Chapter 187
He looked around, looked back and forth several times, but couldn't find the person he was looking for.

He reached out and touched his chin and thought to himself: Where did that little fox go?It's been so long that I haven't seen that cunning little fox appear.

It's really strange, could it be that the little fox is still in bed?
Li Qingfeng curled his lips and shook his head, this girl is really lazy!

Just as the people in the hall were chatting with each other, there was a voice outside the door, and everyone's eyes turned towards the door of the hall.

Two people, a man and a woman, appeared at the gate of the hall, and everyone took a deep breath.

The woman looked like twelve or thirteen years old, she was petite and cute, her hair was not well-groomed like all the female relatives present, she simply tied her hair up with a hosta.

The long hair falls behind her like a waterfall, simple but with a special flavor.

Palm-sized oval face, curved willow-leaf eyebrows, delicate cherry lips, fair and pink cheeks.A pair of almond eyes sparkled.

A white dress made her look like a nine-day fairy.

The man was dressed in black, showing his elegance, tall body, handsome face, fair skin, and thin lips, he was the darling of heaven.

It's like a handsome man and a pretty woman, a match made in heaven.

Mu Qianyu felt different gazes from different directions, some were envious, some were jealous, and others?Congratulations and resentment?
Mu Qianyu didn't bother so much, but just grabbed Leng Mingyi's hand tightly again.

Leng Mingyi has almost never been to such an occasion, let alone tried not to have so many people staring at him with all kinds of eyes, so he was very nervous.

Mu Qianyu gently pressed Leng Mingyi's hand with his own, and then smiled lightly, indicating that he was fine.

"Ah! Monster! It's blue-eyed, blue-eyed monster!"

I don't know from which direction the exclamation came, and people's eyes were directly aimed at Leng Mingyi's lake blue eyes.

Everyone stared straight at Leng Mingyi's monster-like eyes, and subconsciously wanted to back away.Especially the people at the tables closer to Leng Mingyi.

"Shut up!" Mu Qianyu yelled angrily, interrupting the discussion and screaming of everyone present.

She exuded a bitingly cold aura, and her extremely cold eyes scanned everyone present calmly.

Her hands tightly held Leng Mingyi's big hand.He could deeply feel that the hands in his hands were trembling with fear at this moment.

"Which of you dare to say one more thing, believe it or not, this princess told you to come in vertically and go out horizontally? Don't think that this princess can't do it, you have the courage to try it! Let's see whether it is your fate or this princess. The princess's knife is hard."

Mu Qianyu dragged Leng Mingyi slowly through the long red carpet, and finally got to his seat, while Leng Mingyi sat beside him.

Everyone was frightened by the aura released by this little girl. Everyone stopped screaming and talking, and just looked at the woman in a daze.But there was only one person who ate the delicious food on his table regardless.

That person is Jun Jingyu.

He wasn't worried about Leng Mingyi's situation at all.Because this is Wan Ling, no one dares to openly oppose Wan Ling, not to mention Mu Qianyu will definitely protect Leng Mingyi.

So what's the matter with him, it's better to eat more to be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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