Chapter 184 Leng Jiao's Despair

Empress Yuncang looked at the girl with a bruised nose and swollen face and bruises all over her body who had been beaten with disgust, and a trace of impatience flashed in her eyes.

"That's enough! Leng Jiao, look at your current appearance, do you know what you look like now? Like a street shrew. Uneducated and disrespectful, is this what I usually teach you?"

Empress Yuncang patted the table angrily, and the teacups placed on the table trembled slightly as if frightened by Empress Yuncang's actions.

"You, when will you grow up? Bengong has raised you for more than ten years not to cause you troubles for Bengong all day long, but to let you have your own use value one day. You tell Bengong!"

Empress Yuncang directly reached out and grabbed Leng Jiao's collar, looked directly at Leng Jiao, and asked through gritted teeth: "Tell me, what is your use value? I can't see it. You have to show your skills Come let me know more about it!"

Leng Jiao was frightened by Empress Yuncang's actions, she looked in horror at Empress Yuncang who seemed to be a different person, her body trembling uncontrollably.

She couldn't believe that the queen mother, who had always loved her so much, would be the woman who was holding her clothes with a hideous expression.

The woman in front of him doesn't have the dignity and gentleness he saw before. Now she looks like a devil, a devil who can eat people.

"I tell you, if you listen to me, I can lift you up to heaven; if you don't listen to me, I can still send you to hell."

Empress Yuncang let go of Leng Jiao's collar and threw her to the ground fiercely, then patted her hands, as if she was about to brush off some dirt.

Leng Jiao sat on the ground with a dazed expression, she shook her head desperately, only to hear Empress Yuncang continue to sarcastically say: "Who do you think you are? Everything you have now was given by me. This palace has made it clear that there is no family affection in Wanling, only benefits. If you have no use value, you are doomed to become an abandoned child like that fool Leng Mingyi."

Empress Yuncang turned around and walked in front of Lengjiao again, she stretched out her hand to pinch Lengjiao's chin, and said softly: "Your value is nothing more than this pretty face, and this palace has The purpose of your coming is nothing more than one..."

After Empress Yuncang left, Leng Jiao sat alone on the floor of the main hall, looking at the empty palace, she remembered what Empress Yuncang said just now.

Empress Yuncang's words echoed in Lengjiao's ears like a devil's voice, and her tears kept falling like beads with a broken thread.

She said that she was brought here this time so that she could use this face to seduce Prince Wanling and climb into Prince Wanling's bed.

Also, she said her use value?use?She used to think that she was different from other royal sisters.

He has the care and love of his father and queen, so she doesn't have to be given to those royal nobles as a gift by his father.

She laughed at them before, saying that she could blame them for not having a good background, but now?
Her mother told her personally that she was useless and would become an abandoned child like those people.

He also said to let her use her face and this relatively clean body to seduce Prince Wanling.


Leng Jiao laughed at herself from the bottom of her heart, it turns out that the so-called care and love all these years are actually the same, but they are all benefits.

yes.She should have thought about it a long time ago, who in Yuncang can be truly clean?It's nothing more than stepping on other people's heads to climb up.

(End of this chapter)

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