Chapter 185 The Puppet Is Unique

She tried many times to walk towards that man, but she found that no matter how she walked, she couldn't get over everything in front of her.

Because while she was moving forward, everything around her was also moving.

"Xiao Yi, turn around." Mu Qianyu ordered with his eyes fixed on the man on the soft couch opposite him.

Leng Mingyi didn't know why, and looked at Mu Qianyu with a confused face.

"Turn around." Mu Qianyu repeated what he said just now, with a firm tone, with a toughness that no one could refuse.

Leng Mingyi hesitated for a moment, then stood up obediently, and turned around.

Mu Qianyu looked at Leng Mingyi's back, and stared at him blankly.

His figure is really similar to the man in the dream, but is it him?

Mu Qianyu was a little confused, she didn't understand why she was so obsessed with a dream, she only knew that it seemed to be very important to her.

"Baby? What's wrong with Xiaoyi's back? Is there something?" Leng Mingyi turned his head and saw Mu Qianyu's eyes staring straight at his back.

Leng Mingyi's words interrupted Mu Qianyu's thoughts, he and she quickly recovered, and then laughed awkwardly.

"It's okay, it's okay! Xiaoyi, let me ask you a question."

"Well! Baby asked! Xiaoyi will definitely answer well!" The sadness in Leng Mingyi's eyes disappeared at this moment.

Brother Yu told him that the things in the dream were all fake, and told him not to believe it easily.So when another thing appeared, his attention was quickly drawn away.

"Does anyone else have those two little puppet figures of yours? And they're still exactly the same?"

She could no longer think of another reason to explain what happened after her rebirth, so she had no choice but to ask tentatively.

"No! No! It was drawn by Xiaoyi himself, and it cannot be drawn by other people. Xiaoyi guarantees that this is unique..."

Leng Mingyi said firmly, without the slightest hesitation.Because he begged Jun Jingyu to find someone to help him do it, but the drawings were drawn by himself!

"You know how to draw? Why didn't I know that?" Mu Qianyu looked at Leng Mingyi in surprise. He could draw?how is this possible?Hasn't he never been to school?No one called him!

"Of course I will, there are a lot of little ones who know it! It's just that the baby doesn't know." Leng Mingyi patted his chest a few times, boasting to Mu Qianyu as if I was very powerful and proud.

Mu Qianyu smiled helplessly, why does this guy feel like he's boasting?
"Okay! From now on, Xiaoyi will show me one by one, okay?"

"it is good!"

Today is the start of the state banquet, and the entire palace and even the entire Wanling Capital are very busy.

So people in the palace got up very early to prepare the things for the banquet and set up the palace banquet.

The state banquet started quickly, usually starting in the morning and continuing into the evening.This is a tradition that has continued over the years.

Therefore, royal nobles from all over the world got up early, and then brought their families to the main hall.

The seat arrangement in the main hall was arranged by someone sent by Mu Qiancheng. He has been preparing for the state banquet these days, and he is almost exhausted.

In the past, Hua Qianying helped him and shared part of it for him, but this time, Mu Yan arranged a new task for Hua Qianying, so this matter was directly handed over to him alone.

According to Mu Qianyu's words to comfort Mu Qiancheng, it's called hard work for the capable.

(End of this chapter)

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