The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 183 The man in the dream is Leng Mingyi?

Chapter 183 The man in the dream is Leng Mingyi?
After a while, looking around, only the old tree was left standing.

Mu Qianyu looked at the scene in front of her in amazement. She couldn't believe that a person could have such explosive power?
He followed the vague figure to the old tree, and saw that he sat directly under the old tree, facing the old tree, and his eyes seemed to be staring at a certain position under the tree.

After an unknown amount of time, the man who remained motionless like a stone statue stretched out his hand to the ground.

Soon, a deep pit was dug out on the flat ground, and finally the man dug out two small things placed side by side.

Mu Qianyu looked carefully and saw something familiar.Her pupils shrank instantly, and she couldn't help but took a few steps back.

She shook her head in disbelief, but her eyes never left the thing in the man's hand.

"No, no, why is that? No..."

Isn't the thing in that man's hand the same villains that Jun Jingyu brought a few days ago?The one in white is a little girl who looks just like her.

At that time, she asked Leng Mingyi deliberately, and Leng Mingyi told her that it was because she was afraid that they would lose sight of each other when he left one day, so Leng Mingyi wanted to bring the little puppet in white with him.

If one day she misses him, she can also take out the little black puppet like him.

But she didn't understand why they were here, why they were buried under a tree, and why they appeared in this valley where she had never been before.

That figure from the back, dressed in black, also looks like...

Yes, it's Leng Mingyi!

It must be him!It must be!
Just when she was about to try to look at the man's face again, there seemed to be a force pulling behind her, and her body retreated uncontrollably.

"no, do not want--"

When Mu Qianyu opened his eyes again, he found that he had already returned to his room, or in other words, everything just now was just a dream.

Mu Qianyu was lying on the bed, staring at the familiar roof, panting heavily, a thin layer of sweat had already formed on his head, and even his back was already wet.

Mu Qianyu, who hadn't recovered from her dream, never noticed that the other person in this room opened her eyes at the same time she opened them.

Leng Mingyi's eyes were filled with the same fear and shock as Mu Qianyu at this time.

What he had just dreamed about was the same as Mu Qianyu's, the only difference was that he could see the man's face.

He dreamed of that valley again, and saw the man who looked exactly like him again.

He saw him roaring sadly, then he went under the old tree in a decadent manner, and he also saw the two little puppet figures.


He lay quietly on the soft couch, letting the tears flow down his cheeks from the corners of his eyes, into his hair, and onto the pillow.

When the man in the dream yelled in despair, his heart hurt like being eaten by thousands of ants, but he didn't know why it hurt.

He didn't know what happened to that man, and he didn't know why he had those two little puppets, but he was just very sad, as if he had lost something very, very important.

He got up from the soft couch, and then reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

At this time, Mu Qianyu also came to his senses.

Looking at Leng Mingyi's handsome face, she recalled the man in her dream.

Ever since she was reborn, she has been dreaming of that man's back.But it was just a vague figure.

(End of this chapter)

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