu's side in a hurry.

"Does the hand hurt?" Mu Qianyu looked at Leng Mingyi who walked up to her and wanted to grab his hand, but looked at his dirty hand dissatisfied, and smiled helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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