Chapter 181 Mu Qianyu Understands Her Mind

When Jun Jingyu came back to his senses, he found that he was hungry, then quietly walked out of the door, and walked straight towards his room.

The moment he closed the door, he secretly sighed in his heart.When will such a day end?When will he be able to complete the task?

God!Which great god came to save him!


at night
Mu Qianyu was alone in the room. She sat at the table and quietly looked at the things in front of her, a little dazed and dazed.

Today she thought of a question that she had never thought of before.

She reached out to pick up the box on the table, and reached out to grab a piece of cloth inside the box.

It was a piece of black fabric with some tiny patterns dotted on it, which looked exquisite.

This piece of fabric is an unfinished garment, or a man's garment.

Yes, this dress was prepared by Mu Qianyu for Leng Mingyi, but it's not finished yet, and it's only halfway through.

In the past, she thought it was a very common and trivial matter, so she never took it to heart.

But now she had to think about it.

Before Qiao Luo had been teasing her for being unusual to Leng Mingyi, she just replied "Xiao Yi is just a child".

But the fact is really just because he needs protection?Or is it because he's just a kid?Or because of his trust and reliance?

Now she is confused!There are many ways to protect a person, but why choose to keep him by his side?

Mu Qianyu laughed at herself from the bottom of her heart. It turned out that she had never been clear about her relationship in her previous life or this life.

In fact, she already has his place in her heart!But she had never realized it before, or she had been deceiving herself and hypnotizing herself.

But what should she do?escape?
A trace of confusion flashed in Mu Qianyu's almond eyes.

Leng Mingyi is just a mentally handicapped child. His feelings should not have begun yet, and his life has just begun. Her feelings will only imprison his freedom.

She doesn't want to!I really don't want to!And he hasn't been able to figure out whether his feelings for him are what she thinks, so let's wait!

Mian Mu Qianyu looked at the clothes in front of her, her eyes flickered slightly, and she sighed secretly in her heart.

A sudden knock on the door interrupted Mu Qianyu's thoughts.


Mu Qianyu frowned slightly, who will come at this time?

"Bang bang bang!" The knocking was still ringing, but no one spoke.

Mu Qianyu didn't move, just quietly thinking about who could be so late?

"Is it Xiao Yi?"

After Mu Qianyu finished speaking, he heard a slight whimper coming from outside the door.

She stood up and walked to the door, hesitated for a moment, then opened the door.

The moment she opened the door, the people outside rushed up, and she had no time to react before being hugged.

"Hey! You..." Mu Qianyu struggled vigorously. She hadn't had time to see the face of the visitor clearly just now, so she struggled subconsciously.until the whimpering sound came from the top of my head again


Leng Mingyi hugged Mu Qianyu tightly with both hands, and buried his face in Mu Qianyu's shoulder.

"Xiao, Xiaoyi? It's you!" Mu Qianyu's heart sank when he heard Leng Mingyi's voice, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter? Have a nightmare again? Be good, don't be afraid!"

(End of this chapter)

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