Chapter 182 Dreaming Back to the Valley Again
It's just that she thought that she didn't need to do those things, and she didn't need to compete with others, because no matter what she had, she had the best.

But today she realized that it was just an illusion she had constructed for herself.

Gradually, her laughter became louder and louder, and finally spread throughout the entire palace, her voice was full of sarcasm and endless sadness.It looks very eerie at night.

the other side

Mu Qianyu's palace.

Both Mu Qianyu and Leng Mingyi entered their respective dreams, but they didn't know that they both dreamed of the same place and the same scene...

In the dream, Mu Qianyu came to a valley, where it was not like winter at this time, but more like spring.

The sea of ​​flowers in the valley is still in full bloom, as if to add its own light to the endless spring.

Mu Qianyu walked forward, she had been here before.To be more precise, she had been here in a dream.

The figure of the man in the dream before flashed across Mu Qianyu's mind. She had always felt familiar with that figure, but she really couldn't remember who it was.

Because he couldn't see the back clearly at all, and every time the back appeared in front of his eyes, there was a very blurry picture, so he never saw it clearly.

So this time, Mu Qianyu subconsciously looked around, trying to search for the figure of the man, but the surrounding area was desolate, and some places seemed to have been cleaned.

"Here...where is it?" She really felt that I had been here, but why did he feel this way?She obviously didn't!

Just when she was hesitating, she saw the ancient tree that appeared in the last dream. She raised her foot and walked over. This time, there was no man under the tree.

Mu Qianyu walked around the tree, but didn't find anything unusual, but she had something like an induction guiding her.

Soon she felt the change in the surrounding environment, and she panicked subconsciously. When the change in the surrounding environment stopped, she found herself in the sea of ​​flowers again.

He saw the blurry figure not far away, but he didn't know why, every time she looked at that figure, her eyes always seemed to be painted with something, and she couldn't see clearly.

"Hey! Hey! Can you hear me?" Mu Qianyu shouted towards the back.

But the back, as if he didn't hear it, still maintained the posture just now.

His back is full of loneliness and desolation, and it makes people feel distressed to see it.

Mu Qianyu stretched out his left hand to attach to his chest.It didn't seem to stop hurting after seeing him again.Or, since she arrived at this place, her heart hasn't stopped aching.

She wanted to go forward to see the man's face, but she found that she couldn't go through at all.

At this moment, Mu Qianyu heard the man's almost roaring voice, which was full of despair and sadness.

He slowly squatted on the ground, curled himself into a ball, hugged his legs tightly with both hands, and buried his head between his knees.

There seemed to be a barrier in front of Mu Qianyu, and she couldn't get over it no matter what.She struggled subconsciously, trying to comfort the man, but she couldn't.

Soon, the man stood up, and frantically hit the flowers in the surrounding sea of ​​flowers, and then emitted a force in his body, and the sea of ​​flowers in a radius of more than ten miles instantly withered.

It's just that the power still hasn't ended, it continues to radiate outward, and gradually extends outward.

(End of this chapter)

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