Chapter 188 Li Qingfeng's Hatred
"Ah, you are laughing at me. The little girl is stubborn and doesn't understand the rules. I am here to accompany you. Eat and drink to your heart's content, don't be polite!"

Seeing the awkward situation, Mu Yan immediately spoke to appease the people from various countries below.

Then he glanced at Mu Qianyu pretending to be reproachful, Mu Qianyu raised his eyebrows, stuck out his tongue at Mu Yan mischievously, and rolled his eyes.

Mu Yan who was sitting at the top shook his head helplessly when he saw Mu Qianyu's movements.

This girl really didn't save him any face, and she didn't know how to be polite to him at all.

Although Mu Yan thinks this way, other people don't think so.

Although on the surface they complimented Mu Yan politely, "no problem", and Mu Qianyu said "frank" and "cute", but in fact, they had their own calculations in their hearts.

Especially Concubine Yun Gui of Yun Li Kingdom, Empress Yun Cang and Leng Jiao.

They felt that Mu Qianyu didn't understand the rules at all, and it was just another embarrassment to Wan Ling.

Concubine Yun Gui disliked Mu Qianyu when Mu Qianyu first walked in.In fact, this is also a woman's nature.

No woman would accept a woman who was several times less than herself, especially when she found that both Emperor Yunli's and Li Qingfeng's eyes were glued to that woman's body, which made her even more upset.

When they were in Yunli Kingdom before, the eyes of those men never left her.Now that something that belongs to her has been snatched away, it's no wonder she feels happy!
"Your Majesty, my concubine wants to eat grapes." Concubine Yun's limp body threw herself into Emperor Yunli's arms, coquettishly coquettish.

The voice was so soft that it almost went to people's hearts.

Her words made Emperor Yunli divert his gaze, he looked down at the soft and boneless little woman nestling in his arms, stretched out his hand to hug her, wishing to directly rub her into his bones.

He reached out to pick up a grape from the table, peeled it himself and fed it to Concubine Yun Gui.

But Mu Qianyu saw Li Qingfeng who was sitting at the table next to Emperor Yunli, with his hands clenched into fists, his eyes gleaming with endless hatred and looking at the two people who were lying on their sides.

She rolled her eyes, then picked up a small grape on the plate, and then quietly smashed it over there.

Li Qingfeng was staring at the two people at the table next to him, resentment and murderous intent shot out from his eyes, when he suddenly felt his leg was hit by something.

When he looked down, he saw a grape rolling on the ground.He frowned and looked around, and finally met Mu Qianyu's playful eyes.

He understood the meaning in Mu Qianyu's eyes, which seemed to be mocking and sympathetic, but there was still a bit of admiration that he didn't know where it came from.

Mu Qianyu signaled him to go out and talk with his eyes, then leaned into Leng Mingyi's ear and whispered a few words, then stood up and planned to go outside.

It's just that before she could take a step, someone grabbed her sleeve.

Mu Qianyu turned around and looked at Leng Mingyi suspiciously, only to hear Leng Mingyi coquettish to her: "Xiao Yi wants to go with Wa Wa, Xiao Yi wants to stay with Wa Wa."

Mu Qianyu smiled, stretched out his hand and rubbed the top of Leng Mingyi's head, and coaxed him softly: "Xiao Yi, I'll be back in a while, my dear, didn't I call myself hungry a long time ago? Be obedient and eat here, okay?"

After saying that, Mu Qianyu reached out and picked up a piece of pastry from the plate and fed it to Leng Mingyi's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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